Thursday, April 03, 2008

As many of you know Henry and Agnes Pendegrass are in Lewistown, Montana working with a new congregation. Henry tells us that they have been averaging16 in attendance for worship, but on the 23rd of March, they had 26 in attendance. That is near the capacity of their present meeting place. The church has bought land and is in the process of building a meeting place. This is a young work and there are not many congregations of the church of Christ out there, but Henry and Agnes are very dedicated Christians and the church is growing there. The Montana State Lectureship is going to be in Belgrade Mt. this year. On another note, I am aware of another good work that needs a located preacher. The Key West Church of Christ. They have a very nice building, a nice fellowship hall and a beautiful preacher's house on a canal lot in Key West. I have found that Key West is a great place to engage people in bible study. In fact we were only able to be there a week back in Jan. and yet in that weeks time were able to baptize 5 people into Christ. Follow up is very important. We try to call all new converts, with whom we have had a part in teaching, at least once a month to be an encouragement to them. If you are interested in this work or might know someone who is, you can contact them at Work on our fellowship hall continues, we have the roof on and the windows should be in this coming week. Everyone in the community is interested in the growth of the Howell church and several people that are not even members have stopped by to help on the building. Good Night Don

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