Friday, October 31, 2008
Work feeding and careing for people in Galveston is progressing well. There were 884 meals served today. As you can imagine the cost of preparing these meals everyday is most expensive, but "Disaster Assistance"is able to provide this service because of so many christians like you sacrifically helping in this great work. Christians from Bayou La Batre, Al. came over to help. They are Daphne, Billy, Tina, Judy, and Pam. Christians from El Campo came over to help also. They are Larry, Jane, and Judy. Of course Mike and DD work everyday preparing and serving these meals. The Church of Christ is greatly appreciated in the area for showing their caring concern. Don
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Well how do I succeed as one who is reaching out to others with the message of Jesus? How do I get bible studies? How do I get contacts? These are excellent questions and we will start coming up with some answers in this session and for the next several sessions. Some of the answers and methods may not seem logical for the moment, but many who are involved in personal out-reach will tell you they are of great help.
In anything in life, if we are going to succeed, we have to prepare to succeed. Discipline is vital for success in any field of endeavor. Just so in our own personal outreach. One of the first things we need in outreach, is a realization of who we are. We are children of God Gal.3:26&27. We are strengthened by God's Spirit in our inner man. Eph.3:16. As a child of God with His influence in me, I can grow as I pray to the Great I Am. As a child of God, with His influence in me, I can grow as I read His Word. Someone has said, "when we pray we are talking to God, when we read the bible, that is God talking to me." Makes sense to me. So to succeed in our personal out reach, we need to prepare to succeed. Talk to God about it. Ask His advice, He wants people saved, thats why He sent Jesus. Isn't it reasonable that when God finds a person who wants to help save souls, that God would bless them mightily in this endeavor. I think so. I know of nothing more important in outreach than working to be prepared. Remember, it is work.
Another important principle in personal work, community evangelism, out reach, church growth, along with preparation, is "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care". I have always found it is easier to lead a person to the truth than to try and drive them to the truth. Do you like to be driven? Nobody else does either. We want to approach people with the honest desire of helping. There are those whose approach is to show people where all they are wrong and why. Do you accept much advice from people who approach you like this? I don't either. When, however, I meet someone, whom I have determined has my interest and well-being at heart, I'm prone to listen to that person. Probably, you are too. So the first thing I want to do after I have spent time preparing myself, is to let my prospective student know I care about them. If this is a long standing friend, they may very well know it. But it doesn't hurt to say, "You know ( name) I've known you for so long a time and you know that we are interested in each other, may I talk with you about something that is very important to both of us? Our souls, Jesus, God? You are showing genuine concern for this individual. You are showing you want to take your time and efffort to be of service to them. Your friend may very well say yes, or they may say no. If they say no, leave the conversation with this thought, if you ever want to talk about spiritual things, as your friend, I am available. When we are on a mission, inviting people to church and trying set up bible studies, my approach is this, I knock on the door having a bible tract in hand. I tell them I am with the local Church of Christ and we want to help people physically and spiritually. Do you know anyone who could use some help? It is on occasion that the person says yes I do. I want to talk with someone. I have a bible study. If I can, I study right then or I make an appointment convenient to them. If they say yes, "we need some help with groceries or something else, I do what I can. I, personally am limited to some money for some bread, eggs and milk or some diapers, so I go right then and get them and on my return I ask right then if I can pray with them. After that I immediately ask if we could study the bible together? It has been rare ( I can't remember one time) that as I help someone in this fashion that I have been turned down for a bible study. If they do turn me down, there's a good chance they will say something good about the Lord and the Church. If they say, I don't want to talk about it now or just plain no, I ask, : may I leave this tract with you? Never underestimate the power of a good tract. Remember, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Don
In anything in life, if we are going to succeed, we have to prepare to succeed. Discipline is vital for success in any field of endeavor. Just so in our own personal outreach. One of the first things we need in outreach, is a realization of who we are. We are children of God Gal.3:26&27. We are strengthened by God's Spirit in our inner man. Eph.3:16. As a child of God with His influence in me, I can grow as I pray to the Great I Am. As a child of God, with His influence in me, I can grow as I read His Word. Someone has said, "when we pray we are talking to God, when we read the bible, that is God talking to me." Makes sense to me. So to succeed in our personal out reach, we need to prepare to succeed. Talk to God about it. Ask His advice, He wants people saved, thats why He sent Jesus. Isn't it reasonable that when God finds a person who wants to help save souls, that God would bless them mightily in this endeavor. I think so. I know of nothing more important in outreach than working to be prepared. Remember, it is work.
