Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This brother pictured with me is one of my true heros in personal evangelim. While I have never been on a sojourn with him, his feats in setting up bible study are all but legindary. If it's door knocking, he gets the studys. If it leaving him seated in a mall, he gets the studys. Thankfully he taught a class on personal evangelism at Camp B. I learned so much. Thank you Windser. Tonight, however I learned a great deal about door knocking in personal evangelism. While on my walk this evening, I make an effort to walk 4 miles a day, I observed some young people going up the street, stopping at every house and asking those at home, "do you want to buy any fruit?" They were representing a community organization. I did not see anyone buy any fruit. The people I observed didn't seem to want any. What was interesting to me, however, is that these young people didn't seem to mind, they simply went to the next house, they asked kindly again, do you want to buy any fruit? and again it appeared they were told no. I learned a great lesson. Often when we knock on doors trying to set up a bible study, or invite people to church, we too are often told no. Maybe I need to develop the perseverance of the "fruit salesperson". Maybe I need to continue on knowing that if even if a person ís not interested, I have tried to leave a positive image of a christian and a positive image of the church. I'm going on to the next house. By the way we began a new study with an indivdual yesterday, but I had to stop at their house and ask. Jas.3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle and easy to be intreated full of mercy and good fruits.... Gal.5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is....... We can learn a lot by watching how folks deal with fruit. Don
Monday, November 27, 2006
Personal Evangelism, Lesson Four
As you study with people, leading them to Christ in baptism, it's not over. It has been our experience that a great deal of continual follow up is necessary. If you think about it, they may be several years old, yet babes in Christ. New converts need and deserve a great deal of follow up. New converts need encouragement, relationship and fellowship. Fellowship is "belonging-ship". In Mark10:28-30, the scripture reads, then Peter began to say unto Him Lo we have left all and have followed you. And Jesus answered and said, verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for my sake and the gospel's, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and in the world to come eternal life. Many times when people become christians, they leave their old friends, their old ways, their old places now they need someone. We want to belong. We christians are their new family. We want to make sure we are extending brotherly love. Remember. love unshown is love unknown. For those we lead to the Lord let's make sure they know they belong. Can we give them something to do? Remember them in followship dinners. We need to find something all can do and know they are a part of the church's success in out reach. I may not be qualified to teach or lead singing or serve in a leadership position, but the church has work that I may be able to do in the building or in the yard. When we are asked to serve in some way, don't we feel better? The church is my new family. The church is the body of Christ and as a new convert, I want to feel and know I am a real part of it. Don
As you study with people, leading them to Christ in baptism, it's not over. It has been our experience that a great deal of continual follow up is necessary. If you think about it, they may be several years old, yet babes in Christ. New converts need and deserve a great deal of follow up. New converts need encouragement, relationship and fellowship. Fellowship is "belonging-ship". In Mark10:28-30, the scripture reads, then Peter began to say unto Him Lo we have left all and have followed you. And Jesus answered and said, verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for my sake and the gospel's, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and in the world to come eternal life. Many times when people become christians, they leave their old friends, their old ways, their old places now they need someone. We want to belong. We christians are their new family. We want to make sure we are extending brotherly love. Remember. love unshown is love unknown. For those we lead to the Lord let's make sure they know they belong. Can we give them something to do? Remember them in followship dinners. We need to find something all can do and know they are a part of the church's success in out reach. I may not be qualified to teach or lead singing or serve in a leadership position, but the church has work that I may be able to do in the building or in the yard. When we are asked to serve in some way, don't we feel better? The church is my new family. The church is the body of Christ and as a new convert, I want to feel and know I am a real part of it. Don
Thursday, November 23, 2006
We certainly hope you have had a good Thanksgiving. We have. Spent time with many of the family down in Boonshill. On the way back, we received a call from Alice & Johnnie on the cell phone and invited to their house for cake and coffee. Of course we went. Very good. Will not be on the blog tomorrow as we plan to go to Dyersburg, Tn. for the semi finals in IIIA football. Two of our grandsons, Donnie & Dallon, numbers 55 and 79 play for David Lipscomb High School. If we do not put another lesson in personal evangelism, by Sat. evening, we will do our best to have it on by Mon. evening. Dyersburg is about a 4- 5 hour drive from here and it may be a little late Sat. when we get home. Can hardly wait to tell you about our very pleasant visit with the Friendship Church Wed. Evening. What a wonderful church. Don
Happy Thanksgiving--Don & Rosemary
Bible Study:A New Creation
Ps.50:10 create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.
