Friday, June 30, 2006
Bible Study-----Priorities
1. We live in a world where great demands are put on our time, constantly.
2.These demands constantly clalmor for our attention.
3. How do we choose what to do first---"attention getters."
a.Noise b.Fear c.Happiness
These "attention getters" can often leave us empty and in a hurry to get to the next "attention getter".
There ia principle in the bible to set priorities
Col. 3:1-4, Jos.24:15, Mt.6:33
I. The body of Christ-- The Church
Col.1:18, Eph.1:22&23,IThes.5:11
1.How important is it to us to build the church? We as christians are a part of Christ's body.
II. A exemplary life---not all will approve
Jn.3:19, Jn.3:15,ICor.11:1
We can stand for good.
III. Make it a point to see the good and build on it.
It has been said, "working on the problem, gives bigger problems, working on the solution, gives bigger solutions."
Phil. 4:8, Mt.6:23, Jn.4:35,
Set your affections on helping others.
1. We live in a world where great demands are put on our time, constantly.
2.These demands constantly clalmor for our attention.
3. How do we choose what to do first---"attention getters."
a.Noise b.Fear c.Happiness
These "attention getters" can often leave us empty and in a hurry to get to the next "attention getter".
There ia principle in the bible to set priorities
Col. 3:1-4, Jos.24:15, Mt.6:33
I. The body of Christ-- The Church
Col.1:18, Eph.1:22&23,IThes.5:11
1.How important is it to us to build the church? We as christians are a part of Christ's body.
II. A exemplary life---not all will approve
Jn.3:19, Jn.3:15,ICor.11:1
We can stand for good.
III. Make it a point to see the good and build on it.
It has been said, "working on the problem, gives bigger problems, working on the solution, gives bigger solutions."
Phil. 4:8, Mt.6:23, Jn.4:35,
Set your affections on helping others.
Thursday, June 29, 2006

This is a picture of some of the volunteers in Somerset as they have prepared lunch for some of the other volunteers. The other day we had pictures of some of the men working. Here are just a few of the woman. Included is a little of a letter from the "Rosebud", an amazing volunteer.
"I worked with 2 ladies from Norval Park Church (Zanesville). We assembled kits and cleaned and washed about 60 buckets for cleaning kits. We now have 79 Love Packs (health kits), 26 school bags and 11 cleaning buckets. I thought this was great success for three sets of hands and God's blessing! Hey that could be a song title or something --6 little hands and the blessing of the Lord ....can do lots of work while we spread GOD'S word!
GOD shows me HIS love everyday in my life through the people I meet and the surrounding about me . HE IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!! I sure love you folks and all the work you do for our LORD! So much can be done without traveling miles. It can start right at home !!" In HIM, Rosebud
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

We received a newsletter today from the Church St. Church in Lewisburg, Tn. today. Mike Baker, the pulpit minister, wrote an excellent article concerning mission work. A couple of "lifted quotes"are as follows. Mike writes, " But at times we mistakenly think that mission work can only be done when we leave our country to go to another. But that is not at all what was meant when Jesus gave the Great Commission. " As you go"is an alternate reading of the phrase "Go Therefore" These are thoughts of which I need to be reminded from time to time. I may not be able to go accross the country or accross the water, but I may be able to go accross the street to put in a good word for Jesus.
Talking about putting in a good word for Jesus, here are a couple of pictures of volunteers in Somerset, Ohio, getting the "tool" trailers ready. These tailers are equipted with chain saws yard tools generators and other equipment. This has all been cleaned and reworked and ready to go. The Disaster Response Team offers an excellent opportunity to do mission work. Whether or not you have a rig or not you can help. Marge--what would we do without Marge?-- is in charge of housing for the volunteers. She arranges sleeping, meals, showers etc. for the volunteers. If you want to help, click on the web site email me or call me at 931-698-3150. We will be happy to help. I hope you remember to link on to Laura's blog for her current on the scene updates. Don
Sunday, June 25, 2006
We have had a good visit with my Dad, but I am missing Middle Tenn. and am looking forward to leaving early in the morning. We hope to be home late tomorrow evening. We enjoyed worshipping with the Peace River Church this morning. They believe that the plans submitted now will go thru and before long they can begin their building. Doug English is their minister. He had an excellent sermon this morning on stewardship.. He left me with an excellent thought that I hope to always remember to put in practice better."Whatever you do, whether you are paid to do it or it is volunteer work, always do your best." I do know this I have some great brethren who are excellent practicioners of this idea. I delivered a church growth lesson for bible study on how to make the church a center in the community.
