Monday, January 01, 2007


There are many opportunities within the Chruch of Christ to do mission work. Sometimes, I know we wish we could work in all of them. The DRT, Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, DRT, has been involved this past week in Van Cleave, Miss. helping repair houses. Volunteers have come from Ala., Freed-Hardeman, and Maryland to help in this effort. Talking with Mike, the big fellow in the red shirt in these pictures, he says the next work camp will be at the Fla. Bible Camp beginning Jan. 28.
Just talked with people in S.W. Fla. where we baptized a mother and daughter a couple of weeks ago, the lady we baptized has set up several studies for us when we get down there next week. We will do these Studies using the open bible method before we go on to Key West with the Sojourners.
A suggestion I have concerning studying the bible with people: Do not be discouraged with people if they do not immediately agree with you even if it is written in "black and white and red" Many times they may have been or are now very active in some group and may have been that way for years. It is hard for some people to agree to change in a few short days or even weeks. Don't count that a failure on your part. Sow the Seed, Water the Seed, God will give the increase in His Own good time. Remember, the Apostle Paul said, "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: " ICor.1:17 Don

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