Monday, July 31, 2006
This beautiful display was presented at the Perry Co. Fair in Ohio. There was a tremendous amount of interest in this work and consequently in the Church. Members of the Somerset and New Lexington Congregations manned this booth during the fair. We just returned from Owensboro, Ky. where our son Don Jr.'s baseball team, the Tennessee Extreme, participated in the Baseball Players Ass. North American World Series . All of the teams, I thought were very good. The Extreme won all five of their games and the World Series. Yes there are a couple of proud grandparents in Cornersville. Our #5 grandson Davis plays 1st base. Even though we told everyone we would be leaving we received a great amount of email.. I believe it was 74 e mails. We have not answered all of them yet, but plan to tomorrow. thanks for the email and your interest in evangelism. Don
Sunday, July 23, 2006
We certainly hope you have had a good day. We had a very good day worshiping God with the Howell Church. Rosemary and I leave tomorrow for a little vacation and will not be on line for about 10 days. As soon as we get back and assuming no storms etc. we will answer your emails and start the blog again. We are going to Owensboro, Ky. to see a big baseball tournament in which our #5 rock -crusher plays. He plays 1st base. Our son Don Jr. is a coach on the team. We will have our cell phone and should be easily contacted at 031-698-3150. Good Night Don
Friday, July 21, 2006
Picture here is Rosemary, Thelma, and Neil. As members of the sojourners, we were working, helping a congregation of God's people during a gospel meeting. In this particular location, we went out into the surrounding neighborhood with flyers and tracts inviting people to an upcoming gospel meeting. Below is a picture of the sign of this church with which we worked.
Many of us find that the sojourners is a wonderful organization with which to work in reaching out to others with the gospel. Please refer to the web site of the sojourners for more information. We received the "Living Water newsletter today from the Creekwood Church of Christ. The article is written by David Sargent. I think it is excellent. May I suggest you go to the Church's web site at and pull up David's article. Don
Thursday, July 20, 2006
As volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, we are called on to serve people in a variety of ways. The upper picture shows clean up after one of the tropical storms. The picture below of several of the DRT workers setting up a portable kitchen and serving a good meal to people who have lost so much in one of the storms.
Dick and Nita headed home from the gulf region for a few days rest before they go on a sojourn. As they came thru they gave us a call and Rosemary, Nita, Dick and I had lunch together. It is joy to enjoy a meal with fine christians. Don
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Bible Study--I as an individual can be effective...
(Others may not help, but I can) "If no one joins me yet will I follow"
"Others not doing anything, can be an excuse for me not doing anything."
"I may develop a great talent of criticism, but lack the time or energy or something to do anything"
I. Results of my non-participation -- no one is reached or helped.
A. Others do not get my help Mt.25:40
B. This attitude of "me not doing anything," doesn't help me.
C. God holds us responsible for using our abilities.
D. God blesses our work!!!! ICor.15:58, Heb.6:10
II. Some efforts I can make even if others don't .
What you can do is very important
A. Be a good example
ITim.4:12, IIPet.3:1
B. You can make a difference by your support thru prayers and financial support of the work of the church.
1.Make known to the world salvation thru Jesus Christ. Eph. 3:10
a. How to do this:
1.Preaching IITim4:2, Rm.1:16, 2. Teaching Mt.28:20, IITim. 2:2, 3. Helping others
Titus 3:14
C. God can use you in these and other great works of the church. IICor.4:7
III. I can remain faithful to the Living God---Sometimes that can be lonely
IKings 19:14 Elijah, "I even I only am left."
Ez.22:30 "I sought a man to stand in the gap"
We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in relationship with God. People are. We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in bible study. They are...Jn.4:35
(Others may not help, but I can) "If no one joins me yet will I follow"
"Others not doing anything, can be an excuse for me not doing anything."
