Friday, March 31, 2006
Now it is true that volunteer work with the Churches of Christ Disaster Team can be hot and tiring. However we were stationed for several months at the Creekside Church of Christ. This good church may provisions for sleeping, showering, washing and drying clothes and every evening Marcell, the sister in the blue blouse, and her helpers had a good hot meal for us at the end of the day. David Sargent is the minister of this church and many of their members really worked hard with us in the gulf region. They provided rooms for sleeping, room for storage of supplies, hundreds of tracts, many bibles and a wonderful warm friendly welcome to us in the worship services....Don
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Some of the Disaster Response Team Volunteers. Don & Rosemary (thats yours truly and his wife). The next picture of an unidentified volunteer, with mask, helping clean out a house. The bottom picture is of Dick and Nita. We are privileged also in being in the sojourners with Dick and Nita. One of the elders from Somerset Church of Christ which oversees the Churches of Christ Disaster Team will be at the Ohio Valley Christian College with an information booth about the volunteer work. Talked with some of the preachers in the Katrina affected area just today. Since the storm, many opportunities for bible study have taken place. One place is have a bible study every evening except Wed. when they have bible study at the church building. In another place there are over 25 on going studies. I am aware of some 60 baptisms and I am sure there are many more of which I am not aware. Brethren this is one of the greatest opportunities I believe we have had in my life time to teach people the word. They are so receptive. Thanks so much for your continued interest and encouragement. It has well been said, " People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" People are finding out how much Christians care and they are responding to our care and interest in them. Don
On the sojourn in Cape Coral, near Ft. Meyers, Fla., we knocked on a lot of doors, held church growth seminars, set up bible studies and preached a revival meeting. But we also did a lot of physical work that helped the church. In this picture you see Dick going into an area of downed trees from Hurricane Chaley. Dick, a volunteer with the Sojourners and the Churches of Christ Disaster Team, made short work of the debris. Don
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Bible lesson----Putting something into Life
For many of us, there really is no satisfaction in just quitting doing everything. I believe life is to be lived.
For many of us there is real satisfaction in living a positive life for God.
Let's discuss a few things we can put into our life
I. Things that have may have no lasting value
a. Material things
Mt.6:19, Ec.5:10, IJn.2:15-17
The desire for more wealth, recognition, appreciation, if we look for fulfillment in these, can we ever
find fulfillment?
II.Things that can have lasting value--spiritual things
Gal.6:8, Mt.6:20, Col.3:1
b. Some spiritual things
1. salvation--here and hereafter, daily walk with God
2.Love "The brand of a Christian" Jn.13:35, I Pet.1:22, Col.3:13
Christianity and Christian principles can grow in an atmosphere of love.
3.Joy---A lot of sadness in the world today and yet we can have joy.
IPet.1:8 , Phil.4:4
Whether success, failure, whether I achieve or fail to achieve, He can work all things to His glory
Eph.1:11, Rm.8:28
c. Peace--Phil.4:7,
1.How may I have this peace? a way that can help....
Phil.4: To think on these things, I must focus, prepare, and make a conscious effort to think on
these things.
III. Life can bae empty--swept and garnished or I can with God's help and the encouragement of other
Christians put some very vital Christian graces into it. By doing this it just may be that I not only make life
better for me, but also for others.
I really can let my light shine by putting something into it.....
For many of us, there really is no satisfaction in just quitting doing everything. I believe life is to be lived.
For many of us there is real satisfaction in living a positive life for God.
Let's discuss a few things we can put into our life
I. Things that have may have no lasting value
a. Material things
Mt.6:19, Ec.5:10, IJn.2:15-17
The desire for more wealth, recognition, appreciation, if we look for fulfillment in these, can we ever
find fulfillment?
II.Things that can have lasting value--spiritual things
Gal.6:8, Mt.6:20, Col.3:1
b. Some spiritual things
1. salvation--here and hereafter, daily walk with God
2.Love "The brand of a Christian" Jn.13:35, I Pet.1:22, Col.3:13
Christianity and Christian principles can grow in an atmosphere of love.
