Sunday, April 30, 2006

I suppose all of us have childhood heroes. I did. There was no one greater to me as a boy then a youth raised in S. Fla. than V. P. Black. So many times hearing him in meetings, what impressions for the gospel impressed on me? While on sojourner work this passed Jan. & Feb. I learned he was in a meeting at the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda, Fla. I went to every service just as I did as a boy. Thank God for heroes like V.P. Black. While there however, I gained a new hero, Doug English. After hurricane Charley demolished the church building, things did not look good for the continuation of the work there. But God can raise up. He raised up another hero, Doug and his devoted wife Evie. They encouraged the brethren, and now anytime , this determined congregation will begin their building. Even though they began meeting again in a tent, now a trailer, they are very interested in evangelism and out reach. They're growing numerically. In the picture on the left a hero of mine for nearly 65 yrs., on the right a new hero of about 65 days. Yes, that's me in the middle. Am looking forward to speaking with the Windrow Church of Christ near Murfressboro, Tn. Wed. night. It is an opportunity to tell people about what is going on with the volunteers and The Churches of Christ disaster Team. The phones have really been ringing today from christian brethren asking how they can help. Thank you very much. Thanks for telling others about this blog encouraging missions. Thanks for the many, many, emails everyday. To the best of our ability, we answer everyone the day we receive it. This is another part of our volunteer work with the drt. I appreciate everyone of your emails. It's 10:00 and time for me to turn in.... Seems like 5:30 come a little early some mornings. Saw this saying at HCU while there. "Thank God, they're sins. Good Night.. Don
Saturday, April 29, 2006
It was an honor and a joy to be on the program at Heritage Chritian Un. today. I greatly appreciate the work they are doing in helping men prepare to preach. The Cox Blvd. Church of Christ hosted this program and several brethren who are interested in helping in the Gulf Region were there. Br. Dave Neal, one of the elders that oversees the work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team educated all of us as to much of the organizational work of the drt. My brief presentation had to do with the organized work on the volunteers of the Disaster Response Team in evangelism and out-reach and the tremendous desire of those helped to learn of the church that shows how it cares. We discussed that over 100 baptisms have taken place in the gulf region do to the work of christians.
Appreciated so much the invitation to be with the West Fay. Church last Wed. Looking forward to being with one of the congregations this Wed. night in Mufreesboro, and then going to Ohio to be with the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio May 12,13, 14. We are really looking forward to being with the brethen there. They are very interested in evangelism and we will be involved in a church growth, out-reach discussion with them. We have changed to a new computer so am a little behind on the blog and will put some new picture on tomorrow after evening worship services. Brethren, we are making a difference......Don
Appreciated so much the invitation to be with the West Fay. Church last Wed. Looking forward to being with one of the congregations this Wed. night in Mufreesboro, and then going to Ohio to be with the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio May 12,13, 14. We are really looking forward to being with the brethen there. They are very interested in evangelism and we will be involved in a church growth, out-reach discussion with them. We have changed to a new computer so am a little behind on the blog and will put some new picture on tomorrow after evening worship services. Brethren, we are making a difference......Don
Thursday, April 27, 2006

This a picture of the Peace River Church building after Charley finished with it. Below members meeting in the tent. They would not be defeated. Any day now they will begin building there new building. It was my privilege to speak there last Sun. Br. Doug English and his good wife Evie have helped so much. Doug preaches, and leads the singing for the church. This is a true labor of love these wonderful christians have for the work. Rosemary and I leave in the morning to go to Heritage Christian Un. to meet with many of the leaders of the church in N. Ala. in discussing the volunteer work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. One of the elders of the Somerset Church in Ohio, who have the oversight of the drt., Br Dave Neal is flying in from Ohio to be with us in this meeting. On our next blog report we will be telling about this meeting as we prepare ourselves for the next hurricane season. It was a great privilege to speak last night at the West Fayetteville Church. They are some of the wonderful supporters of our out reach work in the drt. Thank you for telling your friends about this blog site. Every where we go in our travel people tell us they are reading it and are enthused knowing of the physical and spiritual care christians are having the opportunity to show. blog site email Brethren, we are making a difference. Don
Monday, April 17, 2006