"I may develop a great talent of criticism, but lack the time or energy or something to do anything"
I. Results of my non-participation -- no one is reached or helped.
A. Others do not get my help Mt.25:40
B. This attitude of "me not doing anything," doesn't help me.
C. God holds us responsible for using our abilities.
D. God blesses our work!!!! ICor.15:58, Heb.6:10
II. Some efforts I can make even if others don't .
What you can do is very important
A. Be a good example
ITim.4:12, IIPet.3:1
B. You can make a difference by your support thru prayers and financial support of the work of the church.
1.Make known to the world salvation thru Jesus Christ. Eph. 3:10
a. How to do this:
1.Preaching IITim4:2, Rm.1:16, 2. Teaching Mt.28:20, IITim. 2:2, 3. Helping others
Titus 3:14
C. God can use you in these and other great works of the church. IICor.4:7
III. I can remain faithful to the Living God---Sometimes that can be lonely
IKings 19:14 Elijah, "I even I only am left."
Ez.22:30 "I sought a man to stand in the gap"
We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in relationship with God. People are. We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in bible study. They are...Jn.4:35
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
In these pictures, we see volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, Bill, Vicki, a home owner, another Vicki, Steve and Nancy. They gutted this house, installed dry wall and insulation. As people are helped, we also have an opportunity for bible study. We were just talking with a volunteer from N. Al. who is on the way down to the gulf region. They are going down not only to work but also to involve themselves in a bible study.
We had a great opportunity to speak with a church last night and are looking forward to speaking with another church Wed. ev. People are more and more interested in helping the Disaster Response Team especially because of our opportunities to evangelize with the DRT. Over 100 baptisms have been reported down in the affected gulf region. Isn't God Good? If you want to be a part of the volunteers please contact us. You are important to this work. 931-698-3150. Please see Laura's blog at the DRT web site Must sign off going to Petersburg meeting tonight. Don
Monday, July 17, 2006
It is always good to get updated reports and pictures. Thanks to Nancy we have these pictures and reports. The top picture is of several workers from Somerset, Ohio who went to the Mobile area. A distance of about 1500 miles. Picture above are Steve, Nancy, Wendy, Jim, Vicki, Rick, and Doug. Doug is the minister of the Somerset Church. Not pictured is Bill.
The next picture is the sleeping quarters prepared by Marge, the Sarge, and provided by the good church at Creekwood in Mobile, Al. The bottom picture is the men's sleeping quarters. The middle picture on the right is a home that needed work, the people needed drinking water. Yes nearly a year later, they still need drinking water. A water filter was put in so that perhaps they can use their water to drink.
Yes there is a lot of work done by the volunteers, but your prayers, support and contributions have enabled us to buy the bottled water, food and building materials to help. This has open great numbers of doors of opportunity to teach God's word. Just today I called a brother who is going to the gulf area and gave him the name of a family who has been helped by the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team and with whom we have an opportunity to study God's word. Thank you brethren for making these opportunities possible. Brethren, together we are making a difference. Don
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Pictured here is my brother Paul. He also is one of the volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. Not only is he a hard worker, but he is also the developer of a machine that he calls the "Hurricane" This machine puts out an enormous amount of air that can help as the volunteers are cleaning out flooded houses. Speaking of volunteers there were over 100 working in the gulf region this past week. Several were from Oklahoma and Ohio as well as other places. This week there are many more going down to help.
Pictured below are large fishing boats that have been washed, "lifted" ashore from the results of the hurricanes last year.
The Somerset Church of Christ, The DRT serves under this eldership, has spent a lot of time cleaning the tools, preparing health kits, oiling and maintaining generators and other power equipment to be ready when the call comes. Our desire is to be there with help of all kinds esp. food and supplies just as soon as possible. We often arrive before the power or water is back on. When we arrive, not only do we provide necessities of good etc. but we also listen to people and share a tract maybe a bible and let them know we will be returning just as soon as possible. With this kind of help, it is not difficult to engage in bible study. " By your helping the volunteers in going to where people are, we have opportunity to take them where we are going. Don
Saturday, July 15, 2006
At the Howell church, where I serve when Rosemary and I are not on a mission trip with the Sojourners or the Disaster Response Team, we had a cook out and hay ride with the young people in mind. Br. Keith Vanhooser, a football coach at Cornersville High School brought us the devotional. It was an excellent message and we all were in rapt attention as he delivered this message. I personally thought it was so effective that we are putting the outline on the blog.