3.Joy---A lot of sadness in the world today and yet we can have joy.
IPet.1:8 , Phil.4:4
Whether success, failure, whether I achieve or fail to achieve, He can work all things to His glory
Eph.1:11, Rm.8:28
c. Peace--Phil.4:7,
1.How may I have this peace? a way that can help....
Phil.4: To think on these things, I must focus, prepare, and make a conscious effort to think on
these things.
III. Life can bae empty--swept and garnished or I can with God's help and the encouragement of other
Christians put some very vital Christian graces into it. By doing this it just may be that I not only make life
better for me, but also for others.
I really can let my light shine by putting something into it.....
Talked with "Big Mike" today. What a worker, how fortunate we are to have him as a volunteer with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. He and others have unloaded two truck loads of much needed furniture today that will help a lot of people. Mike writes that much needed donations are coming in and that they are using much of this to purchase dry wall to put in houses of those who really need it. Pictured here is a very nice greenhouse 21x97 that is greatly needed to use in storage of food, supplies, and building materials.(The plants did
not come with the greenhouse). As you may have noticed, we have said very little about donations. We know you are aware of this, but this servant is not about asking for money. We want you to know whats going on, how people are being helped and especially how people are being reached for Christ our Lord. We want you to feel welcomed to be a part of this effort anyway you can. Your prayers for this effort are appreciated greatly and the Lord is using this ministry mightily. If you have donated items to send, we appreciate you for this. If you want to come to one of the work locations as so many are, we appreciate you for this effort. Of course as money is donated, we realize your sacrifice here too, and will do our best to wisely use it to God's glory. Thank you for sharing this blog site with your friends and please, as so many are, share my email address with others so they do can know the joy we are all having serving the Lord in this manner of outreach and church growth. Also please share this blog site address Thanks Don
not come with the greenhouse). As you may have noticed, we have said very little about donations. We know you are aware of this, but this servant is not about asking for money. We want you to know whats going on, how people are being helped and especially how people are being reached for Christ our Lord. We want you to feel welcomed to be a part of this effort anyway you can. Your prayers for this effort are appreciated greatly and the Lord is using this ministry mightily. If you have donated items to send, we appreciate you for this. If you want to come to one of the work locations as so many are, we appreciate you for this effort. Of course as money is donated, we realize your sacrifice here too, and will do our best to wisely use it to God's glory. Thank you for sharing this blog site with your friends and please, as so many are, share my email address with others so they do can know the joy we are all having serving the Lord in this manner of outreach and church growth. Also please share this blog site address Thanks Don
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Not all of the disasters in which we are involved are due to hurricanes. This picture shows the awesome impact of a tornado in Evansville, Ind. We had been in the gulf region most of Sept. Oct. and were on the way home. Received a call from our Coordinator Mark Cremeans saying they needed help in Evansville. We left immediately. When we got there, there were already several disaster response team members there working. The church there was really organized for the effort. We carried food and supplies out to the people and several were able to come to the church house. The tracts we gave out were well received. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio, has a web site with more information. Their telephone number is 740-743-2313. Thanks for your concern .....Don
Monday, March 27, 2006
The top photo shows our trailer about half loaded. Every day several of us volunteers go out into the affected communities with groceries, household supplies and other necessities to help folks. We also give out many tracts and bibles and encourage them to attend the local Church of Christ. The bottom picture shows a happy family that has received house hold supplies provided by caring concerned Christians. It is no wonder that these people are very receptive to bible study and that there have been well over 50 baptisms if the affected areas. Not only do the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team help people physically but because of Christian's concern many are being reached spiritually. The Churches of Christ Disaster Team is under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio. Thank you for your help in telling people about the blog dedicated to missions, outreach and church growth. We are having tremendous response.....Don
Saturday, March 25, 2006
