Wednesday, May 09, 2007

This is a copy of a magnet "sticker" that we have just ordered. We will use this as we door knock, setting up bible studies. Frankly, I got the idea from another group that I saw going from house to house leaving a small flower with people from their church. Everybody seemed to appreciated it and it was quite a positive talking point about that church. I have a good friend whom I baptized a few months ago and wants to help in evangelism. She makes these magnet stick ons for about .40 cents a piece. When I give this to someone as I am trying to set up a bible study, my hope is that if not at that time, maybe later they will call me to either set up a bible study with them or get someone else to. I believe this will be a good door opener and will leave people with a positive identification with the church. If you or your congregation would like to have some of these magnet "stickers"made with your message, at this very reasonable price, email me and I will get you in contact with Cathy. Looking forward to leaving in a few minutes and going to Friendship in Lincoln Co. Tenn. to teach the 2nd lesson using the open bible method of bible study. You might check Mike's blog site for info on the DRT going to Kansas, My email Don