We Can
We can make a difference in the lives of other people
Phil.4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which stengtheth me.
School is about to start and you young people can really affect the people around you in a good way.
1.We can be people of our word
Gen.43:9 Judah took responsibility for taking his younger brother Benjamin back to Egypt.
2 We can live in unity with other people.
Jn.17:11 Jesus prayed that all his disciples be as one, just as Jesus and God were one.
3. We can help those who struggle.
Ecclesiastes4:10 If either falls his companion can lift him up. Solomon stressed the importance of companionship. Companionship is God"s gift to help us deal with life's hurdles such as oppression, poverty, loneliness, injustice, and other struggles we encounter on a daily basis.
4. We can help the needy.
Deuteronomy 15:11 The people were commandedd to help the poor and needy in the land.
5. We can stand against the devil and resist temptation. We face hundreds of temptations daily.
Eph.6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the tactics of the devil.
6. We can make good choices daily.
As young people and older alike we get to make many choices daily, such as the heroes in our lives, who to associate with, what to do with spare time and who to serve. Has there ever been a better hero than Jesus Christ who gave His life for us? Think about Noah, Moses and others.
Thought: A friend can make you or break you.
7.We can be compassionate and show our love for others just as Jesus did.
In the 4th chapter of John, Jesus showed compassion to the Samaritan woman at the well.
Mark 1:40-42- Jesus heals a leper.
John 8:3- 9 Jesus showed compassion for the adulterous woman. Jesus knew that this woman needed compassion and not ridicule or condemnation.
Jesus had compassion for Mary and Lazareth and brought him back to life as recorded in John the 11th chapter.
8. we can encourage others.
Romans 1:12 Paul wrote That is that I may encourage together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
A pat on the back, though only a few vertebrae from a kick in the pants, is miles ahead in results.
9. We can share God with others.
Romans 10:15 How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace.
10. We can set good goals.
Philippians 3:14 - I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
11. We can record oursuccessess and failures just as the Bible has with all of it's many characters.
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life in such a manner that whenn you die, the world criess and you rejoice.
We Can
We can make a difference in the lives of other people
Phil.4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which stengtheth me.
School is about to start and you young people can really affect the people around you in a good way.
1.We can be people of our word
Gen.43:9 Judah took responsibility for taking his younger brother Benjamin back to Egypt.
2 We can live in unity with other people.
Jn.17:11 Jesus prayed that all his disciples be as one, just as Jesus and God were one.
3. We can help those who struggle.
Ecclesiastes4:10 If either falls his companion can lift him up. Solomon stressed the importance of companionship. Companionship is God"s gift to help us deal with life's hurdles such as oppression, poverty, loneliness, injustice, and other struggles we encounter on a daily basis.
4. We can help the needy.
Deuteronomy 15:11 The people were commandedd to help the poor and needy in the land.
5. We can stand against the devil and resist temptation. We face hundreds of temptations daily.
Eph.6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the tactics of the devil.
6. We can make good choices daily.
As young people and older alike we get to make many choices daily, such as the heroes in our lives, who to associate with, what to do with spare time and who to serve. Has there ever been a better hero than Jesus Christ who gave His life for us? Think about Noah, Moses and others.
Thought: A friend can make you or break you.
7.We can be compassionate and show our love for others just as Jesus did.
In the 4th chapter of John, Jesus showed compassion to the Samaritan woman at the well.
Mark 1:40-42- Jesus heals a leper.
John 8:3- 9 Jesus showed compassion for the adulterous woman. Jesus knew that this woman needed compassion and not ridicule or condemnation.
Jesus had compassion for Mary and Lazareth and brought him back to life as recorded in John the 11th chapter.
8. we can encourage others.
Romans 1:12 Paul wrote That is that I may encourage together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
A pat on the back, though only a few vertebrae from a kick in the pants, is miles ahead in results.
9. We can share God with others.
Romans 10:15 How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace.
10. We can set good goals.
Philippians 3:14 - I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
11. We can record oursuccessess and failures just as the Bible has with all of it's many characters.
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life in such a manner that whenn you die, the world criess and you rejoice.
