Sunday, April 01, 2007
Good News, it looks like the Bayou Le Batre Church of Christ is at last going to have a building. An offer has been made on an existing church building and is expected to be signed this Wed. We will be putting pictures and more info on the blog as it becomes available. If you would like to work at Bayou Le Batre, a group of us plan to be there the last week in April, to help clean, and work on the building, to spend the week knocking doors, setting up bible studies and preaching thru the last week in April. This is a great little group of God's people who have really been some trials and tribulations, but have refused to quit and give up. You will love them. They are such an encouragement. I know Russ will be there along with Dave and a group from Ohio. It will be work, but with Russ and Dave there, it will also be fun. More later. Church what an opportunity. Don