We have received so many emails today and have just finished answering them. Thank you very much. There has been so much good news from you today about you growing and helping the church grow. A sister named Rosemary wrote Jn.15:12 "My commandment is Love each other as I have loved you." Don \\
We have received so many emails today and have just finished answering them. Thank you very much. There has been so much good news from you today about you growing and helping the church grow. A sister named Rosemary wrote Jn.15:12 "My commandment is Love each other as I have loved you." Don \\
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Talked with one of the elders that oversees the Disaster Response Team and he told me that they had a work day at Somerset, Ohio with another congregation in Zaneville. They worked on six trailers of tools chain saws and generators getting everything ready to be used in a moments notice. We have a moble kitchen that will be ready the first of Aug. It is self contained and will allow us set up a feeding station for the people in the disaster area as well as caring for the volunteers. This tailer has it's own freezer, refrigerator, generator, stoves, sinks etc. This will allow us to be of great help in even more remote areas that are sometimes hard to reach, but need help. Thank you so much all of you who by your donations have may this possible. We appreciate your sacrificial donations and will do our best to see that your hard earned money donated will be to God's glory.
Am looking forward to teaching a class on church growth and how to help make the local congregation a center of the community and to use this opportunity to teach God's Word. Having a nice time being with my Dad. Don
Am looking forward to teaching a class on church growth and how to help make the local congregation a center of the community and to use this opportunity to teach God's Word. Having a nice time being with my Dad. Don
Friday, June 23, 2006
Ben, our 6th grandson, and I went to see the Cin. Reds farm team and the N.Y. Yankees farm team at Sarasota last evening. They really play good baseball. While here we have been to the Port Charlotte Church's bible study. Port Charlotte was an area really wrecked by "Charlie" a couple of years ago. It has pretty much rebuilt and just driving thru you don't see much damage. We are going to Punta Gorda for Sun. morn. bible study and worship... There is still damage to be seen in Punta Gorda.
The desire for the church growth seminars has been tremendous. This is a volunteer effort we make with the Churches of Christ Diasater Team. With the other committments we have with the Howell Church of Christ, The Sojourners, and The DRT, we can't present these church growth seminars in person as much as we would like. So beginning soon, probable nest week we are going start presenting them in sections on our blog "Missions with Don & Rosemary." We want to help the growth of the church so very much and we hope these articles will help. These are the very ideas and activities that we used to help the Cornersville Church have its numerical growth. One may wonder why not put it in book form and sell it. Several reasons. We can put in on this blog and it is free to everyone, and secondly, there are many volunteers that are doing many helpful things to help people to become Christians, I just want to help. Looking forward to getting back to Tennessee, hopefully Mon. night. Don
The desire for the church growth seminars has been tremendous. This is a volunteer effort we make with the Churches of Christ Diasater Team. With the other committments we have with the Howell Church of Christ, The Sojourners, and The DRT, we can't present these church growth seminars in person as much as we would like. So beginning soon, probable nest week we are going start presenting them in sections on our blog "Missions with Don & Rosemary." We want to help the growth of the church so very much and we hope these articles will help. These are the very ideas and activities that we used to help the Cornersville Church have its numerical growth. One may wonder why not put it in book form and sell it. Several reasons. We can put in on this blog and it is free to everyone, and secondly, there are many volunteers that are doing many helpful things to help people to become Christians, I just want to help. Looking forward to getting back to Tennessee, hopefully Mon. night. Don
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
It is Wed. evening and we will be leaving for Bible Study at the Port Charlotte Church of Christ in just a little while. It seems that it is hot all over the S.E. It is in the mid 90's here with very high humidity, but from emails and telephone calls it must be warm all over. I am going to the doctor with my dad tomorrow for his regular check up. He seems to be doing right well. Even though we are on a little break, we are keeping an eye on the weather channel. Many in this area appreciated the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team a great deal remembering its great work here durring Charlie. Don
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
We arrived at my dads in Port Charlotte, Fla. today about 1:00pm. It was good to see him. Our daughter, Kristi Massey did most of the driving and we also brought #6 "rock crusher" Ben. They were both happy to see their grandfather and great grand father. We are looking forward to going to bible study with the Port Charlotte church tomorrow night and then I am to teach the bible class Sun. Morn. at the Peach River Church in Punta Gorda. That is the church whose building was completely destroyed by hurricane Charlie. Speaking of hurricanes. Things are really stiring among many of the volunteers as we make our final committments and preparations so that we will be able to help if and when an area is damaged by these tropical storms.