Rm.8:1 There is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
II.Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, He is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.
I. God's new creation can have a new outlook: "Can Do"
II.God's new creation can have a new opportunity for new help.
III. God's new creation has new expectations.
1. Expect to be saved Mt.25:34, IThes.4:17
2.Expect to have a daily walk with God. Gen.5:22, Heb.11:5, IICor.6:16
Bible Study:A New Creation
Ps.50:10 create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.
Rm.8:1 There is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
II.Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, He is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.
I. God's new creation can have a new outlook: "Can Do"
II.God's new creation can have a new opportunity for new help.
III. God's new creation has new expectations.
1. Expect to be saved Mt.25:34, IThes.4:17
2.Expect to have a daily walk with God. Gen.5:22, Heb.11:5, IICor.6:16
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
This being thanksgiving week, mid-week bible study at Howell is tonight (Tues.). As we have been in various other locations on Wed. night teaching a personal work class, we are looking forward to being with our brethren at Howell tonight at 6:30 for bible study. Tomorrow night Rosemary and I have been invited to the Friendship congregation to discuss next years mission work with them. We always enjoy visiting with Friendship. It is sure enough named correctly as it is a very friendly congregation. By way of discussion concerning bible study with people. It helps if you are very familiar with the method of study you are going to pursue. That is one reason I especially like the "safety chain"or open bible method. It is very easy to be understood by the teacher, the student is actively involved and really, you pretty much let the bible speak for itself. We all know that the better we feel about something the easier and probably more effective it is to present. As I was on my walk early this morning a person was standing on their front porch. I have seen them before on my walk. This time, I stopped, and told them, I would love to come by at your convenience and study the bible with you, may I. They said yes. We have a study with 2 people set for this coming Mon. It would have been sooner but for the holidays. Now they could have said no, but it is for sure they would have not said yes, if I had not asked them. If you would like someone yo come to your congregation to teach this method at little or no expense to the congregation, let me know and I am sure we can contact some of the other teachers to come. Because our schedule is filled for next year, we are putting a lesson a week on this blog. The nest lesson will be toward the end of the week. Don
Monday, November 20, 2006

Pictured here is a very happy sojourner, named Thelma. We were at Camp B in Marshall, Tx. Now while there was a lot of time spent in lectures, classes and devotionals, there were many opportunities to just share a lot of happiness with each other. We received the schedule of sojourns for 2007 today. There are hundreds of sojourners going to many work places such as churches, camps, schools and the like. We are all looking forward to it and to the work and good that will be accomplished as well as being thankful for the opportunity afforded us to help the church, the body of Christ. That 's the good news. The news that to me is not so good is that there are still over 50 other places which still need sojourners to fill the sojourn. Many of the sojourners are on a mission trip somewhere every month, yet still there is much more work and many more requests. There is work that is needed to be done. Would you like to help? Would you like to be involved with a group of christians who will travel just about anywhere to help the church? Do you have a travel trailer, 5th wheel, motor home, truck camper or any other type of r.v. and would like to put it to good use in the kingdom, please contact the sojourners. I believe you would love the opportunity for service. Email www.sojourning.org for more info. Call a sojourner. Call me 931-698-3150. It's great. Don
Sunday, November 19, 2006
We are really blessed at Howell with such a large percent of our attendance being young people. I think nearly half of those there this morning were in High School all the way to new born babies. Tonight being the 3rd Sunday night, we have an extended period of singing. We have some fine very young song leaders coming on. I always look forward to the 3r Sunday night, because after evening services, we all go over to someone's house for a wonderful get together. Tonight we are going to Martin and Diane's. This is a wonderful period of just being together and enjoying each other's exhortation. We believe it gives each of us an opportunity to grow closer to each other. Just received a call from some of our brethren in the Sojourners and we have a lunch set up for us to meet with other sojourners tomorrow in Columbia. To this we really look forward. Anytime you can meet with brethren, its an opportunity to grow. Hope you have had a good day with the church. Don
Saturday, November 18, 2006