Looking forward to speaking at Peace River in Punta Gorda, Fl. while there, then West Fayetteville, Fayetteville, Tenn. the 26th, and then at Heritage Christian Un. the 29th. There is such a desire to hear of the great work done by the volunteers and of the opportunity to be involved in out-reach and church growth....Don
Saturday, April 15, 2006

On another note received an email from Randy, one of the really great volunteers. He has spent some time helping with the clean up after the tornado north of Nashville. The efforts of the Church of Christ in this effort has been featured on many news programs.
Looking forward in attending the meeting at Heritage Christian Un.the 29th concerning the efforts in the gulf region and the tremendous opportunity in bible teaching, out reach and church growth in the region. Brethren the opportunity is tremendous. Looking forward to speaking at the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda, Fl. next week, then at the West Fayetteville Church of Christ in Fayetteville, Tn. and then we go to Somerset, Ohio to present another seminar on out-reach and church growth. Jesus said, "the fields are white unto harvest" He said it and I believe it. Received an email from Fla. that said about the church, "Under the same management for over 2000 yrs."
Good Night All. Remember in your prayers the work of so many who are helping reach out to others with the saving message of Jesus. Don
Friday, April 14, 2006

Because of all the damage to the church building, clothes were piled outside every day. Nearly all of these clothes would be gone by days end. This upper picture is of the Church at Bayou le Batre. It had been closed for a long time before Katrina, but with the outreach efforts of so many volunteers, this congregation of the Church of Christ is now open for worship. At last check, there have been 49 baptisms, and they are now having bible study 6 nights a week. Below is yours truly with some dear friends that we made during our efforts at Bayou le Batre. They were so friendly and so receptive. I am told there are now several Asian members of the Church at Bay le Batre.....The opportunity for out reach in the gulf region is just tremendous. By the way thank you very much for your reception of the blog "Missions with Don & Rosemary" Everyday we have emails telling us about work for the Lord. And yes, your bible questions are always welcomed. I don't claim to be a scholar, just a seeker, but to the best of my ability we'll see what God's word say about living for Him. Isn't God good? He can take our little and so greatly multiply it to His Glory. Matt.6:6 But thou when thou prayest enter into thy close and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Don
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What we can do with Jesus
Mt.27:22--Pilate faced a choice that nearly every learn person for 2000yrs. has had to face. What will I do with Jesus?
I. Actions we can take about Jesus
A. Reject Jesus Mt.10:38, Jn. 6:66
B. Doubt Jesus Mt.28:17, Jn.20:25&28
C. Accept Jesus Jn.6:69, Jn.3:16
II. What will I do for this Jesus?
A. I will stand for this Jesus Eph.6:10-18--of all thimes in history to stand for Jesus, I can think of no more important time than now...
1.Stand for worship found in the New Testament Jn.4:24
Prayer IThes. 5:17
Communion Acts 20:7
Preaching II TIm.4:2
Giving ICor.16:2
Singing ICor.14:15
III. What will I do with this Jesus?
A. I will share this Jesus Acts 20:27, Eph.3:17---("permeate my very being")
1. Jesus was an encourager Jn. 14:1
2.Jesus was caring. He cared for some people that no one liked--Zacchaeus
3.Jesus knows our hearts--"Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in Prayer"
What will I do with this Jesus?
1. I will stand for Jesus.
2. I will share this Jesus.
3. I will follow this Jesus right into heaven...
Mt.27:22--Pilate faced a choice that nearly every learn person for 2000yrs. has had to face. What will I do with Jesus?
I. Actions we can take about Jesus
A. Reject Jesus Mt.10:38, Jn. 6:66
B. Doubt Jesus Mt.28:17, Jn.20:25&28
C. Accept Jesus Jn.6:69, Jn.3:16
II. What will I do for this Jesus?
A. I will stand for this Jesus Eph.6:10-18--of all thimes in history to stand for Jesus, I can think of no more important time than now...
1.Stand for worship found in the New Testament Jn.4:24
Prayer IThes. 5:17
Communion Acts 20:7
Preaching II TIm.4:2
Giving ICor.16:2
Singing ICor.14:15
III. What will I do with this Jesus?
A. I will share this Jesus Acts 20:27, Eph.3:17---("permeate my very being")
1. Jesus was an encourager Jn. 14:1
2.Jesus was caring. He cared for some people that no one liked--Zacchaeus
3.Jesus knows our hearts--"Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in Prayer"
What will I do with this Jesus?
1. I will stand for Jesus.
2. I will share this Jesus.