This top picture was once a beautiful house on stilts. You can see the damage that was done even though it was high off the ground. The lower picture is just some of the donated food that was sent to be distributed by the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. Volunteers worked from daylight to dark helping clean out houses so they could be repaired, carried groceries and supplies, cook hundreds of meal, cut trees and removed other debris and just about anything else that would help people recover. I might add with all these efforts in helping people hundreds of tracts and bibles were given out, bible studies are still taking place, many congregations are experiencing numerically growth, and many people are being baptized into Christ. Received a report yesterday of three more baptisms in the gulf region. Brethren, there is an opportunity to teach people about the Lord, like few I have seen in my life-time. The people are so receptive after we christians show we care. If you would like to be a volunteer with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, we can sure use you. You can call our Coordinator Mark Cremeans at 937-308-0035 or his wife Laura at 937-308-2259. If you call and get their answering message, leave your number, they are probably on the line, they'll get back with you. If I can help email me at I'll be happy to help. Thanks for all your help. Don
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Pictured here is just a small amount of the donated items sent to the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. We appreciate you and your donation of very important supplies that will help people. The good clothes that you see hanging in the upper right were greatly appreciated. We are thankful for the many invitations to speak about the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team and also to present a seminar in many churches on the subject of church growth. It is our effort not only to inform congregations of what many volunteers are doing in helping life become a little better and at the same also teach the bible. These seminars, which can greatly help in numerical growth of the church are without any fee whatever. We do not even accept fuel money. It is just another effort that we in the Churches of Christ Disaster Team are involved in to help encourage outreach and church growth. April and May dates are all filled but there are a few dates available in June. We have church growth seminars and drt. presentations scheduled from Ohio to Alabama. If we can be of any help whatever, please email us at Again thanks for telling others about this blog site. It has had tremendous reception. It is so encouraging in communicating with so many Christians interested in helping people and who have such a sincere interest in church growth. Thanks, Don
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
These guys in the red shirts. Roy, Joe and yours truly are in disaster area cooking. We set up this kitchen on one of the church grounds. This congregation has sense started back meeting and has had over 40 baptisms. We just received word this morning of another congregation where the preacher is at present conducting 25 bible studies and has baptized several. These efforts are made possible because Christians are there in the area working and helping and showing we care. It really has been wonderful hearing of these efforts. Some one passed this sign on to me. "Do more than ponder, pray"......Don.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team found scenes of devastation such as this when we arrived to help after a large tornado struck Evansville, In.
The drt. Team carried groceries and other supplies into the area as well as other helpful activities. We got names and addresses for follow up and also gave out numbers of bible tracts in an effort not only to help physically but also to help spiritually.
A saying passed on When a life is hemmed in prayer, it is less apt to become unraveled. Email me at Don
Monday, March 20, 2006
Mike has made little precious children very happy with a gift you donated. Little children really do love this big fellow.
"Message From Mike "
Over the weekend we had approximately 90 volunteers, mostly youth groups.They worked on cleaning yards and "gutting" houses. Mike says he has over 100 work orders to help needy people. Those 90 volunteers really put a dent in the work. They were a great help. It is our effort to see that people who are helped
have an opportunity to study God's word. Thanks so much to Christians like
Mike and other volunteers. We, together, are showing people what caring Christians can do. It isn't any wonder why you hear people say " God bless the Church of Christ." And again thank you for telling others about this blog...... Don
"Message From Mike "
Over the weekend we had approximately 90 volunteers, mostly youth groups.They worked on cleaning yards and "gutting" houses. Mike says he has over 100 work orders to help needy people. Those 90 volunteers really put a dent in the work. They were a great help. It is our effort to see that people who are helped
have an opportunity to study God's word. Thanks so much to Christians like
Mike and other volunteers. We, together, are showing people what caring Christians can do. It isn't any wonder why you hear people say " God bless the Church of Christ." And again thank you for telling others about this blog...... Don
