Saturday, February 03, 2007
We really thought we would be able to put pictures on the blog today. Rosemary has taken some really nice ones. But... the printer for some reason is not responding so until we get that straighten out we will not be able to send any. Our Team Leader, Neal, has us all prepared to begin our work in the evangelism and physical efforts Mon. We have taken a couple of days rest as the work in Key West was very intense and some degree of stress was involved. How ever, I believe we will all be ready for a couple of good weeks work beginning this Mon. The brethren here at Hollywood are very receptive and helpful to our efforts in evangelism and we look forward to worshiping with them in the morning. The building is surrounded by working class homes and we are looking forward to telling many of them the story of Jesus. Our team here consists of Neal & Thelma, Neal is our team leader, Joe & Gladys, Joe is our Co- Team leader, Jack & Marlyn, Jack is our song leader, Walt and Marge, Rosemary & me. Walt and Marge just joined us here yesterday, but are no strangers to sojourning. Rosemary and I serve on a sojourn under their leadership in Pottstown, Pa. a couple of years ago. Talked with Mike and Mark of the DRT concerning the tornado disaster in Cen. Fla. They are working right now trying to determine how to help and will be putting the info on their blog. When I receive it, I will try and get it on this blog. Don