Monday, November 10, 2008
Over 800 meals served today in the pouring rain as director of "Disaster Assitance" Mike, the "Big Fellow" with help from sojourners and other christians cared for people today in Galveston. That's dedication. This work of "Disaster Assistance" has caught the attention of Christians from seemingly all over the country as we have had people constantly calling and asking how can we help? And help you have. The tremendous expense of feeding over 500 meals a day, 7 days a week is enormous and it could not be done without your sacrificial help. We do hope to have some totals before long as to the number of people fed, the number of bible studies carried out and some of the results of these studies which may be on going at this time. Again thank you so much for your help. We will continue to try and live up to the trust you have placed in us. Don