Saturday, April 21, 2007
Just received an email from Russ, the "ramrod" of this upcoming effort in Bayou La Batre. There will be about 40 of us. Dave and his crowd from Somerset, Ohio passed thru Mid. Tenn. today on the way down. Dave, an elder at Somerset, is scheduled to speak in BLB tomorrow night. I know it will be an excellent message. We are planning to visit every home in the BLB area, some 8,000 people and invite them to worship with us, try and set up a bible study and leave material about our Lord with them. We will probably not be on the blog for the next 10 days until we get back. Rosemary will have plenty of pictures and we hope to have some great encouraging success stories about this outreach effort. Thanks for you support, everyone, and your prayers. Good Night, Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:38 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007

Pictured here in the blue blouse is Daphne, a real worker, not only in the church in Bayou La Batre, but a great helper of people in the community. I received this email from Carol Ogle of the White's Ferry Road Relief Ministry, Coordinator. Carol wrote, "Daphne German, director of the Bayou Relief Project in Bayou La Batre. was named the recipient of the 2007 Heart of Gold"award by the Moble County association of Lions Clubs on Thursday, April 19. What a recognition of Daphne's tireless and dedicated work in the hurricane relief efforts for the last year and a half." Daphne is one of the most sacrificial dedicated people in the church that I ( Don) know of. She has helped me a great deal in setting up bible studies in the Bayou. She knows "everybody" and "everybody" knows her. May I also add Daphne's e mail address is is you want to contact her. On another subject, Br. Mike Baker has a daily devotional site at . I find it to be very encouraging and uplifting. We are making final preparations for our mission trip to BLB this coming Mon. The Howell church has bought and marked 50 student bibles for us to use in this effort. The first Wed. in May we begin our next seminar teaching the Open Bible Method of Bible teaching. We received a case of 50 bibles which we will use in this upcoming seminar at the Friendship Church of Christ in Lincoln Co. Tenn. Received such an encouraging email from Dave Neil of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio. This is a congregation of nearly 100 members who are quite active in outreach and they have had 5 baptisms this year already. Several of their members are coming to BLB for this evangelistic effort. Br. Dave is going to speak this Sun. night. He is an elder and a very dedicated worker esp. in the area of outreach. Rosemary and I are looking forward to being with the good Somerset Church in late May. Thanks for your prayers and support of these efforts. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:17 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
At our bible study at Howell tonight, the brethren are going to help mark the student's bibles that Rosemary and I will be useing on the mission in Bayou La Batre, Al., next week. We were going to pass on some more info about the progress of the new work at BLB but I received and e mail from Charlie in Bay St. Louis about their campaign and was so encouraged by it that I thought I would share some of this news with you. It is called "Victory in Christ Campaign in Bay St.Louis, Ms." 18 Christians there have been walking up and down the streets of Bay St. Louis and Waveland and have held 15 bible studies and have had 3 baptism as of April 17. There are several more studies set up for the rest of the week. They have a meeting that begins today thru Sat. Brs. Mike Price and Willie Tolison will rotate as speakers. Isn't that great? Who says personal evangelism doesn't work anymore? Who says people are not interested in studying the bible anymore? Brethren the gospel is still the power of God unto salvation. Brethren we can do it. We have got to focus on seeeing the possibilities (Jn.4:35) and not "freting and hand wringing "on the impossibilities. Our seminars on the open bible study are going great. The brethren are amazed at how easy this method of teaching can be and how receptive people are to this method of study. Our next seminar begins at the Friendship Church the first Wed. night of May. It takes about 5-6 Wed. nights to teach this so it can be effective. I believe after that We go to Howell. After that we are fully booked until sometime in Oct. If you are in driving distance and want this method of teaching presented at your congregation, we will be happy to do this. Rosemary and I do not request or will we take a fee for this work. If you are in a distant place, where we can not drive, I know teachers who will be happy to help. Isn't the news from Bay St.Louis encouraging. Have to get ready to go to Bible study at Howell. By the way some more good news about Howell. Bible study is in one of the members homes tonight, because our building is being remodeled. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 1:28 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Just two of the wonderful people in the Bayou La Batre Church. This is Roosevelt and his wife Florida. They are relatively new members of the BLB church, but have made a difference in a lot of people's lives. There will be about 40 of us in this mission in BLB and Roosevelt and Florida will be cooking three meals a day for all of us. Another member of the BLB church, Daphne, has been nominated for the "Heart of Gold" award in Moble Co. Ala. This award will go to someone for their volunteer service to the area. Daphne not only has been an enormous help in getting the Church started in the Bayou, but spends hours and hours each week helping get people lives back together after the horrible effects of hurricane Katrina. Thank you so much for your support of all of us who are working in this mission field, but Rosemary and I want to thank you for your support of our efforts. Especially do we want to thank the Howell Church for their encouragement in this work. Tomorrow night at Bible study, they are going to help mark the students' bible for this upcoming mission in Bayou La Batre. If you would like to contribute to the work in Bayou La Batre and make a contribution to the building fund, the address is Bayou La Batre Church of Christ P.O. Box 218 Bayou La Batre, Al. 36509 Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:40 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
