Saturday, December 30, 2006
Personal Evangelism: Lesson # Seven
Counterproductive activities
1. Comparing what you are doing with some other church's out reach program. Because of circumstances, personalities, and other situations, every location is different. Some places are easier to accomplish studies than other places. While this should not be an excuse to do nothing, don't be discouraged if you are not succeeding as someone else. Remember, God gives the increase.
2. Do the best you can in your situation. A method that works one place may not work in another. Yesterday while studying with one couple a neighbor ask if I would study with him and his wife. Now while I am gratified by this, I realize that they know me in this community. If a few days we will be starting in mission areas where I am not known. I am sure that we will not be able to establish studies as easy as I can in my home town;
3. May we suggest and encourage, leave the unscriptural gimmickry alone. Not only are they unscriptural, but they often have no "stick-to-a-tivity".
ITim.3:15 Among many things the church is called on to do, we want to always be the ''pillar and ground of the truth".
Counterproductive activities
1. Comparing what you are doing with some other church's out reach program. Because of circumstances, personalities, and other situations, every location is different. Some places are easier to accomplish studies than other places. While this should not be an excuse to do nothing, don't be discouraged if you are not succeeding as someone else. Remember, God gives the increase.
2. Do the best you can in your situation. A method that works one place may not work in another. Yesterday while studying with one couple a neighbor ask if I would study with him and his wife. Now while I am gratified by this, I realize that they know me in this community. If a few days we will be starting in mission areas where I am not known. I am sure that we will not be able to establish studies as easy as I can in my home town;
3. May we suggest and encourage, leave the unscriptural gimmickry alone. Not only are they unscriptural, but they often have no "stick-to-a-tivity".
ITim.3:15 Among many things the church is called on to do, we want to always be the ''pillar and ground of the truth".
Our God is as a mountain that can not be moved
Mountains, hills, ricks, often used as a figure of strength and assurance and stability in the Bible.
Ex.24:13, Ps.121:1, Mt. 16:18
God is compared to a mountain, because it is can count on it.
I. God is our mountain of salvation
Mt.24:35, Heb.5:8&9, Heb.7:25, IJn.1:7, Rm.3:24&25
God is our Rock of Salvation...He will not be moved...
II.God is our mountain of daily provision and blessing
Mt. 6:11, Ex.16:13-19, Ps.37:25, Mt.6:33, Phil.4:12&13
III. God is our Mountain of Peace and Assurance
1.Economy 2.Health Care 3. World Events. etc. These and other things may well challenge our self-confidence
1. May not understand how He does it. He can. He wants to.
2. Something that may help with this peace
v.6-Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving
Mt.5:45 Our God is powerful enough to provide sunshine and rain, I can count on Him, What a God!
Mountains, hills, ricks, often used as a figure of strength and assurance and stability in the Bible.
Ex.24:13, Ps.121:1, Mt. 16:18
God is compared to a mountain, because it is can count on it.
I. God is our mountain of salvation
Mt.24:35, Heb.5:8&9, Heb.7:25, IJn.1:7, Rm.3:24&25
God is our Rock of Salvation...He will not be moved...
II.God is our mountain of daily provision and blessing
Mt. 6:11, Ex.16:13-19, Ps.37:25, Mt.6:33, Phil.4:12&13
III. God is our Mountain of Peace and Assurance
1.Economy 2.Health Care 3. World Events. etc. These and other things may well challenge our self-confidence