Bible Lesson 7-14-06
Giving to something bigger than myself
I.Precept held by many is that giving of ourselves to something bigger than ourselves may help in the happiness of our lives.
ex. Loving care and sacrifice of parents for children.
ex.Soldiers in battle
ex.Given to our work
II.Many things we can give ourselves to that may bring a measure of satisfaction.
ex.sports, hobbies, money...
May I suggest something to which we may give ourselves that can not only give joy of mind, but joy of heart. The Church.
A. Some basic principles of the Church
blood bought..Acts 20:28, heaven sent Eph.3:10&11, Kingdom of God Col.1:13
III Giving selve to church and the work of the church. James 2:14-14
A. All members count. I Cor.12:17 "In Christ, everybody is somebody"
B. Some works of the church to which we may give ourselves.
1.Evangelism Mt.28:20
2.Caring "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" and "When you go to where people are, you may be able to take them where you are going." Gal.6:10, Jn.9:4
3.Teaching We can influence the church in the future.
IITim.3:15, II Tim.2:2, Acts 18:26
4.Encouragement (Exhort)
Giving to something bigger than myself
I.Precept held by many is that giving of ourselves to something bigger than ourselves may help in the happiness of our lives.
ex. Loving care and sacrifice of parents for children.
ex.Soldiers in battle
ex.Given to our work
II.Many things we can give ourselves to that may bring a measure of satisfaction.
ex.sports, hobbies, money...
May I suggest something to which we may give ourselves that can not only give joy of mind, but joy of heart. The Church.
A. Some basic principles of the Church
blood bought..Acts 20:28, heaven sent Eph.3:10&11, Kingdom of God Col.1:13
III Giving selve to church and the work of the church. James 2:14-14
A. All members count. I Cor.12:17 "In Christ, everybody is somebody"
B. Some works of the church to which we may give ourselves.
1.Evangelism Mt.28:20
2.Caring "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" and "When you go to where people are, you may be able to take them where you are going." Gal.6:10, Jn.9:4
3.Teaching We can influence the church in the future.
IITim.3:15, II Tim.2:2, Acts 18:26
4.Encouragement (Exhort)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Just returned home from the last night of our meeting at Cornersville. Mike Baker and Billy Pigg really did a wonderful job in leading us in the effort.
Tomorrow, we at the Howell Church of Christ (thats where I preach) are having a cook out for the community esp. for the children. Br. Keith Van hoosier, football coach at Cornersville is going to lead us in a devotional. We are going to cook hamburgers and hotdogs and take all that want to go on a hay ride. This will give us opportunity to meet people who do not normally go to the church of christ and it will be our effort to develop and opportunity teach them God's word. Good Night Don
Tomorrow, we at the Howell Church of Christ (thats where I preach) are having a cook out for the community esp. for the children. Br. Keith Van hoosier, football coach at Cornersville is going to lead us in a devotional. We are going to cook hamburgers and hotdogs and take all that want to go on a hay ride. This will give us opportunity to meet people who do not normally go to the church of christ and it will be our effort to develop and opportunity teach them God's word. Good Night Don
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
We write and speak in various locations concerning the Sojourners and the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. It is an honor for Rosemary and I to be a part of both the organizations. It gives give us a great deal of opportunity not only to help people physically, but also with evangelism and outreach.
There are many others ways to serve. One group is the World Bible School. One of our dear friends and brothers, Bob Phillips, a deacon in the Memorial Parkway Church of Christ, leads the effort there with the WBS. This is another great way to be involved in evangelism and outreach without leaving your house. If you would like to find out more about WBS and don't know where to look, email me at and we will happy to help.
Mark and Laura tell us that there is still a great need for volunteers in the flooded areas of the North East. Please refer to the website Make sure while your are there that you read Laura's blog.
Am leaving shortly for the gospel meeting at the Cornersville church. Mike Baker is really bringing some excellent messages. Billy Pigg, of course is a great song leader and really encourages us to sing. Good Evening Don
There are many others ways to serve. One group is the World Bible School. One of our dear friends and brothers, Bob Phillips, a deacon in the Memorial Parkway Church of Christ, leads the effort there with the WBS. This is another great way to be involved in evangelism and outreach without leaving your house. If you would like to find out more about WBS and don't know where to look, email me at and we will happy to help.