This tall fellow here is my brother Paul from Gainesville, Fla. He came over to the gulf to help and became so effective that he became one of our outdoor kitchen leaders. This second kitchen helped us to not only help more, but also to outreach more. You see the large coolers by my brother. These coolers are filled with good warm food. The tables are being spread and some one hundred people are about to see Christians caring. Thanks so much for your help. Watch for the next blog, probable today, with a new feature "Message from Mike" Please email me with you comment and suggestions. Don
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Dick is one of our sojourners. Not only do sojourners knock on doors inviting people to study the bible and learn about the Lord, but we also are often involved in a great deal of physical work. Dick was the team leader on this sojourn and here we see him about to use the chain saw on trees that were downed by a hurricane. In this particular locale, we knocked on over 2000 doors inviting people to a revival meeting. Several came. We also conducted a church growth seminar and preached the revival meeting. The sojourners are a wonderful group some 1000 Christians that travel in their R.V.'s (rigs) working with congregations in a great variety of ways. If you have an interest in the sojourners help you can call 903-935-5742, speak to sojourner or e-mail me, as I am a sojourner and we'll be honored to talk with you.....Don
Nearly every community and State into which the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team goes, we find signs similar to this one. People are so thankful. Most often when you have a bible tract and offer it to them, they take it gladly. Many time they will say,"now what church are you from?" You tell them, " the Church of Christ," and they will say something like "God bless the Church of Christ and God bless you." This is a really opportunity for us to do follow up bible study. This is one of the areas that the drt. is particularly mindful of, we want to help people physically but we also want very much to teaach them about Jesus. Thank you very much for telling others about this blog. Isn't it wonderful to know about some of the good things happening in the wonderful Church of Christ.....Don
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Bible Study....A Working Salvation of the People of God
Introduction: I Pet. 2:9-12 "the people of God "
Phil.2:12&13 "God working in you"
IThes. 2:13 "The word of God working effectually in you"
Mk.5:16 may our "workings" glorify our Father.
I.Why a working salvation is so important.
People, today, are drawn by action, not just words Mt.10:16 "It can be helpful to be aware of those things which affect positively for Christianity. "
We may be assured Satan is aware of those things which help his cause.
1. If I were not a Christian today, what kind of church would it take to encourage me to attend to hear the word?
2. If I were not a Christian today, what kind of Christian would it take to encourage me to attend to hear the word?
We can be the kind of Christian that will encourage others with truth.
ICor.6:19&20 We belong to God.
ITim.5:10- good traits
I believe this kind of "a people" can have great affect to encourage others to hear and learn about Jesus.
This is a "peculiar people"
II.Areas in which our salvation should work
1.Work to encourage each other
Heb.10:24&25 exhort--encourage
ITim.4:13 give attention to exhortation---encouragement
ITim.4:16 "give attention to the doctrine"
Christians we can encourage others to live soberly, righteously and godly today.
2.Work to encourage those without -- not an attiude of " They know we're here or Come and get it".
Eph.2:13-16- We Christians were made near to God by the blood of our Lord.
Exs. of some of Jesus teaching
Jn.4:5 and following verses: Jesus met her where she was (needing water) and took her where He was going.
Jn.8:1 and following verses: Jesus met her at what she needed (mercy) and taught her " Go and sin no more".
We Christians are told:
Mt.28:19&20 -- go teach
Rm.10:13&14 how shall believe on whom they have not heard?
My Brethren, time and energy were spent in helping lead people away from Christ and His Church. We need not think it strange that it will take time and energy to lead them to Christ and back to Christ.
Lk.15:4-6 God is happy when people come to Him or back to Him. "Rejoice with me, I have found my sheep".
Introduction: I Pet. 2:9-12 "the people of God "
Phil.2:12&13 "God working in you"
IThes. 2:13 "The word of God working effectually in you"
Mk.5:16 may our "workings" glorify our Father.
I.Why a working salvation is so important.
People, today, are drawn by action, not just words Mt.10:16 "It can be helpful to be aware of those things which affect positively for Christianity. "
We may be assured Satan is aware of those things which help his cause.
1. If I were not a Christian today, what kind of church would it take to encourage me to attend to hear the word?
2. If I were not a Christian today, what kind of Christian would it take to encourage me to attend to hear the word?
We can be the kind of Christian that will encourage others with truth.