From right to left, Sam, his wife Marlene, Joe, his wife Gladys, Don and my wife Rosemary. We are pictured here at Camp B in Marshall, Texas. We were at a Sojourner 's workshop. Some of the great lessons there were on being more effective soul winners. There are many ways to serve the Lord in our "golden years", but one of them is being involved with the sojourers. We travel in our rigs-- r.v.s of all sorts-- to help in such church work as evangelism or work on a church building or bible camp or christian school or most any type of work that will help in the kingdom of God. If you are looking for a wonderful, fulfilling, enjoyable way to serve in the kingdom, may I encourage you to call and talk with a sojourner. We will help you find out more. Go to our web sight http://www.soujourning.org , there is a lot of information there. On another subject Mike emailed me and told me of a lot of work going on with the DRT such as helping in repairing homes in the gulf area, bible studies, and preparing for the Thanksgiving dinner that many of the volunteers are preparing to be served in the gulf area. We are looking forward to meeting this coming Wed. night with the Friendship Church of Christ. They have been very involved in helping in the mission work in which Rosemary and I are involved. Had a most interesting experience with home bible studies today. We did not have a bible study scheduled, in fact with the other activities we had planned, it was going to be a very full day. But....there is a might working power in God's word... While on my very cold morning walk early this morning, while hurrying down the road, someone came out of there house and asked are we going to have a bible study today? I certainly did not say no. So we just moved some things around and 90mins. later four of us were studying the word of the Living God. Our study, because of their questions lasted for nearly two hours. Did you hear,"nobody is interested in studying the Bible anymore?" I'm here to tell you that many people are very interested in studying the Bible. Many people are looking for real spirituality. We have the treasure in earthen vessels. My brethren we can make a difference. Don
Bible Study-The call of the blood of the cross
Heb.9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ who thru the eternal spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Gen.4:10 The voice of thy brother's blood cries unto Me from the ground.
Jn. 19:34 One of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side and forthwith came there out blood and water.
I. The blood of the cross calls for:
A. Forgiveness Rm.3:23, I Jn.2:1-3, Lk.2:1-3
II. The blood of the cross calls for
A. Reconciliation Col.1:21&22
III. The blood of the cross calls for
A. Our involvement- The New Testament Church was an involved Church
Acts 2:46
IV. The blood of the cross call for us to be saved
Heb.9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ who thru the eternal spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Gen.4:10 The voice of thy brother's blood cries unto Me from the ground.
Jn. 19:34 One of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side and forthwith came there out blood and water.
I. The blood of the cross calls for:
A. Forgiveness Rm.3:23, I Jn.2:1-3, Lk.2:1-3
II. The blood of the cross calls for
A. Reconciliation Col.1:21&22
III. The blood of the cross calls for
A. Our involvement- The New Testament Church was an involved Church
Acts 2:46
IV. The blood of the cross call for us to be saved
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Lesson three-personal evangelism
While personal evangelism that can not only help the church grow spiritually, but also numerically, is usually a wonderful pursuit, there are problem that we will face. It may well be that the problem that defeats most people in personal evangelism is rejection and the fear of rejection. I know how it feels. I have faced it many times. So did the prophet Samuel and we can take comfort in what God told Samuel in I Sam. 8:7, the people have not rejected you, they have rejected Me. What did Samuel do? He continued doing the best he could and we have to continue doing the best we can. We know we are working for the Lord. We want to pray for another opportunity remembering that God wants people to be saved. Another problem that we often face is "loaded questions". One such question is, Is every body else going to hell? Stick to your subject. Salvation, a daily walk with God, God's providence. I tell people I am only a teacher of God's word. All I know is God's word. I'm doing the best I can to reach out to help people know the Lord. I am not the judge of anybody. That's God's work. My work is to help people.
When it comes to teaching Jesus from the Bible, you may want to take someone with you like the preacher or another person who has taught others. I believe after this course you will be able to teach others We will be instructing later on, the open Bible Method also called the Safety Chain Method. We like to follow up with the Jule Miller Video-now on DVD for reinforcement of what we have taught. You may chose the Searching For Truth DVD or something else. In using the open Bible method the student will get to an opportunity to obey the gospel in the first lesson. This may be the only opportunity you get to study with an individual. If you can study more,and often you will be requested to do so, go on to the second lesson of the Open Bible Method, then to some reinforcement. It has been my experience that somewhere between lesson one and the fourth video, you can determine by conversation they may well want to be baptized and begin their Christian life.
