Saturday, March 22, 2008

It is always good to get home. (for a while) The Howell Church where I preach is really growing. Our new fellowship building is not far off from completion. A lot of work has been done by the members. We all see how this building can be used to involve the community and help set up more bible studies and lead more people to the Lord. I am fortunate to preach at this little country church. They are very supportive of Rosemary and me in our mission work. The church really has a family atmosphere and that is said also by visitors as well as the members. Our nest schedule mission effort is with the Bayou La Batre Church of Christ beginning May 5 th. You may have read about this church in the Christian Chronicle. This is a very evangelistic church and they are doing a lot of work with the young people in BLB. The church building is now located on Hemly Rd. hence the name Hemly Road Church of Christ. We have done many bible studies there. Last year we were there for a week of bible studies with Russ Blackwell and co. We had many bible studies and baptized several people. We found people there very receptive to the gospel. I believe Dave Neal, an elder from the Somerset, Ohio Church of Christ is going to be there the week we are there. It is always a joy to work with Dave and his co. He is very dedicated to evangelism. Remember, the fields really are white unto harvest. Good Night Don

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