Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thanks for all the emails and bible questions, stories etc. Rosemary and I are looking forward to going to the Tent Meeting in Huntsville, Ala. this coming Mon. night. Some friends are going with us. I do hope the tent is full. This tent meeting is in the parking lot of the Memorial Parkway Church of Christ.
We have enjoyed three football games this past week and plan to go to at least two more next week. We have four grandboys who play football in school and they love to see and hear "Grandmary"and "Pa Pa Don" cheering for them.
We can hardly wait to attend the Sojourner workshop at Camp"B"in Marshall, Texas beginning on Oct. 9th. We have heard from so many sojourners what an encouraging uplifting experience it is. We are of the opinion, that what we learn there will greatly help us in our missionary work. Looking forward to being with my beloved brethren at the Howell Church tomorrow. Don
We have enjoyed three football games this past week and plan to go to at least two more next week. We have four grandboys who play football in school and they love to see and hear "Grandmary"and "Pa Pa Don" cheering for them.
We can hardly wait to attend the Sojourner workshop at Camp"B"in Marshall, Texas beginning on Oct. 9th. We have heard from so many sojourners what an encouraging uplifting experience it is. We are of the opinion, that what we learn there will greatly help us in our missionary work. Looking forward to being with my beloved brethren at the Howell Church tomorrow. Don
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bible Study--Some dangers facing the Church
Acts 20:28&29, Col.1:23
I. Self-Satisfaction-- "I've done enough, We've done enough"
This attitude can lead to a lack of zeal and dedication.
II. Discord
1.A simple procedure that may help in discord
Hag.1:5 Consider your ways--would I appreciate my attitude toward others inflicted on me?
Mt. 18:18--"Go to thy brother"
III. Lack of conviction--it has been noticed that many others tend to develop a belief in that about which we feel passionately.. Conviction can show, so can lack of conviction.
Our conviction, our belief, our passionate belief, our confidence can influence others.
IITim.2:2, I Tim. 12
1. Confidence in the plan of salvation: belief Jn.3:16, repentance Lk.13:3, confession Mt. 10:32, baptism Mk.16:16
2.Confidence in the public worship: Lord's Supper Acts 20:7, Music in the worship ICor. 14:15, Prayer ITim.2:8, Preaching the Word IITim.4:1-4
3.Confidence in my life because of Christ.
Rev.2:10, ICor.15:57
Acts 20:28&29, Col.1:23
I. Self-Satisfaction-- "I've done enough, We've done enough"
This attitude can lead to a lack of zeal and dedication.
II. Discord
1.A simple procedure that may help in discord
Hag.1:5 Consider your ways--would I appreciate my attitude toward others inflicted on me?
Mt. 18:18--"Go to thy brother"
III. Lack of conviction--it has been noticed that many others tend to develop a belief in that about which we feel passionately.. Conviction can show, so can lack of conviction.
Our conviction, our belief, our passionate belief, our confidence can influence others.
IITim.2:2, I Tim. 12
1. Confidence in the plan of salvation: belief Jn.3:16, repentance Lk.13:3, confession Mt. 10:32, baptism Mk.16:16
2.Confidence in the public worship: Lord's Supper Acts 20:7, Music in the worship ICor. 14:15, Prayer ITim.2:8, Preaching the Word IITim.4:1-4
3.Confidence in my life because of Christ.
Rev.2:10, ICor.15:57
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sojourners, Dick and Nita. Sojourners are a group of christians, somewhere between 800-1000 active, who are very much involved in mission work in the Church of Christ. Rosemary and I are thankful for the opportunity afforded us to do mission work in the Sojourners. Although we have been Sojourners for nearly two years, we have yet been able to go to the work shop at Camp B in Marshall, Texas, we are planning attending this Oct. 9th. The theme of this years workshop is "Being About Our Father's Business". We are really looking forward to the classes as we feel they will definitely help us be more effiective in our mission work. The Sojourners are overseen by the Eastern Hill's Elders. You can find out more about the sojourners and our mission on the web-site at There are various sojourns all in some way seeking to be of help to the Church. By the way we have now returned from our last mission from S.W. Fla. helping a couple of congregation. We receive an E mail from the minister of the Peace River Church that they have had a baptism this past week. Don
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thurs. morn. Sept.21, 2006. Today is my Dad's 87th birthday. My brother, sister and I plan to take him out to dinner tonight. We plan to leave in the morning by 7:00 hoping to get home somethime Sat. Am looking forward to preaching at the Howell Church Sun. morn and evening. There probably will not be any news on the blog and email may not be answered until sometime Mon. Thanks for your emails and questions. Looking forward to going to Camp B and the Sojourners Work shop in a couple of weeks. Jesus has asked us to go and teach. May I always remember, "that people don't care how much I know until they know how much I care". "When I go to where people are, I can take them to where I am going. " Don
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Whether it's in Bayou la Batre, Alabama (above), or Punta Gorda (below), when a group of christians get together for a meal or to break ground for a new building, it is always a joy to be a part of them. Last month, Rosemary and I were honored to work in evangelism with the church in Bayou la Batre. We conducted 14 bible studies and preached and taught Wed. Ev. Bible Study as we gathered in one of the member's house. This month we have been privileged to work with two congregations in S.W. Fla., Peace River who is building a new building and Port Charlotte. Today we were in visitatiion in some of the member's home. Tomorrow night we plan to teach the bible class at Ponta Gorda.
We are looking forward to being with many sojourners at Camp B in Marshall, Texas. This will be our first workshop there. We have heard from so many sojourners what a learning opportunity this is. We received the workshop schedule today and I am sure these classes will help us be more effective in our mission work. I might say if you would like to learn more about the sojourners, have an interest in joining the sojourners, or have an interest in the sojourners helping, check the web at or call one of the sojourners and you are surely welcomed to call us at 931-698-3150. Don
Monday, September 18, 2006

