Wednesday, May 31, 2006

After a disaster like flooding from a hurricane, sometimes there are limited facilities for display. Such was the situatioin at this church building. It had been flooded so a carpet was put down and donated clothes in "size piles" were offered. These clothes which you see would be gone that evening.
Laura on her blog at has put a link to this blog site. We hope to have a link to that web site tomorrow.
There well over 200 volunteers coming down to Mobile this week end. We want to express appreciation to the great Creek Wood Church of Christ. They have made available their facilities as a staging area and also provide a good meal at the end of the day. Good Night, Don
Bible Study
We are doing a great work so that we cannot come down
Rm.6:3-5,Neh.6:3, Rm.15:4
Jerusalem demolished at the Babylonian captivity
Persian King Artaxerxes allowed Jews to return to their home land
Nehemiah wants to rebuild the walls of the city
Sanballet and Tobiah don't want the Jews to rebuild
Derision and RIdicule "if a fox go up" Neh. 4:3
Redicule can either ruin or rekindle our zeal
Problem--walls in disrepair
Cause of the problem--sin and rebellion
Solution--turn to God and begin to work Neh.4:6
Not everyone was happy about Nehemiah's achievement--devil doesn't give up easily
If can't stop him, get him on another task Neh.6:1-3
Nehemiah's response, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down"
II.Our Great Work---Preaching the a Gospel, Letting our light Shine
Eph.3:10&11, Acts1:8&9, ICor.1:17, ICor1:21, ICor.2:1-5, ICor.1:1-4
III. That which can deter our great work
1.Sin- a leech on the soul, IJn.1:7-Ijn.2:2
2.Discouragement, Deut.1:21, Heb.13:5&6
3.Criticism by others--We may care to much what others think
I can become a slave of praise
I can become a prisoner of criticism
I need to please God Heb.11:5
IV. A Charge
1.Preach the gospel--the good news of the really good life
2.Work at building the Church, the family of God
"We're doing a great work so that we can not come down.
We are doing a great work so that we cannot come down
Rm.6:3-5,Neh.6:3, Rm.15:4
Jerusalem demolished at the Babylonian captivity
Persian King Artaxerxes allowed Jews to return to their home land
Nehemiah wants to rebuild the walls of the city
Sanballet and Tobiah don't want the Jews to rebuild
Derision and RIdicule "if a fox go up" Neh. 4:3
Redicule can either ruin or rekindle our zeal
Problem--walls in disrepair
Cause of the problem--sin and rebellion
Solution--turn to God and begin to work Neh.4:6
Not everyone was happy about Nehemiah's achievement--devil doesn't give up easily
If can't stop him, get him on another task Neh.6:1-3
Nehemiah's response, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down"
II.Our Great Work---Preaching the a Gospel, Letting our light Shine
Eph.3:10&11, Acts1:8&9, ICor.1:17, ICor1:21, ICor.2:1-5, ICor.1:1-4
III. That which can deter our great work
1.Sin- a leech on the soul, IJn.1:7-Ijn.2:2
2.Discouragement, Deut.1:21, Heb.13:5&6
3.Criticism by others--We may care to much what others think
I can become a slave of praise
I can become a prisoner of criticism
I need to please God Heb.11:5
IV. A Charge
1.Preach the gospel--the good news of the really good life
2.Work at building the Church, the family of God
"We're doing a great work so that we can not come down.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
In this top photo you can see the great number of people who come out for a meal after a disaster. They take their food home to eat. We have given many of them tracts and bibles. Our plans for improving this opportunity for out reach this year is to set out tables and chairs in a shady spot and have volunteers there whose main work is to set down with them and listen to them and then tell them how the Lord can help them in life, set up bible studies and lead them to the Lord. Christians have placed a lot of trust and support in the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team and we know you are very interested in our effort in evangelism and out reach. You know that in your support of the DRT, you are helping to bring people to Christ. We want you to know that the volunteers are always working to improve our work and this is especially true in our efforts in bring people to Christ. We take this confidence you have placed in us very seriously.