ICor.6:19&20 We belong to God.
ITim.5:10- good traits
I believe this kind of "a people" can have great affect to encourage others to hear and learn about Jesus.
This is a "peculiar people"
II.Areas in which our salvation should work
1.Work to encourage each other
Heb.10:24&25 exhort--encourage
ITim.4:13 give attention to exhortation---encouragement
ITim.4:16 "give attention to the doctrine"
Christians we can encourage others to live soberly, righteously and godly today.
2.Work to encourage those without -- not an attiude of " They know we're here or Come and get it".
Eph.2:13-16- We Christians were made near to God by the blood of our Lord.
Exs. of some of Jesus teaching
Jn.4:5 and following verses: Jesus met her where she was (needing water) and took her where He was going.
Jn.8:1 and following verses: Jesus met her at what she needed (mercy) and taught her " Go and sin no more".
We Christians are told:
Mt.28:19&20 -- go teach
Rm.10:13&14 how shall believe on whom they have not heard?
My Brethren, time and energy were spent in helping lead people away from Christ and His Church. We need not think it strange that it will take time and energy to lead them to Christ and back to Christ.
Lk.15:4-6 God is happy when people come to Him or back to Him. "Rejoice with me, I have found my sheep".
Friday, March 17, 2006
You can count 11 of us. We are getting ready to set up a "kitchen" to feed at least 100 people their evening meal. We have three folding tables with the food set out buffet style. We have a couple of small gas grills and a small campstove. Generally I am doing the cooking often with the help of one or two. The rest are serving the food on take out trays. When we are finished all of the food is gone. We also bring much needed house hold supplies.
I might add, as people come thru the line they are also given a bible tract and if we have them they are also given a bible and invited to worship with the local Church of Christ. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team (drt) is not only a great serving and helping mission, but the results of our outreach is often just tremendous. It is a great opportunity for telling and showing by action the influence of Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you so much for your helpful prayers.... Don and Rosemary. By the way the pictures you see on this site are taken by Rosemary. She is really doing a good job as our photographer.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
All eleven of us set up a kitchen to feed people on the river. The river had left its banks here and caused a lot of destruction. Notice on the right and you can see a boat washed ashore. The main industry in this area is fishing and that was ruined for sometime. Our motto is often stated as "first in and last out". Folks in this area were thrilled to see us come in with groceries and supplies. We also passed out tracts and bibles with the meals we served. Many people in this area have become members of the Church of Christ because of all of us working together. Thanks so much from a whole lot of people..
Don and Rosemary
The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio, appreciate the many donated items that you have sent. Your concern and generosity in sending these donated items is a great help. Many of the volunteers spent many hours separating and preparing your donations. Then other volunteers take these goods to people who really need them. Tracts and bibles are also carried and given away. Often bible studies are set up. These items which you send often helps us teach people about the Lord....Don
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Thomas Campbell, the minister of the Driftwood acres Church of Christ and his good wife Mildred. These are really hard working Christians. We sojourners were in a mission effort with the Christians there. They were very actively involved with us. We knocked on some 2000 doors inviting people to church, taught bible classes, taught a church growth seminar on reaching others with the gospel and preached a revival meeting. This was a great out reach effort in the Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale area. Many of us sojourners then went to the Cape Coral Church in the Ft. Meyers area on another mission. Don
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
These are just a few of the fishing boats that were damaged by Katrina. This of course greatly affected the livelihood of many people in the gulf region. The Churches of Christ Disaster Teams' volunteers are still working in this area helping in caring for people. Nearly everyday we receive word about people being helped, people being taught and congregations being encouraged because of our work together... If you have questions about this work or if you too want to get involved you are certainly welcomed to email me and I'll get that info out to you immediately. Don
Monday, March 13, 2006