Pictured at the top is a newpaper reporter interviewing me about Rosemary and my mission work here in S.W. Fla. area of Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. I though that she wrote an excelent article concerning the rebuilding of the church building and the work in this area. We plan to teach the Wed. Ev. Bible Class here before we head for home on the 22nd.
This has been a very busy summer. Besides our work here in the S.W. Fla. area, we had an excellent mission in Bayou La Batre on the Alabama coast. We are looking forward to going to Camp B in Marshall, Texas in just over two weeks. We are looking forward in learning from brethren who are just great in personal evangelism how we can be more effective in our mission work.
This bottom picture show three wonderful christians going up the ramp to Wed. Ev. Bible Study.
Looking forward to working with the Granny White Church in Nashville on Wed. Evenings. Our lesson seminars will be regarding community evangelism and how to improve our effectiveness.
It has been a good missionary trip here, but we are really looking forward to getting back home and preaching at the Howell Church in Lincoln Co. Tennessee. This church has been nothing short of wonderful in being involved in our mission work. Don
Saturday, September 16, 2006

The top picture is of the ground breaking at the Peace River Church of Christ. This church's building was totally destroyed by hurricane Charley. Pictured here is most of the members. They would not give up. They decided to rebuild. It has been a privilege for Rosemary and I to be involved with this good congregation these past couple of years.
Below is a picture of two of the most dedicated christians I have ever met. This is Doug & Evie English. Doug is the minister of the congregation and a really good speaker and teacher. He and Evie with him, are great servants. They serve this congregation with no salery. They are two very sacrificial people. If you are in the Punta Gorda area, I believe you will be blessed getting to know this good church.
You can access the newspaper article about the rebuilding of the building at
Received a new newsletter from David Sargent at the Creekwood Church. A Heroic Service. You can access it at Dear Readers thanks to so many of you for informing of the error in one of my address. It is amazing how many of you read this blog, pass on information to me and ask questions. Thank you very much. Teaching Bible Class at Port Charlotte tomorrow. The Church can be the center of the Community and biblical ways to accomplish this. Sermon in the morning Showing and Telling Christianity. Good Night Don
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Picture here is Rosemary and me as we have stopped to have breakfast. We are on the way to S.W. Fla. on a mission to help a church that has asked for our help. We are teaching Bible Classes, preaching and visiting people as requested by the elders. We had several good conversations with prospective members and other members we were asked to contact today. We plan to leave for home the 22nd of this month.
We received an email from a new congregation started in Franklin Co. Fla. Br. James E. Lee is the preacher. This congregation is very interested in evangelism and mission work. Their e mail is
Nearly every week I receive an excellent paper from the Creekwood Church of Christ where Brother David Sargent is the minister. There web site is This last article about what's right is most interesting.
Another opportunity to participate in evangelism that we have found to be both encouraging and effective in evangelism is The Sojourners. This is a group of christians who have RV's of various description who travel the country helping churches, schools, camps etc. This is all volunteer work. We pay our own way. If you would like to find out more and see if this group of christians might be of help to you, please go to our web site at Rosemary and I are looking forward to going to Camp B in Marshall, Texas is a few week. It is a great opportunity for us to learn to be more effective in our mission work. Don
Saturday, September 09, 2006
There was a very nice article in todays Charlotte Sun Newspaper. The article is about the determination of the members to rebuild the church building after Charlie two years ago. The ground breaking took place this past Wed. afternoon before Bible Study at 4:00pm. It also tells of members of the church walking around the neighborhood with volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response team. These volunteers handed out supplies to the people in need. The article also tells the story of one of the people that was baptized thru the efforts of these careing christians I know this fine sister and she is a fine faithful christian. I have been invited to preach at one of the congregations in the area and am looking forward to being with the brethren.
Thursday, September 07, 2006

