Saturday, November 01, 2008

The next mission with which Rosemary and I are involved is a sojourn with the Key West Church of Christ. This will be the third mission in which we have served with this church. During the past two, we have taught a number of people the gospel and have baptized 10 or 12. The Key West church now has a person located in the area who plans to be there until for sometime. His name is Connell Taylor. He and his wife Ann have a great interest in the work there. Connell is working diligently trying to help locate a preacher who will come there and live. While I have yet to meet Connell, I have talked with him several times by telephone and he has deep abiding interest in reaching out to others with the teaching of our Lord and His gospel. Members of the church working with him are planning a lot of out reach activity over the next couple of months including work with the sojourners, we will probably conduct a "Super Saturday" VBS. This will help bring a lot of young people in contact with the church. After that they are planning a campaign in an effort to reach other members of the community. There are also several other couples who are planning to spend some time there helping the church. This is all certainly great news. With the church working with those of us who are trying to help, and the help of the Lord, this church can and will grow both spiritually and numerically. It has been my experience that the people in Key West are receptive to bible study, but they, like all places, need follow up, visitation and bible study. I believe the church is very fortunate to have people like Connell and Ann willing to leave the comforts of their home and spend a long period of time helping this church grow. Rosemary and I look forward to joining with a lot of interested christians in the Key West mission in early Jan. It's about 1100 miles south of here so we are planning 3 days to make the trip. Don

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