Mark and Laura tell us that there is still a great need for volunteers in the flooded areas of the North East. Please refer to the website Make sure while your are there that you read Laura's blog.
Am leaving shortly for the gospel meeting at the Cornersville church. Mike Baker is really bringing some excellent messages. Billy Pigg, of course is a great song leader and really encourages us to sing. Good Evening Don
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The work continues in New York in the clean up and if you are in a position to help, they can greatly use your help. You can contact the DRT Director, Mark Cremeans on the web at or call him at 937 308 2259.
Talking with Mike, he said, there about 100 volunteers working right now in the gulf. It is just amazing that those storms hit nearly a year ago and there is still so much clean up left to do. Thank you so much for you volunteer efforts and your financial contributions that helps make this help to others possible.
Observing the weather channel this afternoon, it is good to see that there doesn't seem to be anything developing right now. This will give the DRT volunteers more time to clean up from last year.
The meeting is in process at the Cornersville Church of Christ and Mike Baker is just an excellent preacher. He lessons are from the book of John and his lessons are so good. Again this year, The song leader is Billy Pigg. Billy is an elder at the Cane Creek Church of Christ. He has been leading singing at Cane Creek and in meetings for well over forty years. He really has an ability to encourage our singing.
There are several wonderful volunteer groups , and if you have opportunity to do volunteer work, you are encouraged to contact the Sojourners and the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. With both of these groups there is not only opportunities to do physical work, but also there is a great opportunity to do outreach, evangelism, and personal work. This outreach may include door knocking, passing out tracts, listening, teaching classes, participating in VBS, preaching, and other ways you may want to serve. Don
Talking with Mike, he said, there about 100 volunteers working right now in the gulf. It is just amazing that those storms hit nearly a year ago and there is still so much clean up left to do. Thank you so much for you volunteer efforts and your financial contributions that helps make this help to others possible.
Observing the weather channel this afternoon, it is good to see that there doesn't seem to be anything developing right now. This will give the DRT volunteers more time to clean up from last year.
The meeting is in process at the Cornersville Church of Christ and Mike Baker is just an excellent preacher. He lessons are from the book of John and his lessons are so good. Again this year, The song leader is Billy Pigg. Billy is an elder at the Cane Creek Church of Christ. He has been leading singing at Cane Creek and in meetings for well over forty years. He really has an ability to encourage our singing.
There are several wonderful volunteer groups , and if you have opportunity to do volunteer work, you are encouraged to contact the Sojourners and the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. With both of these groups there is not only opportunities to do physical work, but also there is a great opportunity to do outreach, evangelism, and personal work. This outreach may include door knocking, passing out tracts, listening, teaching classes, participating in VBS, preaching, and other ways you may want to serve. Don
Monday, July 10, 2006
Please read Laura's blog on the DRT web site There is much need for volunteers to help with the flooded areas in New York State.
Heard a good sermon tonight at the Cornersville Church of Christ. Br. Mike Baker is preaching in a meeting. As Rosemary and I plan to go each night there will not be much news on the blog, but I do want to encourage you to read Laura's blog for on site info about some of the flooded areas and what you and I can do to help... Don
Heard a good sermon tonight at the Cornersville Church of Christ. Br. Mike Baker is preaching in a meeting. As Rosemary and I plan to go each night there will not be much news on the blog, but I do want to encourage you to read Laura's blog for on site info about some of the flooded areas and what you and I can do to help... Don
Sunday, July 09, 2006
What an inspiration these two sojourners, Doug and Maxine are to so many of us. If you can notice on Maxine's right is a cane that she must use. This "inconvenience"does not deter them in the least. Talking with them today, they are on the way to another state to help in a VBS. This picture is taken inside their rig while we served with them on a recent sojourn. It is an honor to be in the sojourners and to serve our Lord with such wonderful Christians as Doug and Maxine.
