Friday, April 06, 2007

Good News!! These pictures are about some of the work in the Bayou La Batre area of South Alabama. In the above picture we are helping people with food and other necessities needed after Katrina. Below is a picture of two of the workers that mean so much to the people there, Joe and Gladys. At the time of Katrina, the church was not meeting there, but because of some many of us going into help the peoplel Bayou La Batre now has a congregation of the Church of Christ. Now they need a building and have an agreement with a denominational group to buy their building. The cost of this building, which the brethren believe will be adequate for future growth, is $125,000. If you or the congregation where you attend can help, it will be greatly appreciated. I know these brethren having spent a lot of time there and am planning to go back to help the church there in about 2 weeks, they are a fine loving church, dedicated to reaching out to others with the gospel. I stand amazed at how much they have been able to grow. They have taught many and have baptized several people. They have an attendance in rented facilities of about 30. With a permanent building and a located preacher, this congregation, I believe, has a good future. Please send a contribution no matter how small or "how large" to Bayou La Batre Church of Christ P.O. Box218 Bayou La Batre, Al. 36509
Feel free to call me about any info you may desire about this church. About 40 of us from as far away as Ohio plan to descend on Bayou La Batre in two weeks where we will spend about a week to 10 days knocking on doors, teaching the bible and helping any way we can. Want to join us? Don