Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A good way to get started in setting up bible studies is the use the opportunities that are presently available. These are often over looked in an effort to look else where. The best opportunity the you may have at present could very well be right where you live. Paul says in Gal.6:10 as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially those who are the house hold of faith. Solomon says in Ecc. 11:1, cast you bread upon the water.... New people that have moved into your area are a great place to start. Think about it, they are new there, probably don't have any friends, don't know anybody, a friendly face and visit could be very welcomed. Show you care. Another way to secure bible studies, is by visiting sick people in the hospitals and nursing homes. Those you are visiting may be to ill to study, but they may very well have relatives and often are deeply appreciative of your concern for their sick folks. I have found in using these opportunities that they, later have lead to bible studies. Use opportunities, "Use them of Lose Them" Don

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