The volunters are serving food and passing out household supplies down on the gulf. These fine people were greatful to the church of christ for their concern for them. They received, along with food and supplies, tracts and bibles. Sometimes in the line people would miss getting a bible. Many of them came back for one. They really appreciated getting the bibles to read. From these efforts, we are aware of many baptisms and increased attendance at worship services. If you would like a presentation where you worship, we will make every effort to be there. Please email us at Again thank you so much for telling other of the blog site. Don
We do not know why this picture came out so unclear, but it shows some of the volunteers serving supper at Bayou le Batre. The volunteers shown are Ruth and that's Joe with his back turned to the camera. The people at Bayou le Batre were very receptive to us. At various places where we cared for people along the gulf coast, we gave out hundreds of tracts and bibles. Many studies have taken place and we have received word that there have been well over forty baptisms thus far. Thank you from a lot of people you have been a part of helping physically and spiritually. Don
Saturday, March 11, 2006
"Big Mike" has made some precious children very happy with this little doll. Your gifts of food supplies and other necessities are greatly appreciated, but sometimes that little something extra can bring a lot of happiness to children who have been thru some of these disasters. Mike is an unbelievable help to the Church of Christ Disaster Response Team (drt).. You just can't hitch him up wrong. He goes anywhere and does anything that he's asked. He does it on and on and on. I believe he has been in the gulf region helping people now for about six months. Thanks for volunteers like the" big fellow." Don
Sojourners at devotions
Everyday, before we begin our work, we have devotions together. Pictured from left to right Neal (only half a picture) , his wife Thelma, Dick, his wife Nita, Don, my wife Rosemary, and Maxine. After devotions that particular day, we visited several homes, gave them literature, tried to set up bible study and invited them to the revival.
It is always a joy to take your questions. Please e mail me at Thanks Don
Everyday, before we begin our work, we have devotions together. Pictured from left to right Neal (only half a picture) , his wife Thelma, Dick, his wife Nita, Don, my wife Rosemary, and Maxine. After devotions that particular day, we visited several homes, gave them literature, tried to set up bible study and invited them to the revival.
It is always a joy to take your questions. Please e mail me at Thanks Don
Friday, March 10, 2006
Our group picture on the mission effort with sojourners. From left to right, Margaret, George, Eunice, Gladys, Joe, Maxine, Doug, Dick, Nita, Neal (our team leader), Thelma, Roemary, Don. This group along with several member of the Driftwood Church of Christ, near Hollywood, Fl. knocked on over 2000 doors, set up bible studies, held a church growth seminar, held a revival meeting and were an encouragement to the church and were encouraged by the church. This sojourn was in Feb. 2006. Don
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Maxine, one of our sojourners, filling out her personal work form in Cape Coral, Fla. There we knocked on over 2000 doors setting up bible studies and inviting people to services. This amazing sister doesn't let a handicap stop her. Everwhere she goes she uses a cane or is pushed in a wheel chair by her beloved husband Doug. Maxine and Doug cover a much ground and do as much personal work as any of the rest of us on this sojourn.
At Bayou le Batre, we met a wonderful woman that we call Grandma. She lives away back in the village. Her grandson asked, "is there anyway you all can help my grandmother get a stove so she can cook her rice?" Some organization had give her a bag of uncooked rice. She had no way of cooking it. Several of the voluteers got her a stove that uses bottled gas so she could cook her food. The next day it was very hot, but she walked all the way out of the village and came to me, hugged me real big and in her broken English said many times, "thank you, thank you, thank you" We all love "Grandma"
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Wonderful news. As all know there is a a lot of out reach that takes place with the volunteers of the drt. One such place that received much needed help such as food, meals, repair and bible teaching was a community south of Mobile, Al. call Bayou le Batre. I love this area, the people are very warm and friendly. The hurricane had ruined much of the fishing there along with destroying and flooding many houses. The Church of Christ had ceased meeting some time before Katrina but many of us volunteers used it as a staging area bringing in supplys and providing meals for the people of the area. I am happy to tell you that due to a lot of work, the church building is again open, Christians are meeting there and, there has been some 40 (forty) baptisms. The last two Sundays they have had to bring out extra chairs for the Sun.morn. service. Just look what God can do thru His people. There are many other success strories from the mission efforts that we will be sharing on the Missions with Don and Rosemary blog. Church Growth based on the bible can take place. It is taking place and I am humbled by the privilege of having a part in it. I know you are too.
