Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A few problems and obstacles notwithstanding, we have still had a very successful mission trip here in Key West. We have had 16 bible studies with two or more people studying with us and have one more scheduled at 4:00 this afternoon. (Wed.) A total of seven people have put on Christ in baptism and we are having many follow up studies with them to help teach them about worship and life as a Christian. The people of the community have been very receptive to us. Rosemary has taken several pictures of our work here, and we will try to get them on a forthcoming blog. We are staying for bible study here tonight. We leave tomorrow morning to work for a couple of weeks with the Driftwood Church of Christ in Hollywood, Fla. This church is located on our old family farm and when I was a young child up to about the age of 15, I spent many hours herding cattle on this farm. We had a very good mission there last year. The brethren there are most receptive and helpful in the work. The sojourners that work here in Key West were Neil&Thelma, Joe&Gladys, Jack&Marlyn, and Don&Rosemary. These new converts are very interested in the church, in bible study and I believe, they will be a real asset to the work here. Don