We had a great get together after church Sun. night. It is really wonderful to be to a part of a congregation like Howell. Good Night Don
We had a great get together after church Sun. night. It is really wonderful to be to a part of a congregation like Howell. Good Night Don
Sunday, June 18, 2006
As Rosemary and I will be leaving tomorrow morning for S.W. Fla., we will not have a blog report tomorrow night. We plan to have information by Tues. Ev. We are going to spend about a week with my Dad. He lives in Port Charlotte, Fla.
We are looking forward to this evening, because every 3rd Sun. evening, after sevices we go to someones house for a small meal, get together and general enjoyment with one another. Tonight the church is coming to our house. This is always a thrill to Rosemary and me. Not only do we enjoy company, but the church at Howell is very special to us. We are gone a lot on mission trips with the Sojourners and the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Teams, meetings, seminars, and VBS. ( Last year, we were gone some 5 months, and will probably be gone at least that much this year) In spite of that this congregation has me preaching for them when we are here. We do love this church. They are really a great group. The bible classes-- I do not teach them-- in my opinion, are second to none. We have a big percentage of young people that we are proud of, working families and retired people some of whom have spent their whole life supporting the work. I am fortunate indeed to serve this good church. Don
We are looking forward to this evening, because every 3rd Sun. evening, after sevices we go to someones house for a small meal, get together and general enjoyment with one another. Tonight the church is coming to our house. This is always a thrill to Rosemary and me. Not only do we enjoy company, but the church at Howell is very special to us. We are gone a lot on mission trips with the Sojourners and the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Teams, meetings, seminars, and VBS. ( Last year, we were gone some 5 months, and will probably be gone at least that much this year) In spite of that this congregation has me preaching for them when we are here. We do love this church. They are really a great group. The bible classes-- I do not teach them-- in my opinion, are second to none. We have a big percentage of young people that we are proud of, working families and retired people some of whom have spent their whole life supporting the work. I am fortunate indeed to serve this good church. Don
Saturday, June 17, 2006

The bottom picture is one one of the storage facilities where we put the groceries that we carry in our trucks to people who suffer in a disaster. Much of this food is donated to us, but a great deal is also bought with the money donations you send. I can tell you this when someones 'is flooded and much food is ruined, people are thankful for the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team helping them. We always give them a bible tract. As a result of the work of the volunteers, many people have been baptized into Christ. We are really working on improving our efforts in outreach. I believe this is so important. Make sure you link to the DRT website and read Laura's blog. Don
Friday, June 16, 2006
This is a copy of a letter sent to me by Laura of the Drt
Yes........It is that time again....ALREADY
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) released the predictions for the 2006 hurricane season. The complete prediction for the season is 13-16 named storms, 8-10 being hurricanes and 4-6 of those being major hurricanes of Category 3 or higher.
The DRT is currently in the process of cleaning, reconditioning and servicing tools, generators, chain saws, etc. Care packs are being prepared and many other details that go into the preparation of responding to a disaster are being completed.
Due to the generosity of many of you, several tool trailers and RV's have been donated. We thank our GOD for you!! We are also in the process of purchasing a mobile kitchen that can serve 3000 people per day. If you are willing to help financially with the purchase of this, it is greatly needed and appreciated. Please just earmark it "mobile kitchen".
If you are a congregation in need of assistance following a disaster, please contact us immediately.
++++Please check our website for an upcoming article on ways to keep track of church members following a disaster+++
So many of you have made such a tremendous impact on the lives of people in the gulf coast. You have prayed, written encouragement letters, assembled care packs. You've gutted out nasty houses, cut trees, hung drywall (or sheetrock as they call it in the south), taped drywall, listened to the stories (sometimes over and over) of those affected by Hurricane Katrina. You've cooked meals, hugged necks, led Bible studies, baptized those who were ready to put on Christ. You have allowed GOD to work through you to show HIS love. You have made a difference in the lives of those you may have just met and even those who you may never meet.
Over 4000 of you have volunteered, helping over 5500 families. There has been over $450,000 in building material purchased. 15 local schools helped, 400 backpacks given to school children, 4500 meals cooked and served and hundreds of baptisms!!! PRAISE GOD!!
Unfortunately there is still MUCH left to do. (yes, even after all this time) We still need your help through prayers, volunteering and financial donations.
Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team
Overseen By: Elders of the Somerset Church of Christ
P.O. Box 247-Somerset, Ohio 43783
740-743-2313 --
Yes........It is that time again....ALREADY
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) released the predictions for the 2006 hurricane season. The complete prediction for the season is 13-16 named storms, 8-10 being hurricanes and 4-6 of those being major hurricanes of Category 3 or higher.
The DRT is currently in the process of cleaning, reconditioning and servicing tools, generators, chain saws, etc. Care packs are being prepared and many other details that go into the preparation of responding to a disaster are being completed.