In the photo below are two of our truly wonderful volunteers, who are also in the sojourners. Joe and Gladys. Rosemary and I have been on several sojourns with them and they are really remarkable Christians. They are typical of the many dedicated volunteers that are helping build the Lord's Church thru outreach and evangelism with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team.
We value your trust and support. We want you to know, we have one paid employee, Our Coordinator, Mark. You can ask the elders who oversee this work what this pay is. I can assure you it is not much. Everyone else is a volunteer. Hundreds of us. Your prayers and support are going to help people who are suffering thru a disaster and teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Brethren we are making a difference. Brethren, I believe the best years of our Lord's church are yet to come. We have a tremendous opportunity to reach people thru the DRT. AND, together, we are doing it. What joy it is to be involved with such great Christians. Jesus said the fields are white unto harvest, and I believe Him. Don

In this top photo you can see the great number of people who come out for a meal after a disaster. They take their food home to eat. We have given many of them tracts and bibles. Our plans for improving this opportunity for out reach this year is to set out tables and chairs in a shady spot and have volunteers there whose main work is to set down with them and listen to them and then tell them how the Lord can help them in life, set up bible studies and lead them to the Lord. Christians have placed a lot of trust and support in the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team and we know you are very interested in our effort in evangelism and out reach. You know that in your support of the DRT, you are helping to bring people to Christ. We want you to know that the volunteers are always working to improve our work and this is especially true in our efforts in bring people to Christ. We take this confidence you have placed in us very seriously.
In the photo below are two of our truly wonderful volunteers, who are also in the sojourners. Joe and Gladys. Rosemary and I have been on several sojourns with them and they are really remarkable Christians. They are typical of the many dedicated volunteers that are helping build the Lord's Church thru outreach and evangelism with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team.
We value your trust and support. We want you to know, we have one paid employee, Our Coordinator, Mark. You can ask the elders who oversee this work what this pay is. I can assure you it is not much. Everyone else is a volunteer. Hundreds of us. Your prayers and support are going to help people who are suffering thru a disaster and teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Brethren we are making a difference. Brethren, I believe the best years of our Lord's church are yet to come. We have a tremendous opportunity to reach people thru the DRT. AND, together, we are doing it. What joy it is to be involved with such great Christians. Jesus said the fields are white unto harvest, and I believe Him. Don
Monday, May 29, 2006

In the midst of all these supplies, we find "Marge, the Sarge". Whatever Marge is in charge of, it will be done as near perfect as possible. Here she is making sure supplies are displayed for disaster victims to pick up that they so much need. Tomorrow on the way back to the gulf to get ready for this hurricane season, she is stopping at our house to have supper and hopefully spend the night with us. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is fortunate to have volunteers like "Marge, the Sarge".
This bottom picture is one of my favorites, it is of "Grandma"and me. In spite of the devastation she was always smiling and was so... thankful for what the DRT volunteers were doing for her community.
This year as we set field kitchens, we are going to add one volunteer to our staff to get names, address, and telephone numbers for visitation and teaching. We are always working to improve the spiritual outreach aspects of our work. Now while there have been well over 100 baptisms because of work done and contacts by the volunteers, I believe we can improve on our evangelistic efforts. We are planning to set up tables and chairs at the field kitchen sites where people can come in and eat there meal and just talk with us about the devestation they have suffered. This helps them a great deal. We need volunteers that will help us in sitting at the table with them and listening, this will help a great deal in the opportunity for teaching and leading them to Christ and having fellowship with helpful christians. If you would like to be part of this effort please call me at 931-698-3150 or email me at You could be a great help in this. I telling you brethren it is thrilling to know we are making a difference. Don
Sunday, May 28, 2006
This morning in our Sunday School Class br. Jim, our great teacher, talked with us "older people" about how important we are to the Church. I thought I might bring to our attention again about a group of Christians known as the Sojourners. Rosemary and I have been in the Sojourners now for going on two years. This is a group of Christians mostly "retired" who have some type of travel rig, and go all over this country helping churches in various activities. VBS, personal work, evangelism, clean up and repair as well as a whole host of activities. I am one of the youngest members of this great group and many of them can really work me down, but none are pushed to work. It is all done with thankfulness for an opportunity to serve our Lord. If you would like to find out more about this work and how you may be a part, may I encourage you to call the office at 903-935-5742 or email or go the web page You can talk with a sojourner and I would be glad to talk with you about this organization. 931-698-3150. I love it for many reasons. It is another opportunity for me to serve the Lord and it is a great opportunity to work with some of the most dedicated people of the Lord's that I have ever known. It is now 9:30pm. just finished answering the many emails. Thank you very much for your kind remarks and your interest in our mission work. Thank you for telling others of the blog. Good Night Don
Saturday, May 27, 2006

There are all kinds of work that is needed when a hurricane or other natural disaster occurs. Here in this picture are two working together to help someone clean their yard of debris. The volunteer on the right, I can not identify, but the one on the left is Nancy who has come over 1000 miles from Ohio to help. Nancy also is a great help in keeping financial accounts for the Churches of Christ dIisaster Response Team.