A photograph has been requested of yours truly for several upcoming events of this year including the work in Bayou La Batre. As I am not experienced in filing attachments, this is the only way I knew how to get it out over the internet.Have talked with Daphne and Russ as well as others thru the day and everyone is excited about the upcoming mission in Bayou La Batre. This afternoon, I called some people that I had met while working down there. I asked them if I could study the Bible when I came down there next week and they gladly accepted. We received a shipment of 50 Bibles yesterday. The Howell Church is going to help us mark them this Wed. evening. We hope to use all 50 of them. The church there is very excited about their new building possibility, even though it needs some repair work, when completed, it will be a great aid in the growth of the church there. Many of you read David Sargent's message each week and I'm happy to tell you that this fine young man is going to speak at the lectureship at BLB two weeks from tonight. Thanks for you continued contribution to this work. As we last reported the contributions that you have sent for their building program is now over $45,000 and I have received a call today of another contribution that is being sent. This is a work, that I believe you can feel good about helping. Keep praying for our efforts there. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:25 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007
Great News The Church at Bayou La Batre has now been sent by wonderful Christian like you just over $45,000 toward it's building. So many are to be thanked. You have done a great work and don't come down. We are all looking forward to our upcoming mission in just over a week at BLB. Bible classes are already be set up and we are looking forward to leading people to the Lord.We plan to visit every home in the Bayou La Batre - Coden area. The cost of the building and property is $125,000 so you see we are about one third of the way there.
Received a letter from Br. Henry Pendegrass who along with his wife Agnes are working in the mission fied in Lewistown, Montana. On March 25, they had an attendance of 10 which was a result of their visitation. The local newspaper did a nice write up on this new work. You can read about it on The Montana State Lectureship is in Belgrade Montana April 20,21,&22. You can email br. Henry and his wife at Let's remember to pray for this work.
Good Night Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:42 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some of the members of the Somerset Church getting equipment ready for use in helping people. Several of these members plan to come to Bayou La Batre next week to help in the outreach campaign. There are at present several thousand pieces of literature being printed to hand out to the residents in the area. We are looking forward to setting up several bible studies, and have a lecture program scheduled in the community center - don't have a building yet- on working together in the Lord. There has been a lot of work done already by a lot of people, but br. Russ Blackwell is really the "ram -rod" and he is doing a great job getting this mission together. The church in Howell is going to supply the bibles that many of us use in these studies as well as some funds to be used to help in any benevolent work that might be needed as we reach out. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". When people know you are there to help physically as well as spiritually, doors of teaching are more easily opened. Hope you will remember to pray for this effort. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:04 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pictured here is some of the work in which we have been involved in the area of Bayou La Batre, Al. A lot of physical work cutting trees, cleaning debris, cleaning houses and helping feed people. Just look at some of the results. There is now a congregation of the Church of Christ where there had not been one. The church there now is about to get there building. Under br. Russ Blackwell's hard work, the church is going to present to the community a lecturship the week of April 21st., entitled "Standing Strong Together " Phil.1:27 Here is the schedule of the lectureship. with the speakers.
April 25 Wed. John McCord, El Campo, Tx.
April 26 Larry Kilpatrick, Cox Blvd. Sheffield, Al.
April 27 Royce Ogle, White's Ferry Rd. West Monroe, La.
April 28, David Sargent, Creekwood, Mobile, Al.
April 29 Don Hudson, Howell, Howell, Tn.
We are expecting a big crowd every night, because we are going to knock on the door of every house, moble home, tent or any other place of abode. show people we care about them, endeavor to study the bible with them, and invite and supply them a ride to the building. We will plant, water and The Almighty will give the increase. This is going to be a lot of work but we believe we can reach the people and we are sure going to try.
The work at Bayou La Batre is a great work. Rarely have I seen so much being done to advance the cause of Christ, by such a new work. If you want to help this work, and it is a very deserving work. please send a contribution to the church to help them with their building program. I can tell you it will be an encouragement to these young Christians, and as you see this work grow, it will be and encouragement to you also.
