Monday, April 09, 2007

This is a picture of just a few of the children that attended Bayou La Batre Church of Christ, when we were there last. This church is blest with a number of young people and the church is deeply interested and involved in reaching out to others. We look forward to working again with the young church in just a couple of weeks. We will be knocking on doors introducing people to the church and setting up bible studies with them. We look forward to again attending the Wilson Av. Church of Christ this Wed. evening for our last session in teaching the Open Bible Method of teaching the Bible. This church is really looking forward to using this method which is so easy yet so effective in teaching the Word. Evangelism is so important. There are many ways that individuals and churches can be involved. Let me pass on to you a very effective method used by the Howell Church of Christ. This is the church where I am privileged to preach when we are home. The church has been very helpful to Rosemary & me is our efforts of missions. Now they are not only helping, but facilitating our work so that even more evangelism can be done. Last night this congregation of between 30 and 40 souls began providing great financial support to us in these missions. The church not located in a heavily populated area such as a town where opportunity for local evangelism is readily available, but rather is a rural community where many of us drive many miles, 5, 10, 20 to 25 miles to worship together. Yet they so much want to help in reaching others with the gospel. Yes there is a lot that churches small in number can do. Don