Saturday, June 30, 2007

Pictured here are two of the elders of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio, acting out parts in VBS, "The Incredible Run". This is a congregation of about 100 members who are very active and becoming more active in out reach in the community. They had a very successful VBS. In part an e-mail I received reads as follows, "Our attendance, Sun. 106, Mon. 116, Tues. 109, Wed. 107, Thurs. 166. We had classes for the very young to the adult. A special effort was made for Thursday to get the parents of the kids from the community to attend. It worked. We plan to follow up with those from the community from the attendance records of the kids. This has been our best community effort and response for many years. Now it's on to prepare for our Church booth at the county fair next month. We share a booth with a sister congregation each year to promote Jesus, pass out literature,offer Bible studies, and give away bibles and commentaries.
This is a church, with which Rosemary and I worked this past May. It is a great group of Christians and are always endeavoring to reach out with the gospel to others. They have three really fine elders: Dave, Don and Larry.
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