3. I will follow this Jesus right into heaven...
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006
A letter from the Cox Blvd. Church of Christ 303 Cox Blvd. Sheffield, Ala. 35660
Dear Brethren,
The Gulf Coast hurricanes displaced many families and created unbelievable physical, financial and spiritual hardships. Now, almost eight months, later there are still hundreds of thousands of people that cannot live in their homes. Uninsured flooding has made this an impossible situation for not just a single city but for the entire Gulf Coast region.
Donations of goods and money are still necessary and are being provided by both non-profit and for profit organizations along with the Federal Government but presently, manpower is the most pressing need. Many Christians do not know of the needs and manpower shortage that still exist and the situation becomes more desperate with each passing day. We have found most churches are also not aware of the highly organized operation by the elders of the Somerset Church of Christ, Somerset, OH. Cox Blvd Church of Christ, Sheffield, Al. has made five mission trips to date and helped rebuild fifteen homes with no wasted time or effort due to the organizational skills of brother Cremeans. These trips to the Gulf Coast are truly missions of mercy, Christianity at work.
On Saturday, April 29, 2006, at Heritage Christian University there will be a meeting to inform all interested Churchesof Christ about this available mission. Mark Cremeans works under the Somerset eldership as the Coordinator, Disaster Response Teams in the Gulf Coast area, along with Dave Neal, one of the Somerset elders, and Don Hudson who coordinates public relations efforts for the Disaster Response Teams, will be present to answer any and all questions.
Each congregation that chooses to be involved will work independently of all others and each congregation can work as much or as little as they please. No group is too large or too small. People who are willing to work may be unskilled, semi-skilled or highly skilled. Each church will coordinate their visit with our missionary brother, Mark Cremeans, who will make sure each trip is productive. Please send a representative of your congregation to this meeting. NO DONATIONS WILL BE SOLICITED.
Meeting Location Heritage Christian Un, Florence, Al.
Telephone 1256-766-6610
Date Saturday, April 29, 2006
Time 10:00 am.-11:30
Please rsvp 1-256-383-1618 or 383-1905 Cox Blvd. Church of Christ
Dear Brethren,
The Gulf Coast hurricanes displaced many families and created unbelievable physical, financial and spiritual hardships. Now, almost eight months, later there are still hundreds of thousands of people that cannot live in their homes. Uninsured flooding has made this an impossible situation for not just a single city but for the entire Gulf Coast region.
Donations of goods and money are still necessary and are being provided by both non-profit and for profit organizations along with the Federal Government but presently, manpower is the most pressing need. Many Christians do not know of the needs and manpower shortage that still exist and the situation becomes more desperate with each passing day. We have found most churches are also not aware of the highly organized operation by the elders of the Somerset Church of Christ, Somerset, OH. Cox Blvd Church of Christ, Sheffield, Al. has made five mission trips to date and helped rebuild fifteen homes with no wasted time or effort due to the organizational skills of brother Cremeans. These trips to the Gulf Coast are truly missions of mercy, Christianity at work.
On Saturday, April 29, 2006, at Heritage Christian University there will be a meeting to inform all interested Churchesof Christ about this available mission. Mark Cremeans works under the Somerset eldership as the Coordinator, Disaster Response Teams in the Gulf Coast area, along with Dave Neal, one of the Somerset elders, and Don Hudson who coordinates public relations efforts for the Disaster Response Teams, will be present to answer any and all questions.
Each congregation that chooses to be involved will work independently of all others and each congregation can work as much or as little as they please. No group is too large or too small. People who are willing to work may be unskilled, semi-skilled or highly skilled. Each church will coordinate their visit with our missionary brother, Mark Cremeans, who will make sure each trip is productive. Please send a representative of your congregation to this meeting. NO DONATIONS WILL BE SOLICITED.
Meeting Location Heritage Christian Un, Florence, Al.
Telephone 1256-766-6610
Date Saturday, April 29, 2006
Time 10:00 am.-11:30
Please rsvp 1-256-383-1618 or 383-1905 Cox Blvd. Church of Christ
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

