Monday, May 28, 2007
Rosemary and I have had a great five days with the church here at Somerset, Ohio. We trust we have been an encouragement to them as they have been to us. This church is very active in missions and is very interested in working to spread the gospel and build the church in this community. Much of our discussion has been about ways to reach others and build the church in Somerset. They have three fine elders, Don, Dave, and Larry. Our lesson tonight will be about Jesus, "He has done all things well." We leave in the morning heading for home. By the way if you are or know someone who is interested in the Sojourners' help, it would be good to go ahead now and fill out an application for a Sojourn. You can go to the web site and pull up an application. There always more applications than we can fill, but we are very interested in helping the church and church related activities such as camps, schools etc. Don