1. May not understand how He does it. He can. He wants to.
2. Something that may help with this peace
v.6-Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving
Mt.5:45 Our God is powerful enough to provide sunshine and rain, I can count on Him, What a God!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
This open bible method of teaching is really something else. I met a very nice grandmother of a young Christian that I know. I had heard she was not a member of the Church of Christ. I knew the young man's last name and hoped it was hers also. It was. While I did not know her, I ask her if Rosemary and I could come by and study the bible with her. She said.....Yes. So we are planning to study with her this coming Thurs. We talked with the people in S.W. Fla. that we studied with a couple of weeks ago, ( follow up is very important) and they want as soon as we come down to study with her mother and some friends. I await the days she can set the studies up for, but we are planning to now leave a week early so we can stop over in the Punta Gorda area for a few days and study the bible with this new Christians friends and many these friends have some friends. We have found that the students love the simplicity of the open bible method. They, the students, actually are reading what the bible says about such subjects as justification, scriptural authority, worship, salvation and other very important subjects. Our next scheduled seminar on the open bible method is in March at the Wilson Av. Church in Tulane. Good Night. Don
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Personal Evangelism: Lesson Six
We are discussing ways in which we can get contacts to set up a bible study in our community. On lesson five, we discussed "Using Opportunities". Today, we are concerned with "Praying for Opportunities ". In Matt.6:10, what we commonly call the Lord's Prayer, we see Jesus teaching us to pray," Thy will be done". God wants His will to be done, He will have His will to be done, and a very big part of His will is that people might be saved. Isn'that why He sent Jesus"? The Lord is not willing that any should perish. IIPet.3:9. You, my fellow Christian, can be an instrument that God uses to bring salvation to people. Doesn't Paul say, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels? Yes he sure does. So as I begin my search for students to teach, I talk with God about it. I tell God that I desire Him to help me in finding some one to teach. I believe God answers prayer, and I surely believe that God has answered my prayer many times in helping me find those to teach. When we are home we keep as full a schedule as possible in teaching people in the community. Of course, when we are on sojourns, that is our major effort. On sojourns, we are seeking people that we have never met or seen before. Our approach there is a little different than it is in a community in which we live. As most of you readers will be seeking people in your community, our lessons are prepared for you in mind. After we have used opportunities, and prayed for opportunities, and as yet we might not have a prospect, we try and "Make Opportunities". These opportunities often avail themselves with people who realize they have some problems. Someone may have some health problems. One might ask, "may I pray with you and for you?" ( You know, I am 65 and I can not remember anyone saying "no"when I asked, may I pray for you?) Someone of whom you are aware may be having financial problems. It could be they are trying to find meaning in life in "stuff". You might try and show them how they can find meaning in Jesus. You might help them grow in their learning of the importance of marriage and family. You can remind them how important your church family is to you. Now sadly, after you have worked with people who are having difficulties, there may be an attitude by some, "we don't want those problems brought in here at church." Remember what Jesus said in Mark 2:17, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
As you receive this message it may very well be Christmas Ev. Now I don't really know when our Lord was born and I don't think any one else does either. But I sure and glad He was born and that He lived and taught me how to be right with God and how to be saved. I am sure glad He paid my sin debt. I am thrilled to know that somewhere in Jerusalem there is a tomb where once lay the body of Jesus of Nazareth, but who by God's might power was raised from the dead. The absolute proof to me that He was who He said He was and what He said was true. Merry Christmas Don & Rosemary
We are discussing ways in which we can get contacts to set up a bible study in our community. On lesson five, we discussed "Using Opportunities". Today, we are concerned with "Praying for Opportunities ". In Matt.6:10, what we commonly call the Lord's Prayer, we see Jesus teaching us to pray," Thy will be done". God wants His will to be done, He will have His will to be done, and a very big part of His will is that people might be saved. Isn'that why He sent Jesus"? The Lord is not willing that any should perish. IIPet.3:9. You, my fellow Christian, can be an instrument that God uses to bring salvation to people. Doesn't Paul say, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels? Yes he sure does. So as I begin my search for students to teach, I talk with God about it. I tell God that I desire Him to help me in finding some one to teach. I believe God answers prayer, and I surely believe that God has answered my