Tuesday, December 16, 2008

To continue our lesson on Retaining new Members:
#1 we want to emphasize that Christianity is not a "flash-in-the -pan religion. You are in this for the long haul- - eternity.
#2 Continual efforts in fellowship with them. Fellowship is important for all of Christians, but especially is this true for new Christians. This may be all new to them. They may have had to give up some long time friends because they are now Christians. There is a good chance that they don't really know many people in the church. Calls, visitation, helping them have a part is all important. It will take a lot of your time. Is it worth it? For me it is. You may rest assured that Satan doesn't mind giving of his time if it means another convert. Can I do less? I have found the following statement to be very useful. "People don't want to leave where they feel like they belong". Let's make the effort to help Christians realize they belong. It's worth the effort. Don

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