Tomorrow in the newsletter we will be discussing opportunities we have with the drt in our-reach. This is one of our efforts in the drt and because it is obvious that we are there to help, tremendous opportunities become available to us to out reach as we seek to help. You support has been a great help in this effort and because of our efforts together many people have been baptized into Christ. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is helping making a real difference in out-reach and is helping the church grow not only spiritually, but also numerically. 9:50pm. Good Night Don
Friday, May 26, 2006
Our newletter will be a little short this evening as we are traveling this afternoon to Nashville. This morning we visited a local nursing home for visitation and then some other business. We have a good friend and christian in the hospital in Nashville, Br. Billy, he has had open heart surgery and seems to be doing well. Rosemary and I are going to see him. After that down in the evening about 6:30, one of our grandsons Davis plays baseball in Franklin. Davis plays 1st base. It is what is called a travel team and our son Don Jr. is the head coach. Naturally while in that vicinity we want to see the game. When we get in late this evening, I plan to answer your email. Just checked it and there are several. Because we appreciate your questions and interest in Missions with Don & Rosemary, we always try and reply to your email the same day we receive them. Thank you very much. Remember, God can do great things with my little, God can do great things with just a small drink of water. Mt. 10:42 Don
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Picture at the very top is our logo, that we plan to put on our mailings. When you see this on mailing from the Newsletter, you will know that it is to inform folks of the help and opportunity for evangelism that we have with the Drt.
Pictured below is Marcell at the Creekwood Church of Christ getting ready to serve supper to the volunteers. This great church has been a very important part of the effort to help people on the gulf .
Pictured below is Joe and Me. Both of us and our wives Gladys and Rosemary are in the Sojourners, but we also have a wonderful opportunity to teach Jesus as we help with the Disaster Response Team. Here we are pictured cooking for people.
With less than a week now before hurricane season, we are busy gathering resourses and making plans now so that we may better serve when called on. Don
We received a Military Missions update from Ben Overby. He is greatly envolved in teaching the word of God at Fort Benning. There about 250 soldiers in worship this past Sunday and they had one baptism into Christ. Once or twice each month they teach a new converts class. Our good sister Connie, who is highly involved with this work, tells me that their effort is to help the soldeirs be able to teach others about the Lord whereever they are stationed. Rosemary and I have not as yet had the opportunity to meet with these brethren, but look forward to being with them in the not to distant future. Don
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

There is a lot of work in just getting ready to help in mission efforts such as the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. Pictured above is a discussion among three diligent workers among the volunteers, Doug, the minister of the Somerset Church of Christ, Laura, the wife of our Coordinator Mark (What would we ever do without Laura?) and Nancy who is our bookkeeper, financial coordinator etc. Below is the building in which the congregation at Somerset meets.
As a visitor to this congregation, I can tell you that you know right away that you are a welcomed guest. Rosemary and I have already received several mailings from members of this church letting us know that our visit with them was appreciated. Now when some one visits this church, do you suppose they would want to return? I can tell you that Rosemary and I look forward to our return.