Due to the generosity of many of you, several tool trailers and RV's have been donated. We thank our GOD for you!! We are also in the process of purchasing a mobile kitchen that can serve 3000 people per day. If you are willing to help financially with the purchase of this, it is greatly needed and appreciated. Please just earmark it "mobile kitchen".
If you are a congregation in need of assistance following a disaster, please contact us immediately.
++++Please check our website for an upcoming article on ways to keep track of church members following a disaster+++
So many of you have made such a tremendous impact on the lives of people in the gulf coast. You have prayed, written encouragement letters, assembled care packs. You've gutted out nasty houses, cut trees, hung drywall (or sheetrock as they call it in the south), taped drywall, listened to the stories (sometimes over and over) of those affected by Hurricane Katrina. You've cooked meals, hugged necks, led Bible studies, baptized those who were ready to put on Christ. You have allowed GOD to work through you to show HIS love. You have made a difference in the lives of those you may have just met and even those who you may never meet.
Over 4000 of you have volunteered, helping over 5500 families. There has been over $450,000 in building material purchased. 15 local schools helped, 400 backpacks given to school children, 4500 meals cooked and served and hundreds of baptisms!!! PRAISE GOD!!
Unfortunately there is still MUCH left to do. (yes, even after all this time) We still need your help through prayers, volunteering and financial donations.
Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team
Overseen By: Elders of the Somerset Church of Christ
P.O. Box 247-Somerset, Ohio 43783
740-743-2313 --
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I.Without question, the betrayal, trial and crucifixion of Jesus was a horrible devastating event. Heb.4:14-16, Heb.5:7, Jn.19:34
A.It appeared that the forces of evil had triumphed, but,,, Jn.20:1-10
B. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS IS THE FOUNDATION TRUTH UPON WHICH CHRISTIANITY STANDS. If Jesus was not raised from the dead on the third day, Christianity is just another story, another myth.
1.Jesus prophesied of His resurrection. Mt.16:21
If a person wants to destroy someone's faith, try to show that the resurrection of Jesus from the grave is just a myth.
II. The value of testimony--In many endeavors, witnesses are important.
1. On Oct.12,1492 Columbus is said to have "discovered America". What was the quality of the witnesses? Columbus? His sailors?
2.Look at the quality of the witnesses to the resurrection, some of the best quality possible. Many of them paid with their live before they would change their testimony. "I saw Him" was their testimony as they passed into eternity. ICor.15:58
3.There are at least eleven post resurrection appearances
1.Mary Magdalene & other Mary Mt.28:1-10, 2.Mary Magdalene, herself Mk.16:9-11
3 Simon Peter Lk.24:34,4.James, His brother,ICor.15:7,5.Apostles without Thomas
Jn.20:19-25,6 The apostles, with Thomas Jn.20:26-29, "My Lord & My God"
7Two disciples on the road to EmmausLk.24:13-35, 8The 11 apostles, Mk.16:15&16,
9.Seven by the Sea of Galilee Jn21:1,2 10.Above 500 brethren at one time ICor.15:6
11.Last of all He appeared to Paul ICor.15:8
III.His Ascension Acts 1:9
1.The Great Commission Mt.18:18-20, Mk.16:15&16
I do not believe God has given us a job to do that He hasn't given us the power to do it. Do you?
IV.He made it possible to be saved, to be right with God, to walk with God..
Rm.5:6-10, IJn.2;2 Rm.8:1, Gal.3:26&27, IICor.6:16-18
I.Without question, the betrayal, trial and crucifixion of Jesus was a horrible devastating event. Heb.4:14-16, Heb.5:7, Jn.19:34
A.It appeared that the forces of evil had triumphed, but,,, Jn.20:1-10
B. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS IS THE FOUNDATION TRUTH UPON WHICH CHRISTIANITY STANDS. If Jesus was not raised from the dead on the third day, Christianity is just another story, another myth.
1.Jesus prophesied of His resurrection. Mt.16:21
If a person wants to destroy someone's faith, try to show that the resurrection of Jesus from the grave is just a myth.
II. The value of testimony--In many endeavors, witnesses are important.
1. On Oct.12,1492 Columbus is said to have "discovered America". What was the quality of the witnesses? Columbus? His sailors?