prayer many times in helping me find those to teach. When we are home we keep as full a schedule as possible in teaching people in the community. Of course, when we are on sojourns, that is our major effort. On sojourns, we are seeking people that we have never met or seen before. Our approach there is a little different than it is in a community in which we live. As most of you readers will be seeking people in your community, our lessons are prepared for you in mind. After we have used opportunities, and prayed for opportunities, and as yet we might not have a prospect, we try and "Make Opportunities". These opportunities often avail themselves with people who realize they have some problems. Someone may have some health problems. One might ask, "may I pray with you and for you?" ( You know, I am 65 and I can not remember anyone saying "no"when I asked, may I pray for you?) Someone of whom you are aware may be having financial problems. It could be they are trying to find meaning in life in "stuff". You might try and show them how they can find meaning in Jesus. You might help them grow in their learning of the importance of marriage and family. You can remind them how important your church family is to you. Now sadly, after you have worked with people who are having difficulties, there may be an attitude by some, "we don't want those problems brought in here at church." Remember what Jesus said in Mark 2:17, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
As you receive this message it may very well be Christmas Ev. Now I don't really know when our Lord was born and I don't think any one else does either. But I sure and glad He was born and that He lived and taught me how to be right with God and how to be saved. I am sure glad He paid my sin debt. I am thrilled to know that somewhere in Jerusalem there is a tomb where once lay the body of Jesus of Nazareth, but who by God's might power was raised from the dead. The absolute proof to me that He was who He said He was and what He said was true. Merry Christmas Don & Rosemary
Friday, December 22, 2006
Bible Lesson: The Message
Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Judges 6:37-39 "hanging out the fleece".
I. God does speak to His children today.
Heb. 1:1-3, Eph. 3:17-19, IThess.2:13, Acts 17:11
II.The message of salvation
II Cor.6:2, Jn.6:63, IJn.3:2, Jn.1:12
III. The message for my personal life.
Mt.7:13&14, Mt.7:7, IJn.5:14, Ps.121:1&2, II Chron.16:9
Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Judges 6:37-39 "hanging out the fleece".
I. God does speak to His children today.
Heb. 1:1-3, Eph. 3:17-19, IThess.2:13, Acts 17:11
II.The message of salvation
II Cor.6:2, Jn.6:63, IJn.3:2, Jn.1:12
III. The message for my personal life.
Mt.7:13&14, Mt.7:7, IJn.5:14, Ps.121:1&2, II Chron.16:9
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Our rig is ready to go and so are we. We are pictured here on the way to a sojourn mission. Our mission schedule for next year 2007 is as follows: Jan.&Feb. personal evangelism, door knocking and preaching three meetings in Key West, Driftwood, near Ft. Lauderdale, and Cape Coral, near Ft. Meyers, We will also be teaching personal evangelism classes while there. There will be special emphasis on the "Open Bible, Safety Chain"method of teaching. Beginning March14th we will be teaching a 3 night seminar on personal evangelism with stress on the "Open Bible " Method. These classes will take place at the Wilson Av. Church of Christ in Tullahoma, Tenn. When theses classes are finished, we begin teaching these personal evangelism classes at the Friendship Church of Christ and plan to finish in early April. In mid- April we plan to go to Bayou La Batre, Ala. to work for a week to 10 days doing and teaching personal evangelism with the new church there. May 14-25 we are scheduled to go to Somerset, Ohio for a personal work seminar and meeting. In June we plan to be in a meeting with the Windrow Church near Murfreesboro. July 9-19 We are on a sojourn at the West Side Church near Sheffield, Al. This is to involve personal evangelism, door knocking and teaching in a VBS.
Aug. and Sept are not scheduled, it is left open for any disaster work that might be needed. Oct. 8-18, we are looking forward to being at Camp B in Marshall, Tx. The teachers at this workshop are some of the most effective personal workers from which we have ever learned. As you see these locations mentioned, if you have friends or acquaintances there please let us know. We will be happy to invite them to the church activities and it may provide opportunity for bible study with them. Don
Monday, December 18, 2006

Pictured here are Doug and Maxine. Rosemary and I serve in the Sojourners with them. Neal, Thelma and we went out to eat with them tonight. We had a great meal and fellowship with each other. Most all of the conversation centered on our various missions for the upcoming year. While there are are those who think we are involved in many missions a year and we are, Neal, Thelma, Doug and Maxine probably serve in more than twice the missions than Rosemary and I. Many of the Sojourners with which we serve are simply amazing especially in their ability and desire to teach God's word. We leave one month from today to begin next year's missions. Would like to join us in the Sojourners? Talk to a Sojourner or email us, we'll be glad to help you. Don
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Bible Study: Winning Ways
Rm.8:37 Nay in all things we are more than conquerors thru Him that loved us.
