Saturday, April 14, 2007

A photograph has been requested of yours truly for several upcoming events of this year including the work in Bayou La Batre. As I am not experienced in filing attachments, this is the only way I knew how to get it out over the internet.
Have talked with Daphne and Russ as well as others thru the day and everyone is excited about the upcoming mission in Bayou La Batre. This afternoon, I called some people that I had met while working down there. I asked them if I could study the Bible when I came down there next week and they gladly accepted. We received a shipment of 50 Bibles yesterday. The Howell Church is going to help us mark them this Wed. evening. We hope to use all 50 of them. The church there is very excited about their new building possibility, even though it needs some repair work, when completed, it will be a great aid in the growth of the church there. Many of you read David Sargent's message each week and I'm happy to tell you that this fine young man is going to speak at the lectureship at BLB two weeks from tonight. Thanks for you continued contribution to this work. As we last reported the contributions that you have sent for their building program is now over $45,000 and I have received a call today of another contribution that is being sent. This is a work, that I believe you can feel good about helping. Keep praying for our efforts there. Don