Saturday, December 23, 2006
Personal Evangelism: Lesson Six
We are discussing ways in which we can get contacts to set up a bible study in our community. On lesson five, we discussed "Using Opportunities". Today, we are concerned with "Praying for Opportunities ". In Matt.6:10, what we commonly call the Lord's Prayer, we see Jesus teaching us to pray," Thy will be done". God wants His will to be done, He will have His will to be done, and a very big part of His will is that people might be saved. Isn'that why He sent Jesus"? The Lord is not willing that any should perish. IIPet.3:9. You, my fellow Christian, can be an instrument that God uses to bring salvation to people. Doesn't Paul say, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels? Yes he sure does. So as I begin my search for students to teach, I talk with God about it. I tell God that I desire Him to help me in finding some one to teach. I believe God answers prayer, and I surely believe that God has answered my prayer many times in helping me find those to teach. When we are home we keep as full a schedule as possible in teaching people in the community. Of course, when we are on sojourns, that is our major effort. On sojourns, we are seeking people that we have never met or seen before. Our approach there is a little different than it is in a community in which we live. As most of you readers will be seeking people in your community, our lessons are prepared for you in mind. After we have used opportunities, and prayed for opportunities, and as yet we might not have a prospect, we try and "Make Opportunities". These opportunities often avail themselves with people who realize they have some problems. Someone may have some health problems. One might ask, "may I pray with you and for you?" ( You know, I am 65 and I can not remember anyone saying "no"when I asked, may I pray for you?) Someone of whom you are aware may be having financial problems. It could be they are trying to find meaning in life in "stuff". You might try and show them how they can find meaning in Jesus. You might help them grow in their learning of the importance of marriage and family. You can remind them how important your church family is to you. Now sadly, after you have worked with people who are having difficulties, there may be an attitude by some, "we don't want those problems brought in here at church." Remember what Jesus said in Mark 2:17, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
As you receive this message it may very well be Christmas Ev. Now I don't really know when our Lord was born and I don't think any one else does either. But I sure and glad He was born and that He lived and taught me how to be right with God and how to be saved. I am sure glad He paid my sin debt. I am thrilled to know that somewhere in Jerusalem there is a tomb where once lay the body of Jesus of Nazareth, but who by God's might power was raised from the dead. The absolute proof to me that He was who He said He was and what He said was true. Merry Christmas Don & Rosemary
We are discussing ways in which we can get contacts to set up a bible study in our community. On lesson five, we discussed "Using Opportunities". Today, we are concerned with "Praying for Opportunities ". In Matt.6:10, what we commonly call the Lord's Prayer, we see Jesus teaching us to pray," Thy will be done". God wants His will to be done, He will have His will to be done, and a very big part of His will is that people might be saved. Isn'that why He sent Jesus"? The Lord is not willing that any should perish. IIPet.3:9. You, my fellow Christian, can be an instrument that God uses to bring salvation to people. Doesn't Paul say, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels? Yes he sure does. So as I begin my search for students to teach, I talk with God about it. I tell God that I desire Him to help me in finding some one to teach. I believe God answers prayer, and I surely believe that God has answered my prayer many times in helping me find those to teach. When we are home we keep as full a schedule as possible in teaching people in the community. Of course, when we are on sojourns, that is our major effort. On sojourns, we are seeking people that we have never met or seen before. Our approach there is a little different than it is in a community in which we live. As most of you readers will be seeking people in your community, our lessons are prepared for you in mind. After we have used opportunities, and prayed for opportunities, and as yet we might not have a prospect, we try and "Make Opportunities". These opportunities often avail themselves with people who realize they have some problems. Someone may have some health problems. One might ask, "may I pray with you and for you?" ( You know, I am 65 and I can not remember anyone saying "no"when I asked, may I pray for you?) Someone of whom you are aware may be having financial problems. It could be they are trying to find meaning in life in "stuff". You might try and show them how they can find meaning in Jesus. You might help them grow in their learning of the importance of marriage and family. You can remind them how important your church family is to you. Now sadly, after you have worked with people who are having difficulties, there may be an attitude by some, "we don't want those problems brought in here at church." Remember what Jesus said in Mark 2:17, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
As you receive this message it may very well be Christmas Ev. Now I don't really know when our Lord was born and I don't think any one else does either. But I sure and glad He was born and that He lived and taught me how to be right with God and how to be saved. I am sure glad He paid my sin debt. I am thrilled to know that somewhere in Jerusalem there is a tomb where once lay the body of Jesus of Nazareth, but who by God's might power was raised from the dead. The absolute proof to me that He was who He said He was and what He said was true. Merry Christmas Don & Rosemary