Often questions arise. Answer politely, briefly. Stay on the subject. "To be honest, I don't know anything about the rapture. Is the word rapture in the Bible? No. I really don't know anything about flying saucers or the explanation of much of the figurative language in the Bible. I do, however, know what the Bible says about salvation, about God's providence, about being a child of God and have a knowing relationship with God. Read to them Mt.6:33, Mt.10:29-31, and Rm.8:28 Don
While personal evangelism that can not only help the church grow spiritually, but also numerically, is usually a wonderful pursuit, there are problem that we will face. It may well be that the problem that defeats most people in personal evangelism is rejection and the fear of rejection. I know how it feels. I have faced it many times. So did the prophet Samuel and we can take comfort in what God told Samuel in I Sam. 8:7, the people have not rejected you, they have rejected Me. What did Samuel do? He continued doing the best he could and we have to continue doing the best we can. We know we are working for the Lord. We want to pray for another opportunity remembering that God wants people to be saved. Another problem that we often face is "loaded questions". One such question is, Is every body else going to hell? Stick to your subject. Salvation, a daily walk with God, God's providence. I tell people I am only a teacher of God's word. All I know is God's word. I'm doing the best I can to reach out to help people know the Lord. I am not the judge of anybody. That's God's work. My work is to help people.
When it comes to teaching Jesus from the Bible, you may want to take someone with you like the preacher or another person who has taught others. I believe after this course you will be able to teach others We will be instructing later on, the open Bible Method also called the Safety Chain Method. We like to follow up with the Jule Miller Video-now on DVD for reinforcement of what we have taught. You may chose the Searching For Truth DVD or something else. In using the open Bible method the student will get to an opportunity to obey the gospel in the first lesson. This may be the only opportunity you get to study with an individual. If you can study more,and often you will be requested to do so, go on to the second lesson of the Open Bible Method, then to some reinforcement. It has been my experience that somewhere between lesson one and the fourth video, you can determine by conversation they may well want to be baptized and begin their Christian life.
Often questions arise. Answer politely, briefly. Stay on the subject. "To be honest, I don't know anything about the rapture. Is the word rapture in the Bible? No. I really don't know anything about flying saucers or the explanation of much of the figurative language in the Bible. I do, however, know what the Bible says about salvation, about God's providence, about being a child of God and have a knowing relationship with God. Read to them Mt.6:33, Mt.10:29-31, and Rm.8:28 Don
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Had a very good study with a good man tonight. He assured me after our study that he was seriously considering the things that he had learned and that he would be calling us. We never try and push an individual into the baptismal pool. It is always our effort to lead them thru the scripture and for them to make the final decision with ourselves available to answer questions and to help them. What ever we do or say we want to "keep the door open." We left him studying tonight seriously and look forward to our next study tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, we go to Granny White tomorrow night for our fourth and final session on the open book, "safety chain" method of bible study. We had another request for consideration for this seminar to be presented in the Hickman Co. area. We are trying to figure out a way to present this on a Wed. night basis sometime in the first half of next year. We would be happy to put your congregation in contact with some one who can teach this method and would be happy to do so at not charge to the congregation. Good Night Don
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Did you have a great day with the church today? We had great bible studies. In the worship service, we were also blessed with visitors. We look forward to their return. Tomorrow we have a Bible study scheduled in the morning and then tomorrow afternoon we look forward to showing Jule Miller Video 2 with several of the students that have been thru the open bible study.
I received word today that several volunteers with the DRT are going to be involved in a seminar as to how to handle stress from disasters.
Good Night Don
I received word today that several volunteers with the DRT are going to be involved in a seminar as to how to handle stress from disasters.
Good Night Don
Saturday, November 11, 2006

At our first sojourner workshop at Camp B, Rosemary and I were blessed to have Ernest & Elva-pictured here with me- as our block leaders. With about 150 rigs, we were in various sections and the block leaders took good care of us. As "first timers" it was all I could do to figure out how to get to Marshall, Tx. The block leader made sure we had what we needed to set up and that we knew when and where our meeting places were. They lead us to a good restaurant where all of us in our block could really get to know each other. The open bible, safety chain, method teaching the bible was learned there at Camp B. There are so many members of the church who are such good teachers especially as to how to reach people with the gospel. I hope as you have opportunity you too, might consider the opportunity that you may have in using you talents with in this great mission effort. If we can help, please email www.sojourners.org. Email us. We would love to help. dhudson@mcis.us Looking forward to worshipping with my beloved brethren at Howell tomorrow. Good Night Don
Friday, November 10, 2006