There is good news tonight. Pictured here is the building of the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda after hurricane Charlie came thru two years ago. Yesterday after much patience and determination the congregation participated in breaking ground for the new building. Ft. Meyers, TV and the local newspaper were there to cover the event. The first place Rosemary and I came to after Charlie 's departure was this congregation and during these past two years, we have been privileged to either preach or teach bible classes here as a part of our mission work. It was a joy to be a part of their ground breaking ceremony last evening before we taught the mid-week bible class. Br. Doug English and his good wife Evie have worked so hard and so sacrificially in helping keep this work going thru these past two years. We plan to keep you informed as to the progress of their building program. Don
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This is a picture of the semi-trailer that can haul an enormous amount of supplies, tools and equipment to help people in times of disaster. When people see that big red trailer pulled up by a semi-truck they know help is there now. To the right is a small tool trailer that is usually filled with shovels, rakes, pitch forks, chain saws and the like to help clean up. Often we hitch a tool trailer up with a volunteers pick up and carry groceries and supplies to people who may not other wise be able to come to the center. Tracts about Christianity are left and we later endeavor to visit and set up a bible study with them. As we have shown love and concern for them, it usually isn't difficult to invite them to church. Don
Monday, September 04, 2006

This is a picture of some of the hard working Christians at Bayou La Batre. You see a couple of rigs in the background. That is where we stayed as we worked with the church there in August.
You may be wondering how the Disaster Response Team can get so much accomplished with it's resources. Reconstruction, feeding people, carrying household items and groceries to people in need, settting up bible studies and teaching the word of God to them. WE MAKE EXTREMELY GOOD USE OF THE DONATIONS SO SACRIFICIALLY GIVEN BY YOU. We are all volunteers. When we arrive at an area that needs help, many of our volunteers don't wait for supplies to get there. It is not uncommon for volunteers to go the lumber yard or grocery store (even if we have to go to another town) spending their own limited money, hoping for re-embursement, but not hesitating to do good. People are learning that when they see trucks, cars and rigs with the Disaster Response Team logo, that help is there now. God can do great things with our little. Matthew 10:42.
It has been said by some that donations given by caring people to the DRT receive 3x the value of their donation. DRT volunteers don't charge for driving to the disaster site, DRT volunteers don't charge for the work and the work both in helping people physically and spiritually is well done.
Just as in any great effort of the Lord, support troops are absolutely essential. Many would love to travel hundreds of miles to help, but because of work or other obligations it is not possible. You can be a vital part of the Disaster Response Team effort in helping to reach people for the Lord. Your every contribution and donation is put to work. Work will be done, but your make possible an even greater presence and accomplishment. Your prayers, contributions and donations speak volumes in this effort to the glory of God.
This work is under the Elders of the Somerset Church of Christ
p.o. box247
314 North Market Street
Somerset, Ohio 43783 phone 740-743-2313
By the way, we can sure use volunteers. Give our Director, Mark Cremeans a call at
937-308-2259 or give me a call if I can help. 931-698-3150 Don

This is a picture of some of the hard working Christians at Bayou La Batre. You see a couple of rigs in the background. That is where we stayed as we worked with the church there in August.
You may be wondering how the Disaster Response Team can get so much accomplished with it's resources. Reconstruction, feeding people, carrying household items and groceries to people in need, settting up bible studies and teaching the word of God to them. WE MAKE EXTREMELY GOOD USE OF THE DONATIONS SO SACRIFICIALLY GIVEN BY YOU. We are all volunteers. When we arrive at an area that needs help, many of our volunteers don't wait for supplies to get there. It is not uncommon for volunteers to go the lumber yard or grocery store (even if we have to go to another town) spending their own limited money, hoping for re-embursement, but not hesitating to do good. People are learning that when they see trucks, cars and rigs with the Disaster Response Team logo, that help is there now. God can do great things with our little. Matthew 10:42.
It has been said by some that donations given by caring people to the DRT receive 3x the value of their donation. DRT volunteers don't charge for driving to the disaster site, DRT volunteers don't charge for the work and the work both in helping people physically and spiritually is well done.
Just as in any great effort of the Lord, support troops are absolutely essential. Many would love to travel hundreds of miles to help, but because of work or other obligations it is not possible. You can be a vital part of the Disaster Response Team effort in helping to reach people for the Lord. Your every contribution and donation is put to work. Work will be done, but your make possible an even greater presence and accomplishment. Your prayers, contributions and donations speak volumes in this effort to the glory of God.
This work is under the Elders of the Somerset Church of Christ
p.o. box247
314 North Market Street
Somerset, Ohio 43783 phone 740-743-2313
By the way, we can sure use volunteers. Give our Director, Mark Cremeans a call at
937-308-2259 or give me a call if I can help. 931-698-3150 Don
Saturday, September 02, 2006
We have arrived in the SW Fla. area. As of this time it does look like things are not as bad as could have been. We are in the area and sinse we are here, we do plan to stay here a little while as there are other areas that the weather bureau in looking at in the Atlantic. While here, we have had a wonderful opportunity to help in evangelism with a couple of congregations in this area. One of the congregation is needing a new minister and another is recovering after the results of hurricane Charlie. We have our Jule Miller Videos in the rig and hopefully we can set up some bible studies while we are here. We are thankful that this door of evangelism and personal involvement has been opened to us here. While Rosemary and I are here, we are getting to spend some time with our Dad, he will be 88 Sept. 21. Yes I still say " Yes Sir" to him. He is of the "Greatest Generation". This area is seemingly saturated at present with water. The yards here are mushy and many of the ditches are full of water. Good Night. Don