On another note, volunteers are greatly needed in New York State to help in the clean up in flooded areas. If you can help for just a few days it would mean so much to people who have lost so much. It may be that you know people in that area who would just love to be of help. Please contact them. Mark Cremeans, our director of the Disaster Response Team can put you to work. It is my understanding that a local congregation of the church of christ is providing housing, breakfast and a meal in the evening. If you can be of help please call Mark or Laura at 937-308-2259 Please read the web site of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team at also please read Laura's blog as she is giving an on site report.
Rosemary and I hope you have had a great Lord's Day. We have. Don
Saturday, July 08, 2006
You are encouraged to read Laura's blog tonight. There is an on site report as to what is going on with the Disaster Response Team as they are trying to help people in New York State with their flooded homes.
David Sargent, the minister of the Creekwood Church of Christ in Mobile Al., has an excellent article in the church paper. You can read it at David talks about how the builder of the Eiffel Tower had confidence in his work when other wanted to destroy it. There are lessons for the church to be learned by David's article.
The big man, Mike, emailed me to tell that there are about 100 volunteers working this week in the gulf.
Good Night Don
David Sargent, the minister of the Creekwood Church of Christ in Mobile Al., has an excellent article in the church paper. You can read it at David talks about how the builder of the Eiffel Tower had confidence in his work when other wanted to destroy it. There are lessons for the church to be learned by David's article.
The big man, Mike, emailed me to tell that there are about 100 volunteers working this week in the gulf.
Good Night Don
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thanks to the wonderful contribution of the Whites Ferry Rd. (WFR) Church of Christ, the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team (DRT) now has a van in which we can transport workers to the devastated areas. The van left Ohio this morning on the way to the gulf region carrying volunteers to help. When the van arrives, it can be used to carry the volunteers to various locations to work. This can help save fuel money and reach out to help even more people.
We just received a call from Mark Cremeans, our director for the DRT. He and Laura are in Endwell, near Binghampton, New York to help in the recent flood devastation. Mark says they really need volunteers to help in the clean up and restoration. If you can go and spend a few days or few weeks, there is a great need for you now... Call Mark or Laura at 937-308-2259 and he or Laura will gladly give you directions. Your time and effort will mean so much. Mark also tells us of a family in the church at Endwell that can really use some financial help. Their house and business flooded, the equipment was ruined, their insurance will not nearly cover it,
Please send your contribution to the Somerset Church of Christ P.O. box 247 Somerset, Ohio 43783 for: DRT As you know the DRT is under the elders of the Somerset Church. Any contribution, no matter how small or great will be used to help christian families. Remember God can do great things with our little. Don
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I. Building anything worthwhile takes:
1.Work Ec.9::10
2.Patience Heb.12:1
3.Courage Deut. 31:6, Jos.1:4
II. Successful Building requires great focus
1.Count the cost
2.Envision the task complete
3.See the importance of what we are doing--building the kingdom of God
III. Building will have set backs
1.People will be discouraged
2.People will quit building for a variety of reasons
a.disillusioned b.discouraged c. disgusted with themselves d. other reasons
IV. Building for Christ requires stedfastness
1. Stedfastness to the cause of Christ renders great benefits to people here and
a. Now---we are doing something to help stem the tide of sin--we are doing
something important .
ICor.15:58 Therefore my beloved brethren be you stedfast, unmovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know your labor is
not in vain in the Lord.
I. Building anything worthwhile takes:
1.Work Ec.9::10
2.Patience Heb.12:1
3.Courage Deut. 31:6, Jos.1:4
II. Successful Building requires great focus
1.Count the cost
2.Envision the task complete
3.See the importance of what we are doing--building the kingdom of God
III. Building will have set backs
1.People will be discouraged
2.People will quit building for a variety of reasons
a.disillusioned b.discouraged c. disgusted with themselves d. other reasons
IV. Building for Christ requires stedfastness
1. Stedfastness to the cause of Christ renders great benefits to people here and
a. Now---we are doing something to help stem the tide of sin--we are doing
something important .
