Thursday, March 29, 2007

Pictured here, is one of my "heros". This is Maxine a member of the sojourners. As you can see Maxine must use a walker wherever she goes. And does she and her husband Doug go. They help churches everywhere. Maxine is an excellent teacher and has taught some very wonderful classes in various mission points. If you would like to join a great group of people with the caliber of dedication of Maxine, contact the sojourners at There is plenty of work awaiting. I received an excellent newsletter from David at the Creekwood Church in Mobile Al. today. You too can read it at Good night. Don
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
When one is involved in personal evangelism, the results are not always seen immediately. This morning, I received a call from brethren in Hollywood where many of us sojourners worked, this past Feb. We passed out a lot of literature and made many calls. Two years ago, we met with a family not far from the building. They were invited to church, they did not come that year, nor did they come while we were there this year, but... a few weeks ago they paid a visit to the church and this past Sun., they were baptized into Christ. You just keep on keeping on. In the Ft. Meyers area a couple were baptized that christians had been working with for some three years. People do not always respond on the first or second visit. I am so glad that so many churches of getting more involved in this wonderful personal evangelism again. We are having great classes at Wilson av. in Tullahoma. We begin shortly teaching the Open Bible Study Method at Friendship in Lincoln Co. and we received a call here in S.W. Fla. this morning of another congregation in Mid. Tenn. that is interested in us teaching this method as soon as we can schedule it. This Open Bible Study Method is so good for many reasons. If you think you are only going to get one opportunity with the student you can help them read from the bible how to be saved. If you do get more time and I almost always do, you can take them thru several courses of study that are most helpful. We plan to leave my Dad's early tomorrow morning about 7:00am. and hope to get home late tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to being at Howell Sunday morning. Our sermon topic, "Being Close to God" Don
When one is involved in personal evangelism, the results are not always seen immediately. This morning, I received a call from brethren in Hollywood where many of us sojourners worked, this past Feb. We passed out a lot of literature and made many calls. Two years ago, we met with a family not far from the building. They were invited to church, they did not come that year, nor did they come while we were there this year, but... a few weeks ago they paid a visit to the church and this past Sun., they were baptized into Christ. You just keep on keeping on. In the Ft. Meyers area a couple were baptized that christians had been working with for some three years. People do not always respond on the first or second visit. I am so glad that so many churches of getting more involved in this wonderful personal evangelism again. We are having great classes at Wilson av. in Tullahoma. We begin shortly teaching the Open Bible Study Method at Friendship in Lincoln Co. and we received a call here in S.W. Fla. this morning of another congregation in Mid. Tenn. that is interested in us teaching this method as soon as we can schedule it. This Open Bible Study Method is so good for many reasons. If you think you are only going to get one opportunity with the student you can help them read from the bible how to be saved. If you do get more time and I almost always do, you can take them thru several courses of study that are most helpful. We plan to leave my Dad's early tomorrow morning about 7:00am. and hope to get home late tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to being at Howell Sunday morning. Our sermon topic, "Being Close to God" Don
Sunday, March 25, 2007
We are still here in S. Fla. with my Dad. He is fine, but the lady that helps him had to go out of town with her family for a few days and my brother & I were concerned for him so we both came to help him. Rosemary and I leave Wed. morn for the 800 mile trip home. If all goes well, we plan to drive all the way. We are looking forward in being at the Howell Church this coming Sunday. While we are here in S. Fla., we worshipped with the Port Charlotte Church. Their new preacher, Emit Clark is doing a very good work and the church is really growing numerically. This afternoon they had an area wide singing from 2-3:30. It was a joy to attend. We are looking forward to returning home as we have a couple of bible studies awaiting us. Don
Monday, March 19, 2007

