Friday, December 15, 2006

Picture above are several members of the Church at Bayou La Batre. Rosemary and I greatly enjoyed our work with them this past summer. We conducted some 14 bible studies with these fine brethren. The church here is really just getting started and already they are working, saving and planning to either build or buy a meeting house. When people ask me about donating to this work, I recommend they send contributions for this work to the Whites Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe La. WFR is helping greatly in this work.
Picture at the bottom is a group of the Christians who meet at Peace River. That is in Punta Gorda. These brethren with the help of many other brethren have a new building that is nearly half finished. It is going to be a very functional building that can be used not only for worship, but also will serve well for many outreach activities. Br. Doug English and his wonderful wife Evie sacrificially serve this congregation not only by Doug's preaching and teaching but in visitation, bible study and Christian caring for people. If you or your congregation would like to help in this work you may call Br. Doug English at 941-628-6472. Rosemary and I have been privileged to have a part in both of these good works by way of our mission work. We preached and taught Sun. School class this past Sun. at Peace River and followed that with personal work while there that lead to two baptisms. We look forward to a couple weeks work in personal work and teaching the open bible method of bible teaching at Bayou La Batre this April. Brethren, the fields are white unto harvest. There are somethings I can't do much about. If I spend a little spiritual energy or a lot of spiritual energy, I won't make much difference. On the other hand there are somethings, like telling people how they can be saved, teaching young christians what the bible says about worshiping and living the Christian life and caring for and about people that I can spend spiritual energy and doing something about. Thats what I want to do. I hope you do too. Don