Had hoped to have some more pictures up from our mission trip in S. Fla. but other events happened please return this Thurs evening, we should have several very interesting pictures. Again please e mail and tell you friends about this blog. We, together, can encourage out reach and church growth. Don
Had hoped to have some more pictures up from our mission trip in S. Fla. but other events happened please return this Thurs evening, we should have several very interesting pictures. Again please e mail and tell you friends about this blog. We, together, can encourage out reach and church growth. Don
Friday, March 03, 2006
It has been said that one picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few pictures where your help has meant so much. When we work in these areas it is also an opportunity to give out tracts, bibles and to set up visitation for bible study.
On the left...drt volunteers helped empty many houses of belongings damaged by flood waters. Often the best help we could give is just be there during a sad situation.
Thanks from a lot of folks.
This evening someone is coming over to show us how to put pictures on this site You will then be able to see many of the places and people with whom we have worked in our missions. Some of the pictures will show the destruction and some of them will show the tremendous spirit and effort of Christians and we work together to help.
Realilzation of the Relationship
Gal.3:26&27, IICor.6:16-18--We can have a very special relationship with God.
I.We can depend on God--God can be our anchor
Heb.6:17-20, IITim.2:19
II.We can talk to God--may not know the future, but can know Him that holds the future.
Mt.6:9, ITim.2:5, Jas.5:16
III. God is concerned for His children now. God is not way far off up there and we away
away far off down here.
Mt.10:29-31, Mt.6:25-30
Realilzation of the Relationship
Gal.3:26&27, IICor.6:16-18--We can have a very special relationship with God.
I.We can depend on God--God can be our anchor
Heb.6:17-20, IITim.2:19
II.We can talk to God--may not know the future, but can know Him that holds the future.
Mt.6:9, ITim.2:5, Jas.5:16
III. God is concerned for His children now. God is not way far off up there and we away
away far off down here.
Mt.10:29-31, Mt.6:25-30
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Your appreciation of this site is a joy to me. There is so much good going on by christians in missions and out reach and sometimes we are not aware of it. It just makes you feel good to know that there are so many volunteers helping in these disaster areas. We are not only helping people materially, but with bible studies being arranged, people are also having a great opportunity to know the Jesus we read about in the New Testament.
On another note, it was sure wonderful to return to the Howell church last evening for bible study. Wayne Porter teaches the class on Wed. night and it is a great class. Your questions and comments are always appreciated at Don
On another note, it was sure wonderful to return to the Howell church last evening for bible study. Wayne Porter teaches the class on Wed. night and it is a great class. Your questions and comments are always appreciated at Don
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Thank you for coming to our blog. From time to time, I am asked, "well just what is the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, and how does it differ from other good organization?" Thank you for asking this question, and thank you for your interest in saving souls and helping those who suffer from disasters such as hurricanes, stroms, floods and other natural disasters. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team often referred to as the "DRT" is a group of people who work under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio. Many of our members can not travel to distant places because of their jobs or other responsibilities. They still help a great deal by telling others about the work and sending supplies to help those who are suffering from the disaster. Many of us go when we are are called and stay for a considerable time from a few weeks to a few months. Several of the volunteers seemingly are always there. Our coordinator Mark and his good wife Mark and Laura are always on the job--traveling, working, gathering supplies and calling us to come help. Of course Marge who is another "full time" voluteer. She cooks for the volunteers, makes sure they have a place to sleep and other necessities. Then there is my wonderful friend " Big Mike". It doesn't get to tough or to dirty for this brother. You've just got to meet him. For more info about the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, you mail e mail me at or call the Somerset Elders at 740-743-2313. If you would like to help, contact us. We also have a web site, If you would like for me to make a presentation at mid-week bible study email us or call me at 931-6983150. This is another way I can volunteer to help in out reach, bring other people to Christ and helping in horrible effects of disasters Don