This a picture of the beautiful building of the Driftwood Church of Christ in West Hollywood, Fla. If you look carefully, you can see several rigs of the sojourners parked in back. Not only did we do a lot of physical work there, but also a great deal of evangelism. In personal evangelism, bible studies certainly are important, but one aspect of personal work that can be overlooked, is follow up. These new converts are new in the body of Christ, and often need a great deal of encouragement. They need the fellowship, the belongingship of this new family. Acts chapter 2 is excellent instruction in helping new converts know they are a part of the church. I can not stess to much how important after baptism teaching and encouragement is to the new converts. It is my opinion that one of the main reasons that we hear of new converts not remaining faithful is often a lack of follow up with them. Let't remember we all need encouragement. Don

This a picture of the beautiful building of the Driftwood Church of Christ in West Hollywood, Fla. If you look carefully, you can see several rigs of the sojourners parked in back. Not only did we do a lot of physical work there, but also a great deal of evangelism. In personal evangelism, bible studies certainly are important, but one aspect of personal work that can be overlooked, is follow up. These new converts are new in the body of Christ, and often need a great deal of encouragement. They need the fellowship, the belongingship of this new family. Acts chapter 2 is excellent instruction in helping new converts know they are a part of the church. I can not stess to much how important after baptism teaching and encouragement is to the new converts. It is my opinion that one of the main reasons that we hear of new converts not remaining faithful is often a lack of follow up with them. Let't remember we all need encouragement. Don
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Picture here are sojourners Joe-on the right, Don & Rosemary with people we met in Key West. We taught the word many hours with these fine people and before we left Key West, baptized four of those pictured. It was a great joy to be with them and to share their fellowship. They were very interested in the bible. I have called them several times since I have been back home and they always ask, "how in Joe?" They really appreciated our interest in them. We are looking forward to our worship tonight at the Howell Church. This being the 3rd Sunday ev., we all go to someones house after worship for a good period of further fellowship and refreshments, ie. several cakes, pies and cookies, as well as other food. Don
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Bible Study: Wait for the Message
Hab.2:3, Judges 6:37-39
I. God speaks to His Children today
Heb.1:1-3, Eph.3:17-19, IThes.2:13
Acts 17:11, Jn.5:39
God does speak to His children today thru His word.
I want to wait for the message.
II. Wait for the message of salvation - the most important
message, that I will ever receive.
ICor.6:2, Rm.10:17 Jn.6:63, IJn.3:2, Jn.1:12
III. Wait for the message for my personal life. God has a way
He want me to live.
Mt.7:13&14 Mt.7:7, I Jn.5:14, Ps.121:1&2
I can live my life to glorify God...
Hab.2:3, Judges 6:37-39
I. God speaks to His Children today
Heb.1:1-3, Eph.3:17-19, IThes.2:13
Acts 17:11, Jn.5:39
God does speak to His children today thru His word.
I want to wait for the message.
II. Wait for the message of salvation - the most important
message, that I will ever receive.
ICor.6:2, Rm.10:17 Jn.6:63, IJn.3:2, Jn.1:12
III. Wait for the message for my personal life. God has a way
He want me to live.
Mt.7:13&14 Mt.7:7, I Jn.5:14, Ps.121:1&2
I can live my life to glorify God...
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Picture above is an example of the supplies that are sent by the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief in Nashville, Tn. Below is pictured just one of the many people who were helped by these supplies during one of the disasters I am sure you are aware of the tornado that hit Enterprize, Al. There are many volunteers with the Church of Christ Disaster Response Team working there and they can use more. May I suggest you email them if you can help. On another matter. We conducted the first class in a three Wed. night class on personal work at Wilson Av. in Tullahoma last night. Br. Randy Davis is the minister there. I have never had a more enthusiastic group of people show up. They are ready to go. We carried 50 bibles, they took those and said, order 50 more. We are teaching the Open Bible Method of teaching. They can hardly wait to get thru the next two class and begin teaching. Don't forget to check out Mike Baker's articles on Don
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pictured here are people going thru the food line after the evening service of the meeting at Cape Coral. Each evening, various members prepared and provided "finger foods" and beverages to be enjoyed together after the services. Because people came from many miles to the meeting, as many as 50 miles, this extended period of fellowship provided all of us an opportunity to get to know each other better and to encourage each other in our out reach programs. Rosemary & I are looking forward in going to Wilson Av. in Tullahoma tomorrow night to begin a 3 Wed. night seminar in evangelism and church growth. Really looking forward in meeting with theses brethren who are so interested in reaching out to others with the gospel of Christ. Randy Davis, a brother I have known for some 20 years is the minister there. He and his wife Juwana are really fine people. Don
Monday, March 12, 2007