Pictured here from left to right are three sojourners at Camp B. Bobby, Yours truly, and Neal. The three of us and our wives and several other christians will be on three sojourns together, Jan.&Feb. We will be inviting people to church, trying to set up Bible Studies and in general teaching God's Word. We continue to hear fine comments on the Outreach Publication of the Church of Christ at Creekwood in Mobile, Al. David just does a fine job in preparing this paper. This last article talk about having the proper "ballast". You can access this paper and receive it www.creekwoodcc.org. We receive from time to time many favorable comments on this blog. I am happy so many of you are taking advantage of the course we are putting on it concerning personal evangelism. Now while our schedule is full and running over a bit for next year, I know several fine christians who can teach this course and would be thrilled to do so. We received our order for 16 more New Testaments from Camp B today. When we have a study with someone for the first time, we give them the New Testament as our gift to them. Usually this enables us to have several follow up studies to help them in the learning process of a christian. These Bibles are paper back and only cost about $2.Looking forward to one more Wed. night with the fine brethren at Granny White and hope to finish the personal evangelism-church growth seminar with then. Then I believe we will be meeting the following Wed night with another churchthat is is very interested in our mission work and wants to be a part of it. Thanks for your questions. Don
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Lesson 2 Personal Evangelism, Community Evangelism, Church growth
Many years ago, I took a seminar on church growth, and the instructor asked a question that has haunted me ever since. The question was and is, "If the congregation where you attend were to close it's doors today, would it make any difference to the people in the community?" Would the church's closing make any difference to the lonely? Would it make any difference to the hungry? Would it really make any difference to the lost? I've thought about those questions a great deal and I am determined to encourage congregations of the Lord's people to make a difference and to realize that in making a difference, we can have a great opportunity to teach people about the Lord. You see, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. My brethren we can make a difference we are children of Almighty God. Gal.3: 26&27, and I don't believe God has ever given me a job to do that He hasn't given me the strength to do it. Eph.3:16.
Before we get started in some methods of reaching out, let's make sure we understand what reaching people for the Lord is not. It is not difficult academics. It is praying about, working and developing a genuine love for people. Especially lost people. So let get started, Lets do it.... Prayer.
When new people move into to the neighborhood, this is a great opportunity to make a positive impression for the Lord and His Church. Do you remember when you first moved into a new place. You didn't know anybody. You may have changed your routine because you knew "everybody is looking at me". You may very well remember the first person who spoke a friendly word to you. If someone brought you a meal or a special dish or mowed the lawn, you remember. When we reach out to new members in the neighborhood. You have opened a door of opportunity to teach.
What about friends or a friends family who may be in the hospital or nursing home. As my parents were and have been hospitalized several times, it was so good to know that someone cared for the parents that I loved. Again doors of opportunity are opened. It has been my experience that very short visits to the hospital are appreciated. A short greeting, possible a short prayer and "I'll be checking on you". Usually that's sufficient.
Card writing, birthday, anniversary, get well, sympathy can be very effective. We all have different talents and some people are very good in reaching people thru cards. What person doesn't appreciate the fact that you have taken time to send a heart felt message to someone? Again, card writing, a great door opener.
Have you ever heard the one making the announcements ask the visitors to sign a visitor's card? Did you look at the one in the rack in front of you? Was it marked on ? Was it wrinkled? Did you cringe hoping the one in the visitor rack was clean?
If we want the card to be important to the visitor, it needs to be important to us. Now for some reason responding to a visitor's card sooner rather than later works best. Responding at the first of the week for some reason just seems to encourage a visitor to visit again rather than waiting until the end of the week. When responding to a visitor's card a brief visit by two Christians working together can work very well. On the first visit, I rarely go in even when the invitation is obviously sincere. I do ask if I can call or come back very soon for a "little longer visit." I just want the visitors know they were more than worth my effort to stop by. Perhaps a visit or stopping by can't be made, a nicely worded card or short letter may well be appreciated. Again the sooner the better. A short telephone call to a visitor will often prove beneficial in getting a visitor return. Remember you are interested in them. Especially on our first call, if they initiate more conversation, be a good listener. Whatever you do don't use this call to talk on and on and on....
As people in the community and visitors at worship grow in appreciation of you, your opportunity to teach and invited them to church will grow.
This concludes lesson 2. We have a couple of bible studies tomorrow and as we proceed we will be teaching you as best we can some methods to use and some ways to get Bible Studies. In the mean time study your Bible, and pray to Our Father. God wants people to be saved and you are interested in being an instrument of God. That's a great honor. Don
Many years ago, I took a seminar on church growth, and the instructor asked a question that has haunted me ever since. The question was and is, "If the congregation where you attend were to close it's doors today, would it make any difference to the people in the community?" Would the church's closing make any difference to the lonely? Would it make any difference to the hungry? Would it really make any difference to the lost? I've thought about those questions a great deal and I am determined to encourage congregations of the Lord's people to make a difference and to realize that in making a difference, we can have a great opportunity to teach people about the Lord. You see, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. My brethren we can make a difference we are children of Almighty God. Gal.3: 26&27, and I don't believe God has ever given me a job to do that He hasn't given me the strength to do it. Eph.3:16.
