Friday, May 18, 2007

Pictured here are several voluteers from the Somerset Church of Christ. Rosemary and I are looking forward in being with this good church next week. We will be helping in their outreach seminar next Sat. discussing methods in reaching people in personal evangelism. Invitations have been sent out to surrounding congregations and we are looking forward in participating in this out reach, church growth seminar. We will be dicussing the use of the Open Bible method of bible teaching. I also look forward teaching Bible Study Sun. morn. We will be discussing how to make the church a center in the community. We will also be preaching Sun. morn., ev. and Mon. ev. This church has studied the open bible method and several of the members helped in the Bayou La Batre mission led by Russ Blackwell. Dave, Don and Larry are fine elders there and Doug is the minister there.
Want to encourage you to read David's article "Living Waters" at www.creekwoodcc.or also received some good info on Mike's blog about the Fla. Bible Camp and also about the work of DRT in Kansas.
On a personal note, Rosemary and leave in the morning for Nashville, where we will see our 2nd grandson Donald C. Hudson III graduate from David Lipscomb High School. He will enter Lipscomb Un. the fall. Yes we are proud of him. Good Night Don