Church growth suggestion: people don't want to leave where they feel they belong.
Thank you for your many emails and contacts and for telling so many people about this blog. It is amazing!!! email blog site
If you would like to a part of this group of volunteers, we look forward to having you. You can make a big difference in someone's life. You may be the very one that helps lead them to Christ. Now it is true that we need workers in many capacities, but what about those who may not be able to do hard, often hot work? We need listeners. We, who can sit down with those who have suffered loss and just listen and let them know you, we care. If you want to help in any capacity please call our Coordinator Mark Cremeans at 937 308 0035, visit the web site at or call me at 931 698 3150 or email me at Brethren, I just want you to know, together we are making a difference. Don
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
One of our blog readers sent this information and asked that it be posted. As with health information, I always recommend ask your health professional about this information, but if this would help someone, I would want to know it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Many have seen this picture before, but we have a special reason for putting it on again. This is "Big Mike" as he is passing out supplies to the little children. Mike loves the little children and they really love him. They especially love to hear his booming voice. This big guy is now on the way home to see some of his family in Indiana. He has served as a volunteer with the DRT sinse the first of Oct. He has served in some compacity from Mobile to New Orleans. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is fortunate to have many volunteers with the dedication of helping people suffering from disaster, like "Big Mike". This brother stopped in to visit, eat supper and spend the night with Rosemary and me today. We have had wonderful fellowship with him and Randy Curtis, another DRT volunteer this evening. We have received over a hundred new contacts for email and the blog today. Thank you very much. Had a great conversation with Patty in N. Fla. today. She had made me an excellent cd to show people and can hardly wait to get the power point so I can use it in our presentation about the DRT. Have three more presentations before Rosemary & I begin our work in the field, so our speaking schedule is full for now, but we do have a couple of openings in Nov. of this year, should you desire a church growth work shop or bible study with information about the DRT. There is never a charge for these presentations, it is a very important part of our work with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team.... Getting late, 9:30pm. Good Night and remember God can do great things with just a small drink of water. Mt.10:42 email Don
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pictured here from left to right, Mark, our coordinator, Larry, Dave, Don, the three elders who oversee the DRT, and yours truly in front. Below is a picture of the nice building in which the Somerset congregation meets and carries on a great deal of the work.
I was just listening to a cd that one of the volunteers, Patty of the Aachua, Fla. congregation has made. Finally I have learned to use this computer to play these cd's. I will be using it more and more in the presentations.
Received an email, from Ben about the continued work of the Military Missions. This group of brethren works with soldiers and nearly every Sunday, I receive word of baptisms.
Talked with Maxine and Doug who are sojourners. Forget retirement with these two. They are on the way from Tenn. to Arizona to help the church there. I believe they are going to help with VBS.
Well this is 3rd Sunday and at Howell Church where I preach when Rosemary and I are home, we have a get together at somebody's house after services. This is always a fun time to spend with each other and I believe it greatly enforces our love and appreciation for each other.
While in Ohio, presenting a church growth workshop, Rosemary and I attended wed. night bible study with a congregation in Troy. We both appreciated the bible class very much.
Brethren there are of course disasters at all times of the year, but we all know hurricane season is starting in just a couple of weeks. If you would like to join with us as volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, may I suggest you call our coordinator Mark Cremeans at 937 308 0035 . or go to the web site at email them or certainly, Rosemary and I welcome your call at 931 698 3150 or email us at
and thanks again for telling others about this blog site. Brethren, we together are making a difference. Don
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Bible Study
The closeness of Jesus
Rm.10:8-10 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is
is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus
and shalt believe in thine heart that god hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be
saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession
is made unto salvation.
Jn.1:1, Jesus, as the word, abides in our heart by faith.
Jesus is close to us in life.
Mt.28:20, Mt.18:20, Mt.11:28, Rev.3:20
II. Jesus is close to us in salvation---blood close.
Jn.19:34, Rm.6:3&4, Gal.2:10
III. Jesus is close to us in judgment
Heb.9:27, IICor. 5:10&11, Heb.10:31, Mt.25:34
Jesus Christ our Lord--close to us in life, salvation, judgment.