Before we get started in some methods of reaching out, let's make sure we understand what reaching people for the Lord is not. It is not difficult academics. It is praying about, working and developing a genuine love for people. Especially lost people. So let get started, Lets do it.... Prayer.
When new people move into to the neighborhood, this is a great opportunity to make a positive impression for the Lord and His Church. Do you remember when you first moved into a new place. You didn't know anybody. You may have changed your routine because you knew "everybody is looking at me". You may very well remember the first person who spoke a friendly word to you. If someone brought you a meal or a special dish or mowed the lawn, you remember. When we reach out to new members in the neighborhood. You have opened a door of opportunity to teach.
What about friends or a friends family who may be in the hospital or nursing home. As my parents were and have been hospitalized several times, it was so good to know that someone cared for the parents that I loved. Again doors of opportunity are opened. It has been my experience that very short visits to the hospital are appreciated. A short greeting, possible a short prayer and "I'll be checking on you". Usually that's sufficient.
Card writing, birthday, anniversary, get well, sympathy can be very effective. We all have different talents and some people are very good in reaching people thru cards. What person doesn't appreciate the fact that you have taken time to send a heart felt message to someone? Again, card writing, a great door opener.
Have you ever heard the one making the announcements ask the visitors to sign a visitor's card? Did you look at the one in the rack in front of you? Was it marked on ? Was it wrinkled? Did you cringe hoping the one in the visitor rack was clean?
If we want the card to be important to the visitor, it needs to be important to us. Now for some reason responding to a visitor's card sooner rather than later works best. Responding at the first of the week for some reason just seems to encourage a visitor to visit again rather than waiting until the end of the week. When responding to a visitor's card a brief visit by two Christians working together can work very well. On the first visit, I rarely go in even when the invitation is obviously sincere. I do ask if I can call or come back very soon for a "little longer visit." I just want the visitors know they were more than worth my effort to stop by. Perhaps a visit or stopping by can't be made, a nicely worded card or short letter may well be appreciated. Again the sooner the better. A short telephone call to a visitor will often prove beneficial in getting a visitor return. Remember you are interested in them. Especially on our first call, if they initiate more conversation, be a good listener. Whatever you do don't use this call to talk on and on and on....
As people in the community and visitors at worship grow in appreciation of you, your opportunity to teach and invited them to church will grow.
This concludes lesson 2. We have a couple of bible studies tomorrow and as we proceed we will be teaching you as best we can some methods to use and some ways to get Bible Studies. In the mean time study your Bible, and pray to Our Father. God wants people to be saved and you are interested in being an instrument of God. That's a great honor. Don
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sam, Marlene, and me at Camp B workshop for the Sojourners. We worked with Sam and Marlene in Pottstown, Penn. at a Christian school. They really are good workers and dedicated to the work of the Lord.
We have had a good day in Bible Study today. We have studied several hours with 4 different people. One of them we had two studies with today. Our next scheduled Bible Studies are Thrus. evening. We look forward to our 3rd session with the Granny White Church tomorrow evening. We are trying to finish this seminar in 4 mid week Bible Studies. Some churches are expressing interest in being involved with our mission work and we appreciate it a great deal. It helps very much. Had a call from a congregation in Tullahoma interested in the possibility of us teaching a church growth, personal evangelism seminar there. If we possible can do this within the time we leave for mission work this Jan., we are going to. It is thrilling that so many congregations are seeing what can be done in personal work here at home that not only helps people become Christians, but also helps the church grow numerically. If you are aware of congregations that can use the help of the Sojourners please tell them to contact them at www.sojourning.org Call me, 931-698-3150, and I'll try and help them. Don
Monday, November 06, 2006
Lesson I Personal Evangelism, Community Evangelism, Church Growth
When we use the term, "personal evangelism", we are in fact speaking of several ideas, evangelizing the community, helping the church growth spiritually, helping the church grow numerically, as well as other terms. All of these names involve our out-reach ( reaching out) with the teaching of people to become and live as Christians. The apostle Peter would say in one of his very last statements he made to us, "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ"
Now while the scriptures obviously teach us to reach out to others with the gospel, it is amazing at some of the attitudes that are prevalent about actually doing personal evangelism. Here are just a few: 1. "They know we are here" A christian offered to help a church pass out flyers about an upcoming meeting. He was told,"we don't do that, they know we're here" . What do you think the numerical growth of that church has been? 2."If a church is growing that fast, they have got to be doing something wrong." We never want to encourgage gimmicks. We need and want to follow the scripture, and I can tell you that as you apply yourself to reaching out to others with the gospel, you will be very busy. 3. People are not interested in the bible or church anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just watch just about any religious program on TV. When the camera shows the people, the building is always full. Now really my brethren, how many of those people do you think got up this morning and said, "I believe I'll go down to the church building and get a little false doctrine?" Sadly, that's what a lot of people get. 4. The Lord's way. Christian, the devil wants us to believe in impossibility thinking. "Nobody ís interested in the bible or church. The devil wants us to believe "it