I Cor.15:57 But thanks be to God which gives us the victory thru our Lord Jesus Christ.
I.Things necessary for victory
1. Training I Cor. 9:27
2. Strength Eph. 3:20 (spiritual strength)
3. Determination I Cor.2:2
I. We are winners if we are in Christ
II Cor.5:17, Phil.3:13&14
Those "cheering us on" Heb.12:1
II. We are winners for others
Phil.2:4, Rm. 15:1, I Cor.10:33
III. Give thanks for the opportunity to serve.
What are dead works?
We know that God hears us Micah 7:7, Phil.3:10
Rm.8:37 Nay in all things we are more than conquerors thru Him that loved us.
I Cor.15:57 But thanks be to God which gives us the victory thru our Lord Jesus Christ.
I.Things necessary for victory
1. Training I Cor. 9:27
2. Strength Eph. 3:20 (spiritual strength)
3. Determination I Cor.2:2
I. We are winners if we are in Christ
II Cor.5:17, Phil.3:13&14
Those "cheering us on" Heb.12:1
II. We are winners for others
Phil.2:4, Rm. 15:1, I Cor.10:33
III. Give thanks for the opportunity to serve.
What are dead works?
We know that God hears us Micah 7:7, Phil.3:10
Friday, December 15, 2006

Picture above are several members of the Church at Bayou La Batre. Rosemary and I greatly enjoyed our work with them this past summer. We conducted some 14 bible studies with these fine brethren. The church here is really just getting started and already they are working, saving and planning to either build or buy a meeting house. When people ask me about donating to this work, I recommend they send contributions for this work to the Whites Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe La. WFR is helping greatly in this work.
Picture at the bottom is a group of the Christians who meet at Peace River. That is in Punta Gorda. These brethren with the help of many other brethren have a new building that is nearly half finished. It is going to be a very functional building that can be used not only for worship, but also will serve well for many outreach activities. Br. Doug English and his wonderful wife Evie sacrificially serve this congregation not only by Doug's preaching and teaching but in visitation, bible study and Christian caring for people. If you or your congregation would like to help in this work you may call Br. Doug English at 941-628-6472. Rosemary and I have been privileged to have a part in both of these good works by way of our mission work. We preached and taught Sun. School class this past Sun. at Peace River and followed that with personal work while there that lead to two baptisms. We look forward to a couple weeks work in personal work and teaching the open bible method of bible teaching at Bayou La Batre this April. Brethren, the fields are white unto harvest. There are somethings I can't do much about. If I spend a little spiritual energy or a lot of spiritual energy, I won't make much difference. On the other hand there are somethings, like telling people how they can be saved, teaching young christians what the bible says about worshiping and living the Christian life and caring for and about people that I can spend spiritual energy and doing something about. Thats what I want to do. I hope you do too. Don
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Early in the morning we leave Port Charlotte for the Tampa International Airport. Our flight leaves around 10:30 and we arrive in Nashville before 12:00 so we ought to be home somewhere in the late afternoon. We have had a good time visiting Dad and it is good to see him feeling better. We have enjoyed visiting with the Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte churches. We plan to go to bible study with the Port Charlotte Church this evening. Br. Doung English teaches the class at Punta Gorda ( Peace River) and then comes to Port Charlotte to teach the bible study there. We talked today with one of our new converts, her daughter is in school. She as well as I am looking forward to bible studies she hopes to set up for us with several members of her family when we return in mid- Jan. Received a call from Br. Gary in Key West today. He is really looking forward to us Sojourners coming there in Jan. He has several evangelistic efforts lined up for us. Talking with Br. Larry at Cape Coral, where we will be in mid- Feb., he said they were planning an all day VBS on Sat. and a program that evening and will invite the parents in to see their childrens work. I think that is a good idea. Don
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
In the last couple of days we have received a great number of emails. Thank you very much. Unless something opens in the schedule, we will not have a personal evangelism lesson this week. We plan to resume early next week. There is just so much material you can pack in a suitcase when you fly. Sojourner missions will be starting by some in just a little over two weeks, and by a whole lot of us in less than a month. It is absolutely not to early to be considering asking the sojourners in to help in "church work"for 2008. You can go to our web site at and find out about request forms to send them in. The church at Port Charlotte is looking forward to their new minister arriving today as they begin to look for a house in which to live. The church building at Punta Gorda has more done to it every day. If you travel to S.W. Fla. you may well want to drive by and see this new building. As we have said before Br. Doung English is doing a marvelous work in serving this congregation. Don