2.Look at the quality of the witnesses to the resurrection, some of the best quality possible. Many of them paid with their live before they would change their testimony. "I saw Him" was their testimony as they passed into eternity. ICor.15:58
3.There are at least eleven post resurrection appearances
1.Mary Magdalene & other Mary Mt.28:1-10, 2.Mary Magdalene, herself Mk.16:9-11
3 Simon Peter Lk.24:34,4.James, His brother,ICor.15:7,5.Apostles without Thomas
Jn.20:19-25,6 The apostles, with Thomas Jn.20:26-29, "My Lord & My God"
7Two disciples on the road to EmmausLk.24:13-35, 8The 11 apostles, Mk.16:15&16,
9.Seven by the Sea of Galilee Jn21:1,2 10.Above 500 brethren at one time ICor.15:6
11.Last of all He appeared to Paul ICor.15:8
III.His Ascension Acts 1:9
1.The Great Commission Mt.18:18-20, Mk.16:15&16
I do not believe God has given us a job to do that He hasn't given us the power to do it. Do you?
IV.He made it possible to be saved, to be right with God, to walk with God..
Rm.5:6-10, IJn.2;2 Rm.8:1, Gal.3:26&27, IICor.6:16-18
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pictured here are several of the young people, many of them students, who are volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. They are taking their break time to help clean out flooded houses, clean debris and anything they are asked to do. They are great kids.
Questions are being asked about donations. Thank you very much for this inquirey as it is obvious that all of this work takes money. The first thing I want you to know is that any donation of money you give, is not used to pay salaries or used for "administrative services. " We are volunteers. Should you or the congregation with which you worship choose to donate, please make your check to the Somerset Church of Christ
P.O. box 247 314 North Market St. Somerset, Ohio 43783.
I spoke to one of the elders that oversees this work and I can tell you that all of your donation will be used to help people who have suffered in these disasters. Your donations of money have made the great mission work done by the DRT possible. New Christians, can be thankful for your sacrificial donation.
Donations such as canned food, diapers, cleaning materials, childrens toys, paper goods, towels, tooth brushes and tooth paste, soap, soap powder, and other household goods are much appreciated and greatly used. We do not have equipment to haul these donations but usually there is some one in your area who is going down and may well carry them for you. If you have supplies that you want carried please call our coordinator Mark at 937-308-0035 or email me at and we'll do our best to get your supplies carried. Thank you very much, and be sure your donations will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your concern and desire to donate to help feed, care, and teach the gospel with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. We are under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ Somerset Ohio. Don
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Talk about power of a hurricane. Just look at the size of this root mass. That's Rosemary standing in front of it. This was a rather old tree and had seen a lot. This photo was taken while we were on a mission with the sojourners in S. Fla. This is another mission group with which Rosemary and I volunteer. This was an evangelistic effort in which we endeavored to set up bible studies with the people of the area.
Have received emails from many of the volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, letting us know they are ready when the need arises. One of the efforts that we are working on with the DRT, is trying to improve our out reach methods. We have had opportunity to introduce many people to Jesus thru the efforts, but we want to do better. We hope to have at least one person on the various crews whose responsibility is to see that everyone gets a tract and have a name, address/or telephone number to follow up. This will take some more effort to get as many contacts as possible but the opportunities to serve and teach the Word is tremendous. Don
Monday, June 12, 2006

This top picture is a picture of much destruction to the Peace River Church of Christ Building in Punta Gorda, Fla. This destruction took place during "Charlie" nearly two years ago. The congregation is planning to rebuild and is continuing to meet in a trailer on the property. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team volunteers were a tremendous help to people during this disaster. We helped with roofing, cleaning out houses , cooking and feeding as well as comforting people.
The bottom picture is such and encouraging picture to me. These are just a few of the many, many college students who volunteered to help and help they did. These student packed dinner take out trays of food for people who had suffered so much from the flooding of the hurricane. As we give out these food trays it is always our purpose to give them a piece of literature concerning Christ and the Church. We've really got some good kids and I am so proud of them.
From the news today, we can see that hurricane season is really on us. Please know that there is a place for you with the Church of Christ Disaster Response Team. When we set up our portable kitchens to feed people this year, we are also planning to set up tables and chairs so people can sit and eat. We need people that will sit down with them and listen to them and help them know that Jesus cares and His people care also. It can be a real opportunity to lead them to Christ. Thanks for your emails and remember to click the link and go to Laura's blog. Don
Saturday, June 10, 2006
This is a Test on the Blog Spot
I received a wonderful opportunity to help get the word out about Vacation Bible School. One of the elders invited me to help. This eldership has a plan and program where helpers, young and "older" pass out a flyer to every house in the community telling them of the VBS, the speakers and the times. I am only sorry, I will not be able to attend as I will be going to a meeting where I preach at Howell and then teaching VBS at Mooresville. I thought, however, that this effort in VBS could mean so much to the children in the community and it does a lot of good for us who helped. This going door to door may not work in every community, but I hope to report later in the week the results of this effort. I am of the opinion that this congregation is going to have a great VBS.. "When you go to where people are, you can take them where you are going." Don
Friday, June 09, 2006

Pictured at the top is "Big Mike". Little children love this big fellow. He is passing out much appreciated bottled water here. Mike also pulls a commodity trailer filled with your donated supplies such as groceries, house hold items and grills & charcoal to cook with. In a disaster Mike his crew and me and my crew generally set up at the same place. A good hot meal from our crew and some much needed commodities from Mike and his crew can usually help the people until we can get back to their community. While we are there providing food for the people, we are also giving out tracts and bibles. With our new plans for outreach we believe we can greatly increase the number of bible studies at each location. Suprisingly the people, when they see how much members of the church of Christ care about them, many are then most ready to learn about this Jesus who influences us to serve.
