Saturday, March 17, 2007
Bible Study: Wait for the Message
Hab.2:3, Judges 6:37-39
I. God speaks to His Children today
Heb.1:1-3, Eph.3:17-19, IThes.2:13
Acts 17:11, Jn.5:39
God does speak to His children today thru His word.
I want to wait for the message.
II. Wait for the message of salvation - the most important
message, that I will ever receive.
ICor.6:2, Rm.10:17 Jn.6:63, IJn.3:2, Jn.1:12
III. Wait for the message for my personal life. God has a way
He want me to live.
Mt.7:13&14 Mt.7:7, I Jn.5:14, Ps.121:1&2
I can live my life to glorify God...
Hab.2:3, Judges 6:37-39
I. God speaks to His Children today
Heb.1:1-3, Eph.3:17-19, IThes.2:13
Acts 17:11, Jn.5:39
God does speak to His children today thru His word.
I want to wait for the message.
II. Wait for the message of salvation - the most important
message, that I will ever receive.
ICor.6:2, Rm.10:17 Jn.6:63, IJn.3:2, Jn.1:12
III. Wait for the message for my personal life. God has a way
He want me to live.
Mt.7:13&14 Mt.7:7, I Jn.5:14, Ps.121:1&2
I can live my life to glorify God...