Another important principle in personal work, community evangelism, out reach, church growth, along with preparation, is "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care". I have always found it is easier to lead a person to the truth than to try and drive them to the truth. Do you like to be driven? Nobody else does either. We want to approach people with the honest desire of helping. There are those whose approach is to show people where all they are wrong and why. Do you accept much advice from people who approach you like this? I don't either. When, however, I meet someone, whom I have determined has my interest and well-being at heart, I'm prone to listen to that person. Probably, you are too. So the first thing I want to do after I have spent time preparing myself, is to let my prospective student know I care about them. If this is a long standing friend, they may very well know it. But it doesn't hurt to say, "You know ( name) I've known you for so long a time and you know that we are interested in each other, may I talk with you about something that is very important to both of us? Our souls, Jesus, God? You are showing genuine concern for this individual. You are showing you want to take your time and efffort to be of service to them. Your friend may very well say yes, or they may say no. If they say no, leave the conversation with this thought, if you ever want to talk about spiritual things, as your friend, I am available. When we are on a mission, inviting people to church and trying set up bible studies, my approach is this, I knock on the door having a bible tract in hand. I tell them I am with the local Church of Christ and we want to help people physically and spiritually. Do you know anyone who could use some help? It is on occasion that the person says yes I do. I want to talk with someone. I have a bible study. If I can, I study right then or I make an appointment convenient to them. If they say yes, "we need some help with groceries or something else, I do what I can. I, personally am limited to some money for some bread, eggs and milk or some diapers, so I go right then and get them and on my return I ask right then if I can pray with them. After that I immediately ask if we could study the bible together? It has been rare ( I can't remember one time) that as I help someone in this fashion that I have been turned down for a bible study. If they do turn me down, there's a good chance they will say something good about the Lord and the Church. If they say, I don't want to talk about it now or just plain no, I ask, : may I leave this tract with you? Never underestimate the power of a good tract. Remember, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Don
Monday, October 27, 2008
Just talked with the Director of "Disaster Assistance", Mike, who reports that there were 909 meals served today. There is still a great need for this service in the Galveston area. Several Christians from the Lake Jackson Church as well as some Sojourners were there to help today. It was still a very full day. This work, including the opportunity to reach people with the message of Jesus, is made by not only your prayers, but also your sacrificial financial support. You can imagine the cost of serving 7,8,900 meals a day, seven days a week for this period of time. This work could not be do without you. God is being glorified, Christ is being magnified and His Church is being greatly appreciated and recognized for the caring concern Christians are showing. You are making a great work possible. We are doing our best to live up to the confidence and trust you have placed in us. Don
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The last attitude that is experienced in out-reach is one that can be especially appreciated by all of us involved community evangelism. This is the attitude of , "we can do it.'' This attitude grows from a realization of God's power and influence working the lives of His children. It is written in Eph.:3:16 ...That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. v.18 And to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. " It is also written in Phil. 2:13 "For it is God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure. "
Now these are powerful passages. God working mightily in the lives of His children. It's not just wishful thinking. God wants to work in His children, hencethe motivation, "we can do it."
There may some who right about now who are saying "this sounds good, but does it really work?" All I can tell you is of my personal experience. Some nearly 15 yrs ago, we began the work at Cornersville, Tn. In our nine years there, we baptized well over 100 people and the church more than doubled in size. I "retired" in 2003 and a year or so later began part time work with the Howell Church of Christ in Lincoln Co. Tenn. Our attendance at that time was in the upper teens to lower twenties. This morning Oct.26, 2008, we had 70 in attendance and had two families place membership. These are not necessarily spectacular results, they developed by striving to consistantly apply principles of church growth as found in the New Testament. With God's help, "we can do it". Don
Now these are powerful passages. God working mightily in the lives of His children. It's not just wishful thinking. God wants to work in His children, hencethe motivation, "we can do it."
