Tuesday, November 18, 2008
May I suggest that you read the blog about "Disaster Assistance"? You can read about the latest updates at http://mikesmissionupdates.blogspot.com When Mike started this service back last summer, Rosemary and I were privileged to work with him from the beginning. At that time, there was no funding, and few people had ever heard of us, but Mike, our director, with the input of others, wanted to have an organization that could go right into the affected area. We wanted to be able to be of help as soon as humanly possible. We wanted to be able to go in whether there was electricity, water or anything else. As long as there were "hurting people" we wanted to be there to help. It was also our effort from the beginning, that this would be more than an organization that just helped physically, we wanted to be able to help spiritually. If there was a natural disaster, we wanted to show God's love, to teach God's word, to show thru the haze of hurt that we as God's children cared for them. We have been able to achieve this beyond our greatest hopes. This is being done, because you saw the potential for this work in being of service where there was destruction and also the potential in the building up process, showing the love of God. This work of "Disaster Assistance " has meant so much to the image and knowledge of the Church of Christ in areas where we have serve. People are saying such things as" thank God for you Christians and your church has really helped us". Is it any wonder why we were able to set up 505 bible studies? The people really responded to members of the Church of Christ because of our help. One last note, many of us have worked and worked hard. Cooking and serving up to 1000 meals a day is hard work, but our director, Mike has set the example of hard work. It is his routine to start preparing meals, often before 5 a.m., and then not quit until "dark thirty" that evening. All of this work is important, but I am persuaded that those of you who made this work possible financially, are just as important and just as helpful as those of us who work so diligently in this work of the Lord. God has been glorified, Christ has been magnified, and the Church has been edified by all of us working together. Don