A picture of a teacher teaching soldiers at Ft. Benning. This work is under the eldership of the Broad Street Church of Christ in LaGrange, Ga. They have a very informative web. site. I look forward
in visiting with these brethren. I have heard what a great mission work this is. Don
in visiting with these brethren. I have heard what a great mission work this is. Don
Received an email from our extended family Connie who is greatly involved in mission work as she continues with her career. Connie is a big help with Military Missions at Ft. Benning. She has been involved with this work for some two years. Soldiers that come to worship, learn also how to teach others so that when they leave they can greatly aid in teaching people about the Lord wherever they go. Connie tells me they baptized 26 soldiers last Sunday. This work is under the Broad street Church of Christ in LaGrange. It is wonderful that people are receptive as Christians reach out Don
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Just visited a most interesting web site Ben and one of my dear friends. Connie with a lot of others are very involved in Military Missions. From all reports, they are doing a great work there. Ben knows several of the acquaintances the the drt has made helping in disaster areas.

April and May speaking dates are filled and June is filling up quickly. From July on engagements are only scheduled with the understanding that if a disaster strikes, we are committed to going to help the people in the disaster area. Thank you all for your encouragement is this effort. Don
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
We have made contacts with people in the Tennessee tornado area offering the help of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. We are awaiting their requests. As we can be of help to them we will get it on the blog. If you want to be a part of the volunteers, please let us know. Don
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Two sojourners, Joe & Gladys, who are also volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. They have done great work in helping people who have suffered so much on the gulf coast. Joe was a big help in everything, but especially in helping giving out bible tracts. Below is a revival sign in Cape Coral where we as a group of sojourners worked helping the church there. We knocked on several hundred doors inviting people to worship, helping set up bible studies and helping the local church in many ways. Maybe you would like to consider joining the sojourners. If so, talk with any sojourner, call the office at 903-935-5742, email the sojourners office@soulurning .org
If I can help you in any way, please email me at
Oh yes, thank you so much for telling folks about this blog site. It is just tremendous, the response we are getting. Thank you so much for helping encourage out reach among Christians. Don
Monday, April 03, 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006

National Evangelism with Sojourners
Church of Christ Sojourners Mission
5554 Cooks Road
Marshall, Tx 75670
You also can phone 903-035-7367
The email is
Read the web page www.sojourning .org
They can also give you info. about joining in with this great group of home missionaries. Had a great day with the church today, and I hope you did too. Don
Saturday, April 01, 2006

" Here are the thins that we have done or are in the process of doing in the past 60 days."
Have fill out analysis form for approximately 1500 families.
Received and distributed 2 semi loads of food & supplies
Received and distributed 2 semi loads of furniture.
Received and distributed 2 loads of mattresses & box springs.
Received and distributed 2 semi loads of appliances.
Received and distributed 850 sheets of drywall with
insulation mud and nails.
Housed and fed volunteers each week.
Had volunteers doing all stages of work from gutting to finishing drywall.
Charley has 27 bible studies in progress.
Had 5 baptisms.
Had largest number in Sunday morning service in the history of Bay St. Louis Church of Christ (95)
Have approximately 300 work orders filled out for work that needs to be completed on houses in the area.
We are thankful for the volunteers who are working with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ. These volunteers are really making a difference not only in helping people physically, but also in bringing people to Christ On of our major effort in the Disaster Response Team, drt, is out reach. Together my brethren, we are making a real difference. Don