Tuesday, May 01, 2007

This picture is of a baptism we had last Tues. night in our mission in Bayou La Batre. We baptized three that first day of the work. Joe, Joan, Mike. They are surrounded by some of us who witness their baptism. Far right Dapne, far left Sandy, George, Don, Rosemary in front holding Joan's baby. We are looking forward to telling you about this weeks mission work. It was great. Many people went door to door inviting people to worship, inviting them to study the bible and we really worked. There were 21 (twenty one )baptims in this effort. Who said people are not interested in studing the bible any more? Who said we can't reach people anymore? Brethren the word is still just as powerful as it always was. Wise people still seek Him. I want to thank so many of you who prayed for this effort, for so many of you who supported this effort financially. With your help the kingdom in the BLB area was greatly expanded. We are looking forward to starting a seminar at Friendship tomorrow night and for the next 5 weeks on how to help in church growth thru the use of the Open Bible Method of bible study. I can tell you this the Open Bible Study Method is one of the most effective, easy, methods that I have ever used. It was Rosemary and my personal experience that only one person with whom we studied and there were several, did not respond to the invitation to be baptized at the conclusion of the study. They really teach themselves. By the way I want to refer you to Mike's new web site on the work in missions in which he is involved. www.mikesmissionupdates.blogspot.com It's late but just had to get this good news out. Brethren the fields are still as white as they ever were. I heard a devotion the other day talking about Peter getting out of the boat to walk on the water and how this experience was a faith builder for him. I thought, "just as Peter got out of the boat, we have got to get out of the church building and into the community with Jesus message". Jesus message wasn't just "you all come", it was also you all go." More tomorrow. Please tell your friends about this blog. http://donchudson.blogspot.com If we can help in your church growth outreach program, our time is your time. And please know this if we can help there is no charge. Again I say no charge, we just want to help and we know that a good out reach program is still very effective. Good Night. Don