Thursday, March 15, 2007

Picture above is an example of the supplies that are sent by the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief in Nashville, Tn. Below is pictured just one of the many people who were helped by these supplies during one of the disasters I am sure you are aware of the tornado that hit Enterprize, Al. There are many volunteers with the Church of Christ Disaster Response Team working there and they can use more. May I suggest you email them if you can help. On another matter. We conducted the first class in a three Wed. night class on personal work at Wilson Av. in Tullahoma last night. Br. Randy Davis is the minister there. I have never had a more enthusiastic group of people show up. They are ready to go. We carried 50 bibles, they took those and said, order 50 more. We are teaching the Open Bible Method of teaching. They can hardly wait to get thru the next two class and begin teaching. Don't forget to check out Mike Baker's articles on Don