Monday, December 11, 2006
We are enjoying being with Dad down here in S.W. Fla. in Port Charlotte. He seems to be doing well and his mind is very sharp. He was 87 this past Sept. It was a real joy to preach at the Peace River Church Sun. The new building is really going up. The roof is on and the building is going to be an asset to the community. Rosemary and I met a lady at church yesterday. Her name is Linda. She had recently started attending but was not a member. I ask her if Br. Doug, the preacher and I could come over today and read the bible with her. She said yes. Br. Doug and I went over this afternoon and studied the bible with her. She said she wanted to be baptized. At that time her daughter in the 11th grade came home from school. She asked her daughter is she would like to study the bible with Br. Doug and me. She said yes. Br. Doug and I baptized this mother and daughter into Christ this afternoon. We used the open bible method of study with her. This encourages the student to read the bible and let God's word speak to them. Now here is the wonderful thing. This mother wants us to come back as soon as possible and study with her sons, and her mother and father. We are looking forward to this study with them. These young people have a lot of friends and several bible Studies could very well come from this effort. I really wish you could know the fine brethren at the Peace River Church. They are aware of the potential before them and I believe they want to make the effort in outreach. Br. Doug and his wife Evie serve this church unselfishly. She is at Doug's side and is a real helper. She was at the baptism today and is an inspiration to these new christian sisters. Looking forward to preaching with my beloved Howell Church this Sunday. Don
Friday, December 08, 2006
We are in S. Fla. in Charlotte Co. where Charley came thru about three years ago. We are scheduled to teach the bible class and preach at the Punta Gorda Church Sun. They now have the roof on the new building. Br Doug English and I are trying to set up a bible study this Mon. Ev. with some people and help them become Christians. We are going to meet this people tomorrow at a brunch someone is giving and in which we also are invited. We will write about this later and hopefully there will be good news from the Good News. We will be using the open bible method it is very easy for the student to follow. We just finished an evangelism seminar with the Granny White Church in Nashville. We will next be conducting this seminar for the Key West Church, then the Driftwood Church near Ft. Lauderdale, and then the Cape Coral Church near Ft. Meyers. If you have friends in these areas who might be interested in learning this method, it is great, please tell them to contact those congregations. Let't keep our spiritual energy turn outside the church building to those who really need the "Good News" Don
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Lesson Five-Personal Evangelism
Let's look at some ways in which we can develop contacts and opportunities to teach the bible to people. One great opportunity is visitors who come to church. Visitor's cards are very important. Does someone go thru the building and make sure there are plenty of them in the rack and a pencil with which to write? Are the cards clean or do they have scribling all over them? Remember even though the card may be signed by someone out of town, they may very well know someone in your town. A cordial reply to the visitor can easily engender a positive response about the congregation to his or her friends. New peopl in the community are an imporant source of visitation and teaching. Very often the are looking, not only for a new place to live, but a new place to worship. Often they don't know anyone in the community. You, christian, have a tremendous opportunity to make a favorable impression on this individual. You, christian have a tremendous opportunity to let you light shine. Can you remember when you first moved to a new place? You didn't know anybody. You may have felt you didn't have "status". Someone was friendly and was of help. You still remember them. Being involved and showing interest in the community, school, athletics, volunteer work. This can enhance you role as a valuable citizen. Your opinion is sought. You have an opportunity to put in a good word for the Lord. As this person, when you ask "may I share a message in the bible with you at my home," you chances for a positive response improve greatly. Showing compassion as in bringing a meal or visiting someone in need opens many doors of opportunity for teaching. Because compassion is often lacking in this world, when compassion is shown, it stands out.