can't be done" people aren't interested anymore." It is true there are people that are not interested in the least in spiritual things, but it has always been that way. "From that time many went back and walked with Him no more. Jesus said will you also go away? Peter said Lord to whom shall we go for Thou hast the words of eternal life and we do believe and sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Today ,as always, there are teaming numbers of people who desire spiritual relationship with God and we, children of God, have "this treasure in earthen vessels." Satan teaches us to "see"the impossibilities. Jesus teaches us to "see the possibilities" . He said, "say not there are four months and then comes the harvest? I say unto lift up your eyes and look unto the fields, they are white unto harvest." Jesus said and I if I be lifted up from earth will draw all men unto me." What aprivilegee we have to have the treasuree in earthen vessels, to be the carrier of the "good news"hallelujahh, praise His name, Salvation has been brought down." Child of God we can do it. Jesus said so. Don
When we use the term, "personal evangelism", we are in fact speaking of several ideas, evangelizing the community, helping the church growth spiritually, helping the church grow numerically, as well as other terms. All of these names involve our out-reach ( reaching out) with the teaching of people to become and live as Christians. The apostle Peter would say in one of his very last statements he made to us, "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ"
Now while the scriptures obviously teach us to reach out to others with the gospel, it is amazing at some of the attitudes that are prevalent about actually doing personal evangelism. Here are just a few: 1. "They know we are here" A christian offered to help a church pass out flyers about an upcoming meeting. He was told,"we don't do that, they know we're here" . What do you think the numerical growth of that church has been? 2."If a church is growing that fast, they have got to be doing something wrong." We never want to encourgage gimmicks. We need and want to follow the scripture, and I can tell you that as you apply yourself to reaching out to others with the gospel, you will be very busy. 3. People are not interested in the bible or church anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just watch just about any religious program on TV. When the camera shows the people, the building is always full. Now really my brethren, how many of those people do you think got up this morning and said, "I believe I'll go down to the church building and get a little false doctrine?" Sadly, that's what a lot of people get. 4. The Lord's way. Christian, the devil wants us to believe in impossibility thinking. "Nobody ís interested in the bible or church. The devil wants us to believe "it can't be done" people aren't interested anymore." It is true there are people that are not interested in the least in spiritual things, but it has always been that way. "From that time many went back and walked with Him no more. Jesus said will you also go away? Peter said Lord to whom shall we go for Thou hast the words of eternal life and we do believe and sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Today ,as always, there are teaming numbers of people who desire spiritual relationship with God and we, children of God, have "this treasure in earthen vessels." Satan teaches us to "see"the impossibilities. Jesus teaches us to "see the possibilities" . He said, "say not there are four months and then comes the harvest? I say unto lift up your eyes and look unto the fields, they are white unto harvest." Jesus said and I if I be lifted up from earth will draw all men unto me." What aprivilegee we have to have the treasuree in earthen vessels, to be the carrier of the "good news"hallelujahh, praise His name, Salvation has been brought down." Child of God we can do it. Jesus said so. Don
We have had a wonderful day in Bible study with people today. This open Bible method is just excellent. We have had four studies with people today. One is scheduled for in the morning at 9:30 and we expect to have at least two tomorrow afternoon. We are using this method of study in the seminars which we teach. Because there has been so much demand we are going to begin tonight with our personal evangelism seminar which we have taught and are now teaching in a lot of congregations of the Church of Christ. This seminar or the material is not for sale. We never charge to present this seminar. If you can use the material to help lead some one to the Lord, that's great. While we would love to come to your congregation to present this seminar, our schedule is totally full for next year. If you wish some one to present a personal evangelism seminar where you worship, here are a few references. Contact the office of the Sojourners. www.sojourning.org Contact the Northwest Church of Christ in Lawton, OK. workshop@nwcoclawton.com or www.nwcoclawton.com I know that both of these reference have people that will do their best to help arrange some one to teach this method. This report will now end and we will begin again tonight with the beginning of the seminar. This will take several presentations, so please be patient. Thanks for your request and questions. Don
Sunday, November 05, 2006
There has been a lot of interest and questions about the open bible method of study also called the "safety chain"method of study. We really enjoy it because the student is a participant and has opportunity to develop a deeper interest in the bible. We have three studies scheduled for tomorrow . Many who use this method are having the same request for study. Because of our reader's interest in this method of study and personal evangelism, tomorrow we will be requesting the authors and developers of the study if we can put it on our blog-- "Missions with Don&Rosemary". I believe we will receive this permission. We very much want this method of teaching available to everyone who is interested in evangelism. If we receive this permission, we will begin to put one lesson a week on the blog. If you and the congregation would like for this method to be taught to those interested in personal evangelism, church growth, and out reach, there are several people with whom I can put you in contact who use this method and on a volunteer basis would love to present this seminar. Don
Saturday, November 04, 2006
BIBLE STUDY: Admonition from Peter IIPet.1:12-21
I. The Resurrection
IIPet.!P16 "I know, I saw Him, I heard God talk to Him".