There may some who right about now who are saying "this sounds good, but does it really work?" All I can tell you is of my personal experience. Some nearly 15 yrs ago, we began the work at Cornersville, Tn. In our nine years there, we baptized well over 100 people and the church more than doubled in size. I "retired" in 2003 and a year or so later began part time work with the Howell Church of Christ in Lincoln Co. Tenn. Our attendance at that time was in the upper teens to lower twenties. This morning Oct.26, 2008, we had 70 in attendance and had two families place membership. These are not necessarily spectacular results, they developed by striving to consistantly apply principles of church growth as found in the New Testament. With God's help, "we can do it". Don
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another attitude that can greatly diminish our effectiveness in out-reach, goes something like this, "People are not interested in the bible, church or religion anymore." May I tell you this, as a christian, I have found people are very interested in spiritual relationship with God. But don't just take only my experience, just look at the TV. Turn on any religious program. What do you see? Generally a building filled with people listening to a preacher, isn't that right? Now ask yourself this question, how many of those folks that you saw in the church house on TV got up in the morning and said, "I believe I'll go down to the church and get some false doctrine". I dare say none of them did. They thought they were going to hear a message from God's word. The point is today there are people who are not interested in spiritual things. There were those even in Jesus' day. Today, however, there are thousands, no doubt millions who are looking for relationship with God, and we have the "treasure in earthen vessels". You see the devil wants us to believe that people are not desirous of being right with God, but what did Jesus say? He said, "say not you there are three months and then comes the harvest? Behold I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look unto the fields for they are white already to harvest." Jesus teaches us to see the possibilities. The formula is simple. See the possibilities (goal), determine the price(needed effort), go to work.
Our next lesson will be, we can do it. We will look at how God helps us. Don
Our next lesson will be, we can do it. We will look at how God helps us. Don
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Another attitude that sometimes we hear expressed concerning church growth is, "they got to be doing something wrong to be growing that fast." This attitude will certainly not contribute to the growth of the congregation from where that remark is made. It has been my experience that when a congregation makes a real concerted effort for out reach, people respond, bible studies take place, people become christians and the church grows numerically. This should come as no surprise, didn't Jesus teach us to see the possibilities when he said, "look unto the fields they are white unto harvest". Now we never want to practice anything unscriptural nor do we want to encourage anything unscriptural, but a growth attitude might be, I want to see what they are doing that leads to their numerical growth. When I find out, if there is anything unscriptural, I don't want to do it, but if there is something a growing church is doing that is scriptural I want to see if I too can put it into practice. Now out reach takes work, it takes study, it takes prayer. It is my opinion that only seeing the faults of others is often an excuse for doing little. That's my opinion anyway. On the next lesson we are goingto discusss some church growth principles and attitudes. Don
Just talked to Mike at "Disaster Assisatance" this evening. They served 812 meals today. Mike got up at 1:30 in the morning to get the cookers going, as it takes several cooking to feed that many people.
It was our privelge to speak at the West Fayetteville Church of Christ last night and to be able to tell them some of the results accomplished by the workers of "Disaster Assistance". Well over 12,000 meals served and over 500 bible studies set up. As a supporter of "DA" we wanted to personally bring them up to date. The elders expressed appreciation in learning first hand the results of their efforts.
This is the first year of operation for "DA" and those of us associated with it are appreciative and really over whelmed by the support so many of you and so many congregations have given us. With your continues support we will continue to reach out to the hurting and those that do not know Jesus thru this ave. Make sure you read Mike's blog for nearly daily updates. Don
It was our privelge to speak at the West Fayetteville Church of Christ last night and to be able to tell them some of the results accomplished by the workers of "Disaster Assistance". Well over 12,000 meals served and over 500 bible studies set up. As a supporter of "DA" we wanted to personally bring them up to date. The elders expressed appreciation in learning first hand the results of their efforts.