At the end of the day sometimes after dark, we talk on the way back to the church about this lady in the white apron. That is Marcell. She and her crew, while we are out serving, is back at the kitchen cooking the volunteers a good warm meal. It isn't anything for Marcell & co. to cook a good meal for from 100-250 volunteers at a time. Marcell and her crew always have a kind pleasant word for us at the end of a hard hot day. Oh, yea, Marcell always has us some good ice cream.
Brethren the opportunity to set up bible studies thro the work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Team is tremendous. God has provided us a great opportunity to reach people with the gospel. If you want to be a part in any way from donating items, supplies, or money, or if you have the opportunity to engage in the actual work, there is room. We can use any talent to God's glory. We need folks that will just sit and listen to these good people who have been thro devastation. Listening often can lead people to Christ. PEOPLE DON'T CARE HOW MUCH WE KNOW UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH WE CARE. We care, we are the Church of Christ. Want to encourgage you to go to the web site Make sure you read Laura's blog. Good Night Don
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Some two hundred volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team just finished up a lot of hard work helping clean out houses, putting sheet rock, cutting trees and any thing else that will help people. These people were not only helped with physical things that are important to them, but they also got to meet a lot of caring christians who really want to help. No wonder these people are very interested in bible study when approached.
Just came back from teaching the adult class at Odd Fellows' Hall Church of Christ in Giles County. This church building is way back there, very few houses in the vicinity, but they have a church house full. This is a hard working church and are involved in many good works. There VBS is always great and the children just love it. A whole lot of grown folks do too.
It is 9:35 and I have yet to answer the email. By the way thank you for your email and bible questiions... Don
Just came back from teaching the adult class at Odd Fellows' Hall Church of Christ in Giles County. This church building is way back there, very few houses in the vicinity, but they have a church house full. This is a hard working church and are involved in many good works. There VBS is always great and the children just love it. A whole lot of grown folks do too.
It is 9:35 and I have yet to answer the email. By the way thank you for your email and bible questiions... Don
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Now while much of the work of the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is helping with the care of people and clean up after hurricane, here are pictures taken after the damage of a tornado in Evansville, In. The volunteers worked with a wonderful church of Christ in Evansville helping in repair, cleanup, and carrying food to people. The church was wonderful to work with. As we went into the community helping people we wrote down names and addresses and what we did. This enables a great deal of follow up. The bottom picture says better than words the appreciation the people had for the volunteers.
I want to encourage you to go to the web site and pull up Laura's blog. It is of course excellent writing, but is so encouraging, even inspirational are the statements of some of the volunteers. Believe me, brethren as you and I work in this effort, whether here at home in prayers, and gathering supplies, sending much needed money, or working in the field, we, who are a part of the volunteers receive more than we could ever give. Brethren we are making a big difference. People are learning about the Lord from our efforts. People are studying the bible because of our efforts. People are obeying the gospel because of our efforts. Let's press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Don
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Pictured here is a vacant lot in a hurricane damaged area. We volunteers cooked up food at the wonderful Creekwood Church in Mobile, Al. put it in the white coolers in the fore ground. We then set out tables on which to serve and you can see the cars and the people. These people were so thankful to the volunteers from the church of Christ. It is no problem inviting them to worship services, and setting up bible studies with them. The DRT is seriously considering the purchase of a moble kitchen trailer that would allow us to serve two meals a day at different locations. That would enable the volunteers associated with teaching to set up twice as many bible studies. Wouldn't that be great? Brethren the fields are white unto harvest. Together we are making a difference. Don
Monday, June 05, 2006

Pictured here are Neil, his wife Thelma and me. Rosemary and I enjoyed their company with them this evening as they ate supper with us. Sojourners often form very strong bonds with each other because of our mutual interest. In this picture, taken by Rosemary, we are having lunch together in the church building at Cape Coral. We were there on an evangelism sojourn. For more information on the sojourners please go to our web page at Thank you for your emails. It is 9:20pm. now and I am going there to answer them. Don
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Final installment of Anna's article on the DRT
REWARD PRICELESS!!! By helping those in need, you give them hope (Romans 5:3-5) And your Christian influence may bring them to Christ (Matthew 5:16). This is probably the hardest job you will ever have, the one you will hate to leave, and the one you will love to return to over and over again. "For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister" (Hebrews 6:10).
