Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Great News. I received an email that the contract for a building in Bayou La Batre has been signed. Many volunteers from many places have signed up in the repair and "fix-up" of the building. This building was before a Methodist Church building that had received some storm damage. It is a brick building with a nice sized auditorium, a very adequate fellowship building, plenty of parking and an on site parsonage. Now is a good time to help them finish paying for this building. This church is very concerned about evangelizing as influenced by the campaign just a couple of weeks ago in which 21 people were baptized. Please, if you can, make a contribution to these brethren to help in this great work. Bayou La Batre Church of Christ P.O. Box218 Bayou La Batre, Al. 36509
On an other good matter, Br. Henry Pendegrass emails me about the new work going in Lewistown, Montana. Br. Henry and his wife Agnes, have only been in Montana working with this new church sinceJan, and the work - because a lot of hard work by Henry & Agnes - is really going good. Here is an excerpt of Br. Henry's recent email. Dear Br. Don thank you for your interest in the work here in Montana and elsewhere as we have seen from recent email and your Blog site. The work here is increasing in numbers. We have been going into the "byways" and inviting everyone to the "feast". Yesterday we had our highest attendance yet - 18. We are in the process of buying a lot on which to build. It is 1 and 1/3 acres on the highway as you enter Lewistown from the east. If we can close the deal, we will need some help to build.
I will keep you updated about these two work with which I am familiar. I believe we can see from both of these reports how important going out and inviting, offering to set up bible studies and caring can be a real asset to the growth of the church. Don

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