Thursday, May 10, 2007
We received this email from Don Yelton who is the Director of the Whites Ferry Road Relief work.
Dear Friends:
By midnight last Friday eleven Greensburg families, members of the church of Christ, were homeless. Ninety-five percent of their town was destroyed. They attended Wednesday evening services in the nearby Mullinsville church of Christ and left that night having no idea that within just 48 hours their lives would be changed forever.
The small town of Greensburg, Kansas, located about 100 miles west of Wichita, was ripped to shreds by the violent tornado which hit the town in a 1.7 mile wide path of terror on Friday night, May 6. At the request of the church in Mullinsville and on behalf of WFR Relied I will go to the stricken area tomorrow to pray with the people, offer our hand of friendship, answer the phone and just help out fro a few days, We will deliver funds for immediate needs to relieve some of the suffering in central Kansas even as we continue providing Katrina relief along the Gulf Coast. We will also install a computer for Internet service to help the church there with their communications.
The first and foremost goal of our ministry is to offer hope to those who are hurting. By assuring people affected by disasters that their immediate needs will be taken care of they can look to the future with confidence and be assured that Christian brothers and sisters around the world care and are praying for them.
Almost two years ago you helped WFR Relief deliver supplies of food, water, building materials and volunteers to Churches of Christ all along the gulf coast who were striving to help their members and their communities recover from the hurricane damage. After Katrina came Rita and several other hurricanes, floods and storms in the Caribbean. There is still much work to be done all along the gulf coast and those funds are almost gone.
We must have your partnership and financial support to be able to continue to be ready to bring hope and help to people whose lives have been devastated by disasters. Please pray for us as we reach out to them.
WFR Relief is using our emergency start-up fund for the Kansas disaster We need to replenish that fund to provide more help to the churches in Mullinsvill, Pratt, saint John and other Kansas communities. We must also be ready to help others in this storm season. Even as this letter is being written, floods threaten many areas. Please be generous.
Checks may be made to "WFR Relief"and notated for the "Kansas tornadoes and U.S. Storms" account. You may also use Pay Pal or a credit card at our website:
God Bless you for caring
Don Yelton
"If you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light rises in the darkness and your night shines like the noonday" Isaiah 58:10
The address of the WFR Relief Ministry is White's Ferry Road Church of Christ
3201 N.7th street
West Monroe, La. 71291
Dear Friends:
By midnight last Friday eleven Greensburg families, members of the church of Christ, were homeless. Ninety-five percent of their town was destroyed. They attended Wednesday evening services in the nearby Mullinsville church of Christ and left that night having no idea that within just 48 hours their lives would be changed forever.
The small town of Greensburg, Kansas, located about 100 miles west of Wichita, was ripped to shreds by the violent tornado which hit the town in a 1.7 mile wide path of terror on Friday night, May 6. At the request of the church in Mullinsville and on behalf of WFR Relied I will go to the stricken area tomorrow to pray with the people, offer our hand of friendship, answer the phone and just help out fro a few days, We will deliver funds for immediate needs to relieve some of the suffering in central Kansas even as we continue providing Katrina relief along the Gulf Coast. We will also install a computer for Internet service to help the church there with their communications.
The first and foremost goal of our ministry is to offer hope to those who are hurting. By assuring people affected by disasters that their immediate needs will be taken care of they can look to the future with confidence and be assured that Christian brothers and sisters around the world care and are praying for them.
Almost two years ago you helped WFR Relief deliver supplies of food, water, building materials and volunteers to Churches of Christ all along the gulf coast who were striving to help their members and their communities recover from the hurricane damage. After Katrina came Rita and several other hurricanes, floods and storms in the Caribbean. There is still much work to be done all along the gulf coast and those funds are almost gone.
We must have your partnership and financial support to be able to continue to be ready to bring hope and help to people whose lives have been devastated by disasters. Please pray for us as we reach out to them.
WFR Relief is using our emergency start-up fund for the Kansas disaster We need to replenish that fund to provide more help to the churches in Mullinsvill, Pratt, saint John and other Kansas communities. We must also be ready to help others in this storm season. Even as this letter is being written, floods threaten many areas. Please be generous.
Checks may be made to "WFR Relief"and notated for the "Kansas tornadoes and U.S. Storms" account. You may also use Pay Pal or a credit card at our website:
God Bless you for caring
Don Yelton
"If you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light rises in the darkness and your night shines like the noonday" Isaiah 58:10
The address of the WFR Relief Ministry is White's Ferry Road Church of Christ
3201 N.7th street
West Monroe, La. 71291