HOW CAN YOU HELP; Above all keep the DRT in your prayers. "You also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many"(2Corinthians 1:11) "Any amount of time, goods and services you can donate, is ALWAYS welcome,"adds Mark. "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love"(Galatians 5:6)
Monetary donations can be made payable to Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, P.O.Box 247, Somerset, Oh. 43783. By the way, Laura maintains a "blog" (web log) to help keep everyone informed. Check it out at . As you can see, there is a lot to do at this time along the Gulf coast. You can be a part of the volunteer effort. Give them a call.
MORE INFORMATION The DRT is available to come to your congregation for a presentation of past relief efforts. If you find yourself in the midst of a disaster, please call the Somerset church office at (740) 743-2313. We want to be of service to God by serving you.
Personal note. Rosemary and I are privileged to know Ken and Anna Grisham. We appreciate so much both of them, they have been a tremendous help to people who need help. Anna thank you so much for your time in writing this very informative article. Don
REWARD PRICELESS!!! By helping those in need, you give them hope (Romans 5:3-5) And your Christian influence may bring them to Christ (Matthew 5:16). This is probably the hardest job you will ever have, the one you will hate to leave, and the one you will love to return to over and over again. "For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister" (Hebrews 6:10).
HOW CAN YOU HELP; Above all keep the DRT in your prayers. "You also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many"(2Corinthians 1:11) "Any amount of time, goods and services you can donate, is ALWAYS welcome,"adds Mark. "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love"(Galatians 5:6)
Monetary donations can be made payable to Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, P.O.Box 247, Somerset, Oh. 43783. By the way, Laura maintains a "blog" (web log) to help keep everyone informed. Check it out at . As you can see, there is a lot to do at this time along the Gulf coast. You can be a part of the volunteer effort. Give them a call.
MORE INFORMATION The DRT is available to come to your congregation for a presentation of past relief efforts. If you find yourself in the midst of a disaster, please call the Somerset church office at (740) 743-2313. We want to be of service to God by serving you.
Personal note. Rosemary and I are privileged to know Ken and Anna Grisham. We appreciate so much both of them, they have been a tremendous help to people who need help. Anna thank you so much for your time in writing this very informative article. Don
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Following is the third installment of Anna Grisham's article. One more tomorrow.
Volunteers from all over the United States participate in this relief effort. Trained volunteers may include contractors, home builders, roofers, drywall installers, electricians, to name a few. Call the DRT at (740) 743-2313. Come as you are. Be ready to work for the Lord. "Therefore, my beloved brethren be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord"( ICorinthians 15:58)
There may be homes to be "gutted out" and small limb and large tree removal. Those needed are those handy with hammers\saws\skill saws\chain saws; debris removal, drivers with experience in pulling long tool trailers; cooks and bottle washers; friendly smiles and handshakes, hugs and kisses; speakers of kind words\God's word; preachers elders, deacons, the entire congregation, and last, but not least college students. Volunteers range in age from youngsters to the young at heart. Skilled and unskilled. God can use you for this work. "For we are laborers together with God" (ICorinthians 3:9 KJV)
HARD WORK REQUIRD: Mark and Laura lead the way working 24\7. Mark is the ultimatum organizer. He makes out the work orders. Mark says, " Your day may begin very early unloading a truckload of goods at a distribution site. Out in the field, GPS units are used, if needed, to located the worksite. Conditions vary site to site.You may work inside or outside You may be restoring church buildings and houses or cooking and serving hot meals. And, depending on the weather, your day may not end until sundown. Our motto is " FIRST IN, LAST OUT."
PAY VARIES: Payment is shared at the beginning of your work order, along the way at food distribution sites, anywhere along the road as you stop to share a bottle of water, a hot meal, a kind word or offer assistance by something as small as "listening"to their stories,and at the completion of your work order. Payment comes in the form of smiles, tears, hugs, handshakes, and "thank you" from the disaster survivors. Their "payment " is guaranteed to give you an assortment of "warm fuzzies"and "good memories"of helping disaster survivors in need; and from seeing Christians working together for the Lord and being a part of that effort. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1 )
REWARD--- There will be one more installment. We plan to finish tomorrow.