Picture above are Jack and his wife Marlyn. They are both sojourners and are rather talented in music. Jack taught us a great deal about music, while he and Marlyn were with us at Key West and Driftwood. He was also one of the special lecturers at the Florida Workshop. Below is a picture of the building at Driftwood near Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. This location holds great atraction to me as it is right in the middle of our family farm on which I spent much time herding cattle as a young boy. I remember vividly the '47 hurricane that flooded this area of the country. I remember spending much time riding horse back looking for cattle that had been separated by that storm. While we worked with this congregation this past Feb. a lot of physical work was done as well as evangelism. We set up 2 bible studies while there and baptized two people. Looking forward to a bible study tomorrow afternoon. Rosemary and I also look forward to going to the Wilson Av. congregation this Wed. ev. to begin a three Wed. seminar on the Open Bible Method of bible study. This is an excellent very easy method of teaching the bible to people. We will not only be teaching this method, but teaching the brethren how to develop studies. Don
Sunday, March 11, 2007

This picture is of several of us sojourners as we worked in Cape Coral, near Ft. Meyers, Fla. From left to right Ray & Carol, Bob&Pat, Don&Rosemary, Joe&Gladys, Larry&Paulene, Neal&Thelma, Maxine&Doug. While in Cape Coral a great deal of work was done on their building as well as much evangelistic work. While there we preached a meeting and taught a seminar on the open bible method of teaching. While there we also baptized a man and his wife. After we left, the ladies had a Ladies Inspiration Day. It was a wonderful learning opportunity.
Saturday, March 10, 2007

The above picture is an example of some of the physical work that we sojourners often do to help a church. Pictured here is Walt on the left and team leader Neil on the right. This nice shed came in a box and they assembled it. Believe me it was a job. Now the church at Driftwood has a nice place to put it's mower and other tools. Below is a picture of one of several young people that we were able to teach about Jesus. This young lady also decided to become a christian. We had several follow up studies with them and they are very happy to be christians. It is a practice of mine to call people periodically that can use encourgagement and re inforcement, especially those with whom we have had a part in their coming to Christ. Talked to several tonight. By the way, our good friend Mike Baker the minister at the Church Street Church of Christ in Lewisburg, Tn. has a new blog and a web site. and www.ourdailywalk.or I know Mike and believe that we will be greatly encourgaged by his work... While on my walk this afternoon, stopped in to talk with some folks. Have a bible study set up with them this coming Tues. Don
Friday, March 09, 2007

Above picture is of two teenage young ladies that we baptized in Key West. After our study that led them to baptism, we had an additional four hours of visitation and study with them. It is our practice to spend as much time as possible with new converts to continue studying with them on many important subjects in the bible. Below picture is Rosemary with several young children. When we go into a home to study the bible, there are often young children. Rosemary and often others with her take the children aside and talk and play with them so that their parents are not distracted in their study. Don

Picture above is Ernie and his daughter with me. Many years ago, 1980 I believe, I preached in Marathon in the Fla. Keys. While there, I baptized Ernie and his wife, Celiste. It was wonderful to see them still very involved in church. While at the meeting where I preached in Key West, Ernie and his daughter came one night and the next night, his wife Celeste along with some friends came. This bottom picture is of Minerva on the right and her mother. We had several bible studies with them and did baptize Minerva while there. Watch for more on the blog tonight. Don
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