Bayou La Batre Church of Christ
P.O. Box 218
Bayou La Batre, Al. 36509 \
Looking forward to being with the Wilson Av. Church in Tullahoma tomorrow teaching personal evangelism. Br. Randy Davis is doing a good work there and this church is so interested in reaching the lost thru personal evangelism. I can not close tonight without telling you how fortunate I am to be involved with the Howell Church of Christ. This small country church is such an encouragement to us in doing mission work. They are directly involved now in the mission work that we are in. Full pardners. Good Night Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:20 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007

This is a picture of just a few of the children that attended Bayou La Batre Church of Christ, when we were there last. This church is blest with a number of young people and the church is deeply interested and involved in reaching out to others. We look forward to working again with the young church in just a couple of weeks. We will be knocking on doors introducing people to the church and setting up bible studies with them. We look forward to again attending the Wilson Av. Church of Christ this Wed. evening for our last session in teaching the Open Bible Method of teaching the Bible. This church is really looking forward to using this method which is so easy yet so effective in teaching the Word. Evangelism is so important. There are many ways that individuals and churches can be involved. Let me pass on to you a very effective method used by the Howell Church of Christ. This is the church where I am privileged to preach when we are home. The church has been very helpful to Rosemary & me is our efforts of missions. Now they are not only helping, but facilitating our work so that even more evangelism can be done. Last night this congregation of between 30 and 40 souls began providing great financial support to us in these missions. The church not located in a heavily populated area such as a town where opportunity for local evangelism is readily available, but rather is a rural community where many of us drive many miles, 5, 10, 20 to 25 miles to worship together. Yet they so much want to help in reaching others with the gospel. Yes there is a lot that churches small in number can do. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:23 PM

This is a picture of just a few of the children that attended Bayou La Batre Church of Christ, when we were there last. This church is blest with a number of young people and the church is deeply interested and involved in reaching out to others. We look forward to working again with the young church in just a couple of weeks. We will be knocking on doors introducing people to the church and setting up bible studies with them. We look forward to again attending the Wilson Av. Church of Christ this Wed. evening for our last session in teaching the Open Bible Method of teaching the Bible. This church is really looking forward to using this method which is so easy yet so effective in teaching the Word. Evangelism is so important. There are many ways that individuals and churches can be involved. Let me pass on to you a very effective method used by the Howell Church of Christ. This is the church where I am privileged to preach when we are home. The church has been very helpful to Rosemary & me is our efforts of missions. Now they are not only helping, but facilitating our work so that even more evangelism can be done. Last night this congregation of between 30 and 40 souls began providing great financial support to us in these missions. The church not located in a heavily populated area such as a town where opportunity for local evangelism is readily available, but rather is a rural community where many of us drive many miles, 5, 10, 20 to 25 miles to worship together. Yet they so much want to help in reaching others with the gospel. Yes there is a lot that churches small in number can do. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:23 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007

Good News!! These pictures are about some of the work in the Bayou La Batre area of South Alabama. In the above picture we are helping people with food and other necessities needed after Katrina. Below is a picture of two of the workers that mean so much to the people there, Joe and Gladys. At the time of Katrina, the church was not meeting there, but because of some many of us going into help the peoplel Bayou La Batre now has a congregation of the Church of Christ. Now they need a building and have an agreement with a denominational group to buy their building. The cost of this building, which the brethren believe will be adequate for future growth, is $125,000. If you or the congregation where you attend can help, it will be greatly appreciated. I know these brethren having spent a lot of time there and am planning to go back to help the church there in about 2 weeks, they are a fine loving church, dedicated to reaching out to others with the gospel. I stand amazed at how much they have been able to grow. They have taught many and have baptized several people. They have an attendance in rented facilities of about 30. With a permanent building and a located preacher, this congregation, I believe, has a good future. Please send a contribution no matter how small or "how large" to Bayou La Batre Church of Christ P.O. Box218 Bayou La Batre, Al. 36509
Feel free to call me about any info you may desire about this church. About 40 of us from as far away as Ohio plan to descend on Bayou La Batre in two weeks where we will spend about a week to 10 days knocking on doors, teaching the bible and helping any way we can. Want to join us? Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 3:53 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Good News, it looks like the Bayou Le Batre Church of Christ is at last going to have a building. An offer has been made on an existing church building and is expected to be signed this Wed. We will be putting pictures and more info on the blog as it becomes available. If you would like to work at Bayou Le Batre, a group of us plan to be there the last week in April, to help clean, and work on the building, to spend the week knocking doors, setting up bible studies and preaching thru the last week in April. This is a great little group of God's people who have really been some trials and tribulations, but have refused to quit and give up. You will love them. They are such an encouragement. I know Russ will be there along with Dave and a group from Ohio. It will be work, but with Russ and Dave there, it will also be fun. More later. Church what an opportunity. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 12:32 PM