Friday, June 02, 2006

It's not all work when the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team go to an affected area. Here we are with several volunteers from Granny White enjoy the evening meal together. As you become a volunteer the fellowship with Christians who are so dedicated is really a spiritual encouragement. A very close bond with brethren very often occurs. These volunteers had driven some 500 miles to help and help they did. A lot of people who knew little or nothing about the church of Christ became interested because they saw Christians in action helping them. No wonder it is so easy to set up bible studies and interest people in the Lord thru the work and love of wonderful volunteers.
Again, we have pictured Anna Grisham, the author of this second installment of her article.
The DRT will bring the following to the disaster site to aid the local congregation in reaching out to their community:
Trained Volunteers
Tool Trailer completely stocked with tools, plastic sheeting and felt paper
Health Kits
Clean up Kits
Baby Kits
School Kits
The local congregation opens its doors as a distribution center of relief packaged containing food, water, new clothing, personal needs and products, Bibles, etc. to assist neighbors who have been adversely affected. Mark states, "People want to help. They don't know what you need, so I evluate what we need and ask for it. When I have ask for something, I have yet to be turned down."
WHAT TYPES OF DISASTERS DOES THE DRT RESPOND? The DRT may be called upon to respond to a wide variety of disasters. Some have natural causes while others may be related to human causes. Natural disasters include floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Human related disasters encompass such tragedies as fires, explosions and terrorist related activities. Laura commands the computer. She is "aware of a hurricane forming and its anticipated location of landfall even before the Weather Channel releases the information." This way she can "contact area congregations and make the DRT services well knownbeforer the hurricane makes landfall."
Third and last installment tomorrow night .
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pictured with me is Anna Grisham, a member of the Creekwood Church of Christ, and a volunteer. Anna in this picture is in the truck receiving supplies to take people, Anna is also an author and has granted permission to reprint this article she has written. Anna writes the following:
The headlines of the want ad reads:
(740) 743-2313
WHAT IS THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST DISASTER RESPONSE TEAM (DRT)? Founded in June, 2004 by Mark and Laura Cremeans of Ohio, the DRT is a non-profit organization overseen by the elders of the Somerset church of Christ, Somerset, Ohio, realizing the immediate need of local congregations after a disaster. As coordinators, Mark and Laura say, "The task before us is to bring Good News of the gospel to disaster survivors. Our commitment is to strengthen the local church" (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). Many people, organizations, and the government have their part to play in helping and so do Christians. "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith"(Galatians 6:10) It is the local church that can become the enduring reminder that love and support is found and help given. Therefore, we commit ourselves to work with local congregations to effectively and efficiently serve disaster survivors in Christ's name so that they will find truth and hope." "To Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:21)
WHO ARE WE AND WHAT DO WE DO? TheDART is immediately available to the local congregations in the disaster stricken area. The purpose of theDART is to aid the local congregation in re-cruiting and receivingg volunteers to assist with the emotional and spiritual needs of the disaster victims and to assistt them in the clean-up and rebuilding stage. "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).
This the first installment of Anna's article. We plan to follow tomorrow with another installment. Pleasee tell your friends about this most interesting and informative article. Thank you Don
Well when I make a mistake, it is usually a big one and did I get called on the carpet. Sooooo.. I need to retract or at least explain better a statement I made about we have only one paid employee in the DRT who receives a salary. Actually, he receives NO salary from any donations given to the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. All of your donations go to help people in disaster areas. Our boss, Mark and his family live from their savings and when time allows (and thats not often) they do some repair work back home in Ohio and other places to make enough money to sustain thenselves. I don't know how they do it, but they are two of the most dedicated sacrificial people I have ever known. We are all volunteers. How can you be a volunteer? Many ways. You can be a volunteer by coming to the affected area and helping, but you also be a very important volunteer and I believe, just as important, when you remember this work in you prayers, when you tell people about the great work in helping people done by the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, when you help gather supplies that are needed and arrange to get them to the area and of course it is a great help when money is donated to help buy materials to help people repair their house or feed them in time of crisis. Yes there is something that nearly all of us can do in volunteering with the DRT that can glorify our Lord and use this efffort to make known unto the world the manifold wisdom of God. Tonight we will be putting on the blog one of the volunteers who not only has been a great help as a volunteer, but has wriitten an article about the DRT from the viewpoint of a Christian woman. I will put her article on as she wrote it . It is so good. Please tell your friends to be watching for it at It would be put on now, but I have to stop and visit a wonderful widow woman, and visit a funeral home and visit the family as I will be preaching their Mother's funeral tomorrow. Remember Laura's blog at She and Mark are back down in the area and you can get a up close view of what's going on. Must go. "I got to get off this carpet" Don