COMPASSION is one reason Jesus was so well liked and appreciated. It opened the door for some of His great teachings. Mk.1:41, Compassion for the leper, Mk.5:19, Compassion for the demoniac, Mk.9:22, Compassion for the epileptic. We too can make use of the opportunities that are before us to teach people about Jesus. Don
Let's look at some ways in which we can develop contacts and opportunities to teach the bible to people. One great opportunity is visitors who come to church. Visitor's cards are very important. Does someone go thru the building and make sure there are plenty of them in the rack and a pencil with which to write? Are the cards clean or do they have scribling all over them? Remember even though the card may be signed by someone out of town, they may very well know someone in your town. A cordial reply to the visitor can easily engender a positive response about the congregation to his or her friends. New peopl in the community are an imporant source of visitation and teaching. Very often the are looking, not only for a new place to live, but a new place to worship. Often they don't know anyone in the community. You, christian, have a tremendous opportunity to make a favorable impression on this individual. You, christian have a tremendous opportunity to let you light shine. Can you remember when you first moved to a new place? You didn't know anybody. You may have felt you didn't have "status". Someone was friendly and was of help. You still remember them. Being involved and showing interest in the community, school, athletics, volunteer work. This can enhance you role as a valuable citizen. Your opinion is sought. You have an opportunity to put in a good word for the Lord. As this person, when you ask "may I share a message in the bible with you at my home," you chances for a positive response improve greatly. Showing compassion as in bringing a meal or visiting someone in need opens many doors of opportunity for teaching. Because compassion is often lacking in this world, when compassion is shown, it stands out.
COMPASSION is one reason Jesus was so well liked and appreciated. It opened the door for some of His great teachings. Mk.1:41, Compassion for the leper, Mk.5:19, Compassion for the demoniac, Mk.9:22, Compassion for the epileptic. We too can make use of the opportunities that are before us to teach people about Jesus. Don

The three elders of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio pictured at the top. Larry, Dave, and Don. These are three fine elders who shepherd a church very interested in evangelism. Picture below is Rosemary, we call her "Rosebud". It is my opinion, as well as others, that every person with whom she comes in contact, she make their life better. We are looking forward in doing evangelism work as well as teaching the open bible method of bible study this coming May in Somerset, Ohio. We finish our personal evangelism seminar this Wed. night with the Granny White Church in Nashville, Tennessee. This fine church is very interesting in out reach and has developed several methods, under the oversight of the elders, of achieving this goal. It has been a privilege to have worked with these fine church. Our schedule is now overfull for missions this coming year and yet congregations are calling especially for the personal work seminar. We are trying to arrange now to use Tuesdays and Thursday, WHEN WE ARE HERE, to come to congregation within driving distances to teach this procedure. If you in over a 50 mile radius, from Marshall Co. Tennessee, a seminar to teach church growth thru personal evangelism can still be arranged. I know several good teachers of this method, who just as we would be happy to teach this seminar. Lesson Five in personal evangelism follows this message tonight. Don
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Bible Lesson: Jesus Calls Us
I.What it is with which Jesus calls us:
1.Being right with God
Eph. 2:13-16, Acts 17:27&28
II. Having assurance of salvation
Rm. 8:1&2,Heb.10:12
III. By being the way--not a little of this and a little of that
IV.What we, as christians, have to call the world to Jesus
1.Jesus in our lives
Col.1:27, Phil.2:13
V. We can show Jesus as a Caring Christ, A Sharing Savior, A Guided Son
A.Jesus was a caring Christ -- Physically, and Spiritually
1.Caring Physically
Caring Spiritually
2.He was a Sharing Savior
Mt.14:16-21,Lk.19:5, Jn.4:24
3.He was a Guided Son
Jn.4:38, Mt.7:14&14
Because He was guided by God, we can follow Him right into heaven.