ICor.15:58 Therefore my beloved brethren be you stedfast, unmovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know your labor is
not in vain in the Lord.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
This has been a great day, but much more busy than usual. Just returned from bible study at Howell Church. Br. Wayne had an absolutely excellent class. Because it is now rather late, we won't print any outreach news tonight. We have several articles that are in the waiting, but it takes time to arrange them correctly. We plan to do that tomorrow. Thanks for your email news and questions. Don
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Pictured here is one of our volunteers "Big Mike" with little children and it is of little children, we speak. This is the time when there are vacation bible schools. We received some email about the success of VBS's in different areas of the country. There was a great desire on the part of christians to conduct these VBS's and not surprisingly there was a great desire for people to come to them.
Marge, one our volunteers with the DRT, tells of a brother coming down to the gulf area just looking for a place where there were children to just pull in and set up a bible school. "Think it can't be done?" 68 attended this vacation bible school. I don't know what they knew about Jesus before the VBS, but they knew a whole lot more after it.
Another email from Dave in Somerset, Ohio. They had their best VBS in years. They had great contact with the community. The teachers were incredible! The last day the parents of the children were invited in to see the work of their children. Don't you know they had to be influnced for the Lord in seeing the concern of this congregation for their children? Isn't that just great? Again, as christians reached out to the community, it responded and Jesus was taught.
These are just two examples of volunteers reaching out to other people. People do want to know of the Jesus that we read of in the bible. "And when we do what God says, He will bless us too." Don
Monday, July 03, 2006
A picture of our Coordinator Mark Cremeans and on the left his wife Laura. Today Mark and Laura were on the way to the gulf area to continue the work in the restoration of houses. Between Nashville and the State line, they received a call from a congregation in New York State needing help in the clean up from the recent flooding. Mark and Laura called the gulf area making sure all was going well, turn around and tonight they are on the way leading volunteer work to help in New York State. We can only imagine the difficulties the people in the flood area have suffered. Thanks to all of you who are helping make this work possible and thanks to all the volunteer who work so hard to help and to reach out to others with the gospel. Don
Sunday, July 02, 2006
As you are considering mission work, I'd like suggest you consider the Sojourners. Pictured here are Dick and Nita. They live in Indiana. Dick and Nita are pictured here as they lead a team in evangelism in Cape Coral, near Ft. Meyers, Fla. Rosemary and I have served under them in campaigns and always appreciated their leadership. Dick and Nita are now on the way to help in repair and restoration work in the gulf region.
The Sojourners serve under the elders of the Eastern Hills Church of Christ in Marshall, Tx. There are some 800 - 1000 sojourners who travel just about anywhere in various RVs. Rosemary & I travel in a dually and 5th wheel.
Many of us sojourners are also involved in other mission volunteer work, such as the Disaster Response Team. Dick and Nita have also been very helpful to people thru the DRT. For further info. on the Sojourner, may I encourage you to call the office at 903-938- 2120 or check the web site at or email them at Don
The Sojourners serve under the elders of the Eastern Hills Church of Christ in Marshall, Tx. There are some 800 - 1000 sojourners who travel just about anywhere in various RVs. Rosemary & I travel in a dually and 5th wheel.
Many of us sojourners are also involved in other mission volunteer work, such as the Disaster Response Team. Dick and Nita have also been very helpful to people thru the DRT. For further info. on the Sojourner, may I encourage you to call the office at 903-938- 2120 or check the web site at or email them at Don
Saturday, July 01, 2006
A wonderful group of christians highly involved in mission work are the Sojourners. Pictured here are two of our dear friends Joe and Gladys. This picture was taken while Rosemary and I were with them on a sojourn near Ft. Lauderdale, Fla at Driftwood Acres. If you have a camper, "rig" of the traveling kind and would like to help Churches of Christ in locations all across the country, go to the web site for information. If the congregation of which you attend would like the help of some very dedicated christians you can also go to that web site. I'd be happy for you to email me or call me at 931-698-3150. We really do appreciate the sojourners and the opportunity that we have in belonging to this group. We help the church in many ways such as teaching, preaching, VBS, door knocking campaigns, cleaning and painting, repair work. Just about any thing a congregation, church school, bible camp could ask for in the area of help many of us try to be available. Of course this is volunteer work. We have a big meeting the 1st week in Oct. at Marshall, Tx. There are classes on various aspects of helping and training. This work is overseen by the Eastern Hills elders in Marshall, Tx. Don