The closeness of Jesus
Rm.10:8-10 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is
is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus
and shalt believe in thine heart that god hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be
saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession
is made unto salvation.
Jn.1:1, Jesus, as the word, abides in our heart by faith.
Jesus is close to us in life.
Mt.28:20, Mt.18:20, Mt.11:28, Rev.3:20
II. Jesus is close to us in salvation---blood close.
Jn.19:34, Rm.6:3&4, Gal.2:10
III. Jesus is close to us in judgment
Heb.9:27, IICor. 5:10&11, Heb.10:31, Mt.25:34
Jesus Christ our Lord--close to us in life, salvation, judgment.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
he top picture is of the three elders of the Somerset, Ohio Church of Christ who oversee the work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. From left to right, Larry, Dave, and Don. These are deeply spiritual men who in their love for the Lord have taken on this big work. Rosemary and I met with the church this last week. We were gone a total of 9 days. We were a part of their church growth workshop and I was privileged to preach there Sun. morn. and night. This is a diligently working church with much out reach and great love and concern for one another. Many of the members of this congregation have driven hundreds of miles several times to help in disaster strickened areas. Now while volunteering help, buildings supplies, money and equipment are all important, some folks want to help a great deal, but simply can't make this long trip for various reasons. They still can help and are very much needed. Such a person is in the second picture. This is another Rosemary. She is also member of the Somerset Church. Now while for many reasons this wonderful sister can not make the trip, she makes care packages for people in the disaster areas. This little bag contains a bar of soap, a wash cloth, a toothbrush and toothpaste and a few other personal items. I can tell you as one who delivers food and supplies in the affected areas these care packages, that Rosemary and others prepare are greatly appreciated and help people know that christians care. I can tell you when you handle these packages prepared by these wonderful sisters, you can feel the love. Thank God for wonderful christians like Rosemary. She just won't quit. Thank you so much for your e mails. Think I am caught up now. This working church in Somerset, Ohio was such an inspiration to Rosemary and me, we can hardly wait for a return visit. Don

Sunday, May 07, 2006

This top picture is of several of the volunteers at the end of the day enjoying a little talk together before turning in. The Creekside Church of Christ in Mobile would fix supper for all of the volunteers every evening. No matter how difficult, how dirty or how far we had to go to help people, the good brethren had a good warm meal for us every evening. The two people at the lft. of the table are Mark and Laura Cremeans. Mark is the coordinator for the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. These two are unbelievable tire-less workers. When we are called to the work by Mark, there is no wasted time, he and Laura have the supplies and jobs ready for us. Those who suffer from disasters are grateful to have these two at the ready, ready for us to go to work. Helping.
This bottom picture shows a man standing at a table from which we are preparing to feed about 100 people who have lost so much from a hurricane. He is an example of so many of the volunteers who drove hundreds of miles to come and help. Should you notice a similarity, this volunteer is my brother, Paul.
We will be off the blog and not answering email for a few days, we leave in the morning to present a seminar on church growth at the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio. Thank you so much for telling others about the blog. More and more people are becoming a part of it as we encourage out reach, evangelism and church growth. Don
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Bible Study. A study of mothers in the home
The christian home has for centuries helped make a good society
Good mothers have helped make good churches, good communities and have been a great part of the "back bone" of a good society.
Prov.31:10ff some characteristics of a virtous woman.
Gen.2:18-24 the beginning of the first family.
IPet.3:1-4 The powerful influence of godly women.
I. Exs of good mothers
Mary Lk.1:48
Our mothers, caring, counseling, discipline.
It has been said, "if fathers are the bond, mothers are the glue."
II. Christian mothers of today "trust God above all else.
III.Other great work of mothers
ITim.5:14, Titus 2:4&5
The home, because of a godly woman, may be made into a conservatory of virtue, an institution of morality, and a school for godliness.
I know of no holier trust.
IV. Mother's what is important in your life may well be in the lives you are trying to influence.
"Mother, every sense I could remember, I remembered I loved you."