ICor. 15:1-8, Rev.1:7
1. Peter said, "I saw Him after He was raised from the dead".
2. Paul said, "I saw Him after He was raised from the dead".
3.John said, "I saw Him after He was raised from the dead".
II. Inspiration IIPet.1:20&21, IIPet.1:10&11, IITim.3:15-17
1.Peter says, "The Bible is the word of God."
2.Paul says, "The Bible is the word of God."
3.David says, "The Bible is the word of God."
III. Our Charge IIPet.1:14, Job 14:14&15, ICor. 15:57, ICor. 15:37&42
1.Peter said, "We're going home".
2.Paul said, "We're going home".
3. Jesus said, "We're going home".
I. The Resurrection
IIPet.!P16 "I know, I saw Him, I heard God talk to Him".
ICor. 15:1-8, Rev.1:7
1. Peter said, "I saw Him after He was raised from the dead".
2. Paul said, "I saw Him after He was raised from the dead".
3.John said, "I saw Him after He was raised from the dead".
II. Inspiration IIPet.1:20&21, IIPet.1:10&11, IITim.3:15-17
1.Peter says, "The Bible is the word of God."
2.Paul says, "The Bible is the word of God."
3.David says, "The Bible is the word of God."
III. Our Charge IIPet.1:14, Job 14:14&15, ICor. 15:57, ICor. 15:37&42
1.Peter said, "We're going home".
2.Paul said, "We're going home".
3. Jesus said, "We're going home".
Thursday, November 02, 2006

There will be an article on evangelism following this obituary emailed me. Many of us either know or have been influenced by Br. Alton Howard.
West Monroe, LA. Funeral servicef for Mr. Alton Hardy Howard, 81, of West Monroe, LA will be held 1:00PM October 31, 2006, at the White Ferry Road Church of Christ. Officiating will be Carl Allison, Jim Moraan, Bill Smith, and Stan Webb. Visitation will be at 6:00PM October 30, 2006 at the church. Interment will be at the Rocky Branch Cemetery under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home. Officiating will be Mike Lellett and Alan Robertson.
The above sign is at the Sojourners Camp B. Durring the recent worshop there were probably so 150 "rigs" there. Had a wonder class at Granny White last night. The congregation is extremely interested in out- reach and is working in several area to achieve this. One of them is personal evangelism. There is such interest there the elders moved us into a bigger room. We are working diligently to introduce people and or congregations to the Open Bible Method of Bible Study -- with a few variations. It is easy to learn and students like it because it allows them to participate in their learning. Had two studies Tues. Have two schedueled Sat. and three schedule for next Mon. Russ keeps me well informed in the progress of the church in Bayou La Batre that many of us have a working interest in. They are now seeking a way to obtain their own building in which to meet. There are many of us that are planning an evangelism, and physical work effort this coming April. If you have an interest in helping let us know and we'll keep you posted. If you have a rig, we can set you up. If you dón't have a rig and want to help, let us know because I believe we can get accomodations provided for you. The work opportunity in evangelism and or helping repair houses etc. is great, BUT THE FELLOWSHIP WITH CHRISTIANS. it is like nothing else. This planned effort by many of us is not a part of the effort of the Sojourners, although several of us helping may be sojourners. If you think you want to help for a few days or a couple of weeks in Bayou La Batre ( about 24 miles south of Mobile) in the effort next April, let us hear from you. Don