I.What it is with which Jesus calls us:
1.Being right with God
Eph. 2:13-16, Acts 17:27&28
II. Having assurance of salvation
Rm. 8:1&2,Heb.10:12
III. By being the way--not a little of this and a little of that
IV.What we, as christians, have to call the world to Jesus
1.Jesus in our lives
Col.1:27, Phil.2:13
V. We can show Jesus as a Caring Christ, A Sharing Savior, A Guided Son
A.Jesus was a caring Christ -- Physically, and Spiritually
1.Caring Physically
Caring Spiritually
2.He was a Sharing Savior
Mt.14:16-21,Lk.19:5, Jn.4:24
3.He was a Guided Son
Jn.4:38, Mt.7:14&14
Because He was guided by God, we can follow Him right into heaven.
Bible Lesson: Jesus Calls Us
I.What it is with which Jesus calls us:
1.Being right with God
Eph. 2:13-16, Acts 17:27&28
II. Having assurance of salvation
Rm. 8:1&2,Heb.10:12
III. By being the way--not a little of this and a little of that
IV.What we, as christians, have to call the world to Jesus
1.Jesus in our lives
Col.1:27, Phil.2:13
V. We can show Jesus as a Caring Christ, A Sharing Savior, A Guided Son
A.Jesus was a caring Christ -- Physically, and Spiritually
1.Caring Physically
Caring Spiritually
2.He was a Sharing Savior
Mt.14:16-21,Lk.19:5, Jn.4:24
3.He was a Guided Son
Jn.4:38, Mt.7:14&14
Because He was guided by God, we can follow Him right into heaven.
I.What it is with which Jesus calls us:
1.Being right with God
Eph. 2:13-16, Acts 17:27&28
II. Having assurance of salvation
Rm. 8:1&2,Heb.10:12
III. By being the way--not a little of this and a little of that
IV.What we, as christians, have to call the world to Jesus
1.Jesus in our lives
Col.1:27, Phil.2:13
V. We can show Jesus as a Caring Christ, A Sharing Savior, A Guided Son
A.Jesus was a caring Christ -- Physically, and Spiritually
1.Caring Physically
Caring Spiritually
2.He was a Sharing Savior
Mt.14:16-21,Lk.19:5, Jn.4:24
3.He was a Guided Son
Jn.4:38, Mt.7:14&14
Because He was guided by God, we can follow Him right into heaven.
Friday, December 01, 2006

The above picture is of the Peace River Church of Christ Building under construction. The second picture is what the building looked like after Hurricane Charlie got thru with it a couple of years ago. Thanks to a lot of tireless effort on the part of many and especially Doug and Evie English, the building is going up and will be ready for service before to long. Many of you have helped financially and this is greatly appreciated. This is a great work. Punta Gorda and Charlotte County is a highly populated area just north of Fort Meyers. If you or the congregation in which you are working are looking to support a good work, please call Br. Doug English at 941-628-6472. These brethren deserve our prayers and help not only because of their great desire to establish this work but also for their example of faith and determination for all of us. I might add this, Br. English drives many miles to preach and teach at this location in Punta Gorda and he does this without accepting any pay. His and Evie's desire is for all contributions to go to the rebuilding of the building. Rosemary and I look forward to worshipping with this congregation Dec.10, where I will be teaching the bible class and preaching the Sunday sermon. When you are in this area of SW Fla. please visit with these wonderful brethren. Don