The christian home has for centuries helped make a good society
Good mothers have helped make good churches, good communities and have been a great part of the "back bone" of a good society.
Prov.31:10ff some characteristics of a virtous woman.
Gen.2:18-24 the beginning of the first family.
IPet.3:1-4 The powerful influence of godly women.
I. Exs of good mothers
Mary Lk.1:48
Our mothers, caring, counseling, discipline.
It has been said, "if fathers are the bond, mothers are the glue."
II. Christian mothers of today "trust God above all else.
III.Other great work of mothers
ITim.5:14, Titus 2:4&5
The home, because of a godly woman, may be made into a conservatory of virtue, an institution of morality, and a school for godliness.
I know of no holier trust.
IV. Mother's what is important in your life may well be in the lives you are trying to influence.
"Mother, every sense I could remember, I remembered I loved you."
Friday, May 05, 2006

Accidents do happen. One week ago, we were on the way to be part of the program at Heritage Christian Un. in Florence, Al. Unfortunately, our rig was just a little taller than one of the overpasses so...... alot of damage was done to the roof of our old rig. It would take many weeks to get it fixed, parts and all, and the insurance was good so rather than be out of the volunteer work for some time we bought another rig. Here is a picture of it. We have already made one trip in it and plan to leave Mon. for Somerset, Ohio to present a church growth seminar there. This is the congregation, whose elders, over see the work of the Churches of Christ Disaster response Team.
Speaking of the drt. Laura, our coordinator's wife was at Peperdine Un. all week. Peperdine is having their lecturship this week and the Disaster Response Team was not only invited there to display about the work, but Laura was ask to speak at one of the classes about helping people and evangelism with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. Mark and Laura, not only serve sacrificially to coordinate the work of the volunteers, but they are very dear friends of Rosemary and mine. The truth is they are great friends with all that know them. There is no telling of the work and influence for Christ that has taken place by the volunteers with the Disaster Response Team due to the leadership of Mark and Laura. It is time to answer emails. Last night it took nearly three hours to answer your emails and to prepare the blog. Thank you so much for telling others about the blog and thank you so much for your encouragement of the great work being accomplished by the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. Brethren we are making a difference. Don
Thursday, May 04, 2006

This picture of Rosemary and me was taken while serving with the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Team (drt) in the gulf region. Our work is not only to set up kitchens to feed disaster victims, carry groceries and commodities to people who need help, but also to introduce people to Jesus. We hand out thousands of tracts and give out hundreds of bibles. We are helped by a lot of interested volunteers. Over a hundred baptisms have taken place in the gulf region sinse last years hurricanes. We have found that people are very receptive to teaching about Christ when you there helping. It has well been said, "when you go to where people are, you can take them where you are going." Had a wonderful opportunity to speak at the Windrow Church of Christ, near Murfressboro, Tn. this past Wed. night about the work of the drt. I look forward to preaching at my beloved Howell this Sun. and then leave Mon. for Somerset, Ohio to deliver a seminar on church growth and to speak Sun. We have added a great number of contacts and recipients these past couple of days. Thank you very much for telling others about "Missions with Don & Rosemary" there is a tremendous interest and one christian told me the other night after we delivered a massage about the outreach effort of the drt, he said, "I can do this" Isn't that great? It't is such a wonderful work. Our web site is Good Night. Don
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006

This top picture shows the utter destruction of the Peace River Church building done by Hurricane Charley. The bottom picture shows the continued effort in evangelism & outreach as minister Doug English is shown conducting worship service at one of the nursing homes. This church, even though they are still meeting in a trailer, are being known more and more for their determination not to be defeated, but continuing in the Lord's work.
Received an update about Military Missions from Ben Overby. In their efforts with the military at Fort Benning, they baptized 20 men this past Sun. As I understand it, these brethren are taught not only about becoming members of the church but also are taught how to teach others where ever they may be stationed. A dear friend of Rosemary and mine Connie is one of the volunteers helping in the mission effort. "Say not there are four months and then comes the harvest? I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look unto the fields, they are white already unto harvest." Jesus Good Night....Don