Friday, April 20, 2007

Pictured here in the blue blouse is Daphne, a real worker, not only in the church in Bayou La Batre, but a great helper of people in the community. I received this email from Carol Ogle of the White's Ferry Road Relief Ministry, Coordinator. Carol wrote, "Daphne German, director of the Bayou Relief Project in Bayou La Batre. was named the recipient of the 2007 Heart of Gold"award by the Moble County association of Lions Clubs on Thursday, April 19. What a recognition of Daphne's tireless and dedicated work in the hurricane relief efforts for the last year and a half." Daphne is one of the most sacrificial dedicated people in the church that I ( Don) know of. She has helped me a great deal in setting up bible studies in the Bayou. She knows "everybody" and "everybody" knows her. May I also add Daphne's e mail address is is you want to contact her. On another subject, Br. Mike Baker has a daily devotional site at . I find it to be very encouraging and uplifting. We are making final preparations for our mission trip to BLB this coming Mon. The Howell church has bought and marked 50 student bibles for us to use in this effort. The first Wed. in May we begin our next seminar teaching the Open Bible Method of Bible teaching. We received a case of 50 bibles which we will use in this upcoming seminar at the Friendship Church of Christ in Lincoln Co. Tenn.
Received such an encouraging email from Dave Neil of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio. This is a congregation of nearly 100 members who are quite active in outreach and they have had 5 baptisms this year already. Several of their members are coming to BLB for this evangelistic effort. Br. Dave is going to speak this Sun. night. He is an elder and a very dedicated worker esp. in the area of outreach. Rosemary and I are looking forward to being with the good Somerset Church in late May. Thanks for your prayers and support of these efforts. Don