This is the first year of operation for "DA" and those of us associated with it are appreciative and really over whelmed by the support so many of you and so many congregations have given us. With your continues support we will continue to reach out to the hurting and those that do not know Jesus thru this ave. Make sure you read Mike's blog for nearly daily updates. Don
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Let's discuss some attitudes toward outreach, community evangelism, personal work etc. that can lead to the growth of the church, both spiritually and physically.
This first attitude would be hard for me to believe if it had not been said directly to me. Many years ago, I lived near a congregation of the church, I did not attend there, but I knew many people there and of course wanted to be of any help I could be. I asked one of the leaders of that congregation if when their meeting came around if I could join them in handing out flyers or tracts up and down the road and invited people to the meeting? He said, "We don't do that." Now a church certainly doesn't have to pass out flyers up and down the road to let people know of a meeting. There are many other good ways. It was the rest of the sentence that dismayed me. He added, "they know we are here". We attended the meeting and frankly were impressed with the number of members they had at that time. Today however, it is a different story. It probably isn't surprizing to you that church is only a "shell" of what it used to be. Sadly this attitude, "They know we're here " is still around. Ask yourself would you want to attend a church with the attitude, "They know we're here"? You can only imagine how a person who visits a church like that for the first time would feel. I doubt they would be back. It is true the message of Jesus is" You all come", but it is also His message, "YOU All GO!!!" "I write unto you of all that Jesus began to do and teach." Don
This first attitude would be hard for me to believe if it had not been said directly to me. Many years ago, I lived near a congregation of the church, I did not attend there, but I knew many people there and of course wanted to be of any help I could be. I asked one of the leaders of that congregation if when their meeting came around if I could join them in handing out flyers or tracts up and down the road and invited people to the meeting? He said, "We don't do that." Now a church certainly doesn't have to pass out flyers up and down the road to let people know of a meeting. There are many other good ways. It was the rest of the sentence that dismayed me. He added, "they know we are here". We attended the meeting and frankly were impressed with the number of members they had at that time. Today however, it is a different story. It probably isn't surprizing to you that church is only a "shell" of what it used to be. Sadly this attitude, "They know we're here " is still around. Ask yourself would you want to attend a church with the attitude, "They know we're here"? You can only imagine how a person who visits a church like that for the first time would feel. I doubt they would be back. It is true the message of Jesus is" You all come", but it is also His message, "YOU All GO!!!" "I write unto you of all that Jesus began to do and teach." Don
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Let's discuss some methods which we use in getting a bible study. We especially use these method in "Disaster Assistance". We try to adapt our methods to the situation we face. Remember when we are working with "Disaster Assistance", under the eldership ot the Alachua Church of Christ in Alachua, Fla. (near Gainesville) , it is not difficult to go to where people are. It is obvious. Distress, in need and often in sorry. A good meal and supplies for the house are greatly appreciated.
When we go in to the community with food and supplies, we have pad and pen ready. We ask, " my I write you name so that we may check back with you to see if you can use further assistance"? If they give their name and almost always they do we then ask, may I have your telephone number please"? We assure them that someone from the church will be calling them in the next few days checking on them and ask them could we come by and visit, could we pray with you, could we read the bible with you, could we study the bible with you? Again the answer is almost always yes. In fact it is not unusual, if we miss someone for them to come to me and say, "can I sign up for bible study"? If we have the opportunity we, ourselves set up the bible study with them. It is good, however, when members of the local church go to these studies as that gives people at opportunity to meet members who obviously care about them and that they will see when they attend the local church. It is a good idea when you visit with people to let them know you will be looking for them when they get to church and you want them to sit with you. We have found that people want to belong to something they appreciate and admire. We have also found the people do not want to leave where they feel like they belong.
If you would like to find out more about "Disaster Assistance", go to Mike's web site Don
When we go in to the community with food and supplies, we have pad and pen ready. We ask, " my I write you name so that we may check back with you to see if you can use further assistance"? If they give their name and almost always they do we then ask, may I have your telephone number please"? We assure them that someone from the church will be calling them in the next few days checking on them and ask them could we come by and visit, could we pray with you, could we read the bible with you, could we study the bible with you? Again the answer is almost always yes. In fact it is not unusual, if we miss someone for them to come to me and say, "can I sign up for bible study"? If we have the opportunity we, ourselves set up the bible study with them. It is good, however, when members of the local church go to these studies as that gives people at opportunity to meet members who obviously care about them and that they will see when they attend the local church. It is a good idea when you visit with people to let them know you will be looking for them when they get to church and you want them to sit with you. We have found that people want to belong to something they appreciate and admire. We have also found the people do not want to leave where they feel like they belong.
If you would like to find out more about "Disaster Assistance", go to Mike's web site Don
Monday, October 20, 2008
Lesson #1 Community Evangelism
When it comes to teaching people about the Jesus of the bible, there are many names given to this process. Personal work, evangelism, bible study etc. I particularly like the idea of "community evangelism". We live in a community and we are seeking, for the most part, to encourage our friends, family and neighbors to involve themselves in a study of the bible.
In community evangelism, there is something for everyone to do. You may be saying, "I just can't go up and knock on someones' door and say, " would you like to study the bible? " There other important things that maybe you can do. You see for someone to obtain a study usually someone has to "open the door" for them. You may know someone who has expressed an interest in spiritual things and you may introduce a teacher to them. In the years we spent with the Cornersville congregation, we baptized a great number of people and the church grew greatly. When I moved there, I only knew one family. Members of the church introduced me to people and from there bible studies took place and several people were baptized into Christ. Maybe you know someone that you would like to know about Jesus. You can introduce them to the teacher. Kindness is a re inforcer of teaching. As someone is learning the word of God you can express to them the of the joy, care and concern that they can receive as a member of the church. There are many things you and I can do to make the introduction of bible study very interesting to new people. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Believe me great doors of opportunity for teaching have been opened for me to teach, because some christian first showed they care about the person that I was going to teach. Remember Jesus cared and He showed it. "Care unshown is care unknown."
Community evangelism is a real opportunity for growth, both spiritually and numerically. The apostle Peter's last words recorded are "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." II Pet.3:18 When you pray about someone that you want to reach, it's an opportunity for growth. When you study to prepare yourself to reach someone, it's an opportunity for growth. When someone obeys the gospel after being taught from the bible it's not only an opportunityfor spiritual growth, but also numerical growth.
Many christians have found that community evangelism is an excellent way to help reverse the trend of fewer christians in a congregation. Numbers going down? Remember how we used to involve ourselves in bible study with our friends? You, as I, may remember when we use to go to people's houses with our various teaching tools. People responded then and they respond now. The devil wants us to believe in "impossibly thinking" People aren't interested in the bible anymore, people aren't interested in church anymore". Jesus teaches us of "possibility thinking" He says look unto the fields they are white already unto harvest" Jn.4:35 We can see the possibilities, make a determination to pay the price and get moving. The truth is that people are very interested in church and the bible now. Just look at religious programming on TV. The church house is full. Do you really believe that someone got one morning and said "I believe I will go down to the church house and get some "false doctrine"? Of course not. People are seeking relationship with God and we have the treasure in earthen vessels. We can do it. Jesus said we could. I don't believe that God has given me a task and hasn't given me the where with all to do it, do you? Let's go.
When it comes to teaching people about the Jesus of the bible, there are many names given to this process. Personal work, evangelism, bible study etc. I particularly like the idea of "community evangelism". We live in a community and we are seeking, for the most part, to encourage our friends, family and neighbors to involve themselves in a study of the bible.
In community evangelism, there is something for everyone to do. You may be saying, "I just can't go up and knock on someones' door and say, " would you like to study the bible? " There other important things that maybe you can do. You see for someone to obtain a study usually someone has to "open the door" for them. You may know someone who has expressed an interest in spiritual things and you may introduce a teacher to them. In the years we spent with the Cornersville congregation, we baptized a great number of people and the church grew greatly. When I moved there, I only knew one family. Members of the church introduced me to people and from there bible studies took place and several people were baptized into Christ. Maybe you know someone that you would like to know about Jesus. You can introduce them to the teacher. Kindness is a re inforcer of teaching. As someone is learning the word of God you can express to them the of the joy, care and concern that they can receive as a member of the church. There are many things you and I can do to make the introduction of bible study very interesting to new people. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Believe me great doors of opportunity for teaching have been opened for me to teach, because some christian first showed they care about the person that I was going to teach. Remember Jesus cared and He showed it. "Care unshown is care unknown."
Community evangelism is a real opportunity for growth, both spiritually and numerically. The apostle Peter's last words recorded are "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." II Pet.3:18 When you pray about someone that you want to reach, it's an opportunity for growth. When you study to prepare yourself to reach someone, it's an opportunity for growth. When someone obeys the gospel after being taught from the bible it's not only an opportunityfor spiritual growth, but also numerical growth.
Many christians have found that community evangelism is an excellent way to help reverse the trend of fewer christians in a congregation. Numbers going down? Remember how we used to involve ourselves in bible study with our friends? You, as I, may remember when we use to go to people's houses with our various teaching tools. People responded then and they respond now. The devil wants us to believe in "impossibly thinking" People aren't interested in the bible anymore, people aren't interested in church anymore". Jesus teaches us of "possibility thinking" He says look unto the fields they are white already unto harvest" Jn.4:35 We can see the possibilities, make a determination to pay the price and get moving. The truth is that people are very interested in church and the bible now. Just look at religious programming on TV. The church house is full. Do you really believe that someone got one morning and said "I believe I will go down to the church house and get some "false doctrine"? Of course not. People are seeking relationship with God and we have the treasure in earthen vessels. We can do it. Jesus said we could. I don't believe that God has given me a task and hasn't given me the where with all to do it, do you? Let's go.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
While Rosemary and I had a great mission, serving in the areas damaged by the recent hurricanes, it was after over a month, good to get home. It was especially good to be able to worship with my beloved Howell Church of Christ. Working with "Disaster Assistance" under the leadership of Mike, the "big fellow" Baumgartner, we accomplished a great deal. Well over 11,000 meals were served and over 500 bible studies were set up while we were working in the Gulf Coast Region incl. Baton Rouge, Lake Jackson, Tx. Surfside, and Galveston. It is not routine to be able to set up that many bible studies in a single mission and it was impressed on me of the need to teach others a method of conducting a study so as these opportunities arise we will be able to accomplish our mission of making known the manifold wisdom of God. Our efforts in the foreseeable future on this blog will be to teach an easy method of engaging and teaching bible studies that can lead one to the Lord. We plan to begin this method of teaching tomorrow. As you can imagine, being gone for so long, we have a lot of catching up to do, but we will do our best to begin this class tomorrow. Your questions and suggestions are certainly welcomed esp. as it may improve these lessons. Our effort will be to help each other in leading people to the Lord and I need all the help I can get.
One more word about "Disaster Assistance". You can follow this effort at This goal of this mission is to help people both physically and spiritually. The two efforts work very well together. Meals are set up under the leadership of Mike and people like me meeting the people there for physical help have opportunity to help them spiritually especially as we set up a study of God's Word with them.
I hope you will tell others of the blog so that we can have as many as possible learning together some ways to gain bible studies and to teach them effectually. Please remember Mike in your prayers. He is still in the Galveston area serving meals to the needy. About 600 were served yesterday-Saturday. "Disaster Assistance" is a great mission that so many of you are supporting. We will continue to strive to live up to your trust. I especially appreciate all of you who make Rosemary and my participation in the effort possible I especially appreciate my wonderful brethren at the Howell Church'encouragement and "gentle insistance" in this great mission work. Don
One more word about "Disaster Assistance". You can follow this effort at This goal of this mission is to help people both physically and spiritually. The two efforts work very well together. Meals are set up under the leadership of Mike and people like me meeting the people there for physical help have opportunity to help them spiritually especially as we set up a study of God's Word with them.
I hope you will tell others of the blog so that we can have as many as possible learning together some ways to gain bible studies and to teach them effectually. Please remember Mike in your prayers. He is still in the Galveston area serving meals to the needy. About 600 were served yesterday-Saturday. "Disaster Assistance" is a great mission that so many of you are supporting. We will continue to strive to live up to your trust. I especially appreciate all of you who make Rosemary and my participation in the effort possible I especially appreciate my wonderful brethren at the Howell